Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pentagon 9/11 High Temperatures

It's funny you bought up Wayne Coste because when I am having a dust-up now on FB with Wayne I post videos of people who reported to be close or at the 
 KJPN - Pentagon Army Heliport, who recall nothing i.e missed at 757 or others who report only a bullet-hole which conflicts with his narrative of a large wide damaged section via photos. Also High Temperatures are unknown to him. Basically Wayne Coste says is he has never seen or heard of any of this.
Case of seeing nothing 

       No Plane Man at The Pentagon, How is this possible

9/11 Blair Bozek Describes the impact Point as a Bullet-Hole

Operation Noble Eagle 
rescue and recovery efforts   Pentagon 9/11 High Temperatures
Pentagon 9/11 Molten steel

Molten Fireproof safes at the Pentagon

Jaworski said.

He added, "When you have fireproof safes that are little piles of molten metal on the ground, that gives you some idea of the magnitude of the destruction that occurred."

9/11 Blair Bozek Describes the Impact Point of Flight 77 was a Bullet Hole
That occurred because the ever-ready Gannett News Service had used an eyewitness quote of Donley’s, published on September 12, 2001:"’It just was amazingly precise,’ Daryl Donley, a commuter, said of the plane's impact. ‘It completely disappeared into the Pentagon.’"

Daniel M. Plesse Wayne Coste Are you asking me to tell you what the "red flags" are.. 

Red Flag #1
First, in your video 
9/11 Pentatgon Evidence Summary

I believe you said the walls were NOT enforced with steel beams and this guy says the idea was to do just that. link Phoenix Project

Red Flag #2 (evidence for explosives or arson or both)
Jaworski said.

He added, "When you have fireproof safes that are little piles of molten metal on the ground, that gives you some idea of the magnitude of the destruction that occurred." 

HTA Fire again at every location on 9/11. High Temperature 

High Temperatures always means something other then a plane crash caused the damage. 

High Temperatures discovery via molten material via fireproof safes witnessed and discovered melted do to 

Red Flag #3 
People not seeing or hearing a 757

Red Flag #4 Bullet-hole Witness i.e conflicts with photographic evidence Blair Bozek | Voices of 9.11

Red Flag #5 Witness to second floor impact. conflicts with photographic evidence
Albert Hemphill - Pentagon Eyewitness -
Real names? I'm glad you asked. I'm pointing the finger at: Dominik Suter Yaron Schmuel Oded Ellner Omer Marmari Sivan Kurzberg Paul Kurzberg L. Paul Bremer Larry Silverstein Benjamin Netanyahu Menachem Begin George W Bush Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld Dov Zakheim Douglas Pfith Richard Perle Paul Wolfowitz Lew Eisenberg George Pataki Ronald Lauder Peter Janson Ralph Eberhart Bandar Bin Sultan Maurice Greenberg Ehud Barak Judith Miller Jeremy Kroll Buzzy Krongard Michael Chertoff Alvin Hellerstein Philip Zelikow Arnon Milchan name a few. The easiest way to tell which theories are disinfo (No Planes, Judy Wood, etc.) is to simply ask, "who specifically does this implicate?" If it leads to nobody real, it's often disinfo to distract from and protect the guilty. So please, tell us, which individuals with real names does your No Planes theory implicate?

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