Tuesday, March 12, 2019

FBI Attempted Three Times to Name One Hijacker

FBI Attempted Three Times to Name One Hijacker

Passenger Name List lists none of "9/11 hijackers"

Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists
Furthermore, on the morning of 9/11 on officially released passenger lists provided by the airlines to the media, not one of the alleged hijacker's names appears."

What's a passenger name list?

I wonder who decided to "shorten" the name and swapped out a “9/11 hijacker” which didn’t work out and was not on the plane? What they did was shorten the name from “Abdulrahman” to “Abdul” and "fixed" the issue right after being caught out in the open. So if they didn’t change the hijackers around to match a missing killed body to blame it on, would the DNA results still would have been listed as “Abdulrahman” or the guy the news saying he’s not a 9/11 hijacker and what happened to the ensuing lawsuit ? 

If one name had to be fixed, how many other fixes exists which I didn't catch.

All this can be done without anyone noticing anything.

Why is there a Flight Manifest and a Passenger name list?

Atta went to Maine because of the good CCTV cameras to show the visual evidence of the evil hijackers and to do a evidence dump for FBI. I wonder if FBI photographed the layout of this dumped material? I wonder if FBI was smart enough to know when someone smells fishy.

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