Wednesday, April 17, 2019

9/11 Truther Wars: Forensic Evidence Avoidance Issue

9/11 Truther Wars

  • Stuart Crosbie What is that plane part from ?
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  • Wayne Coste Daniel M. Plesse: Dan: I've investigated the damage to the Pentagon and showed conclusively that the damage is consistent with a large plane impact -- a momentum event -- with the dimensions of a Boeing 757.

    I did not study this piece, nor would I know where to find a complete parts list of a 757 to begin to identify it. I have no opinion on it.

    Here is the analysis that I have looked at -- and which people have not found any significant flaws with the material that I was confident enough to include. I can talk about material that I have in this presentation.
    Wayne Coste |
    Wayne Coste |
    Wayne Coste |

    • Daniel M. Plesse Stuart Crosbie this is NOT a good reply! He is basically saying he has no idea and placed zero effort into investigating this issue and says he can't figure out how to reach a definitive answer. 

      This is basically the "retard defense" 

      Wayne Coste You have placed ALL your research efforts in the wrong research basket. 

      I believe you should be shunned from 9/11 Truth until you start getting your act together and start looking at the evidence and begin showing definitive answers to solid questions like was it Flight 77 or not. Chances are you will never really going to get close if you can't get beyond this "retard defense" defense.

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