Monday, June 10, 2019

The World Trade Center was a Giant Soup of Vaporized Materials

Actually molten core columns are public and video with FDNY commenting that the steel was found molten are also public but that is not the main issue. Mr. Astaneh-Asl said the Steel Was Evaporated!!! missing ! Basically it was a giant soup  of vaporized materials making new chemicals on the fly i.e RJ Lee quote "Some metals, plastics and other materials were vaporized thus producing new chemicals that were deposited onto the surfaces of solid particulate matter, such as asbestos, quartz, and mineral wool. These dust and heat-processed constituents are not typically found associated with typical office building environments." Dr. Cahill also talked about new chemicals on 9/11 . Dust: The Inside Story of its Role in the September 11th Aftermath By Paul J. Lioy Page 154 "Some new chemicals were mentioned by Dr. Cahill such as fused iron spheres" Likely the fused iron spheres where from core columns as Frank Greening said "Furthermore, the m/fe ratio of the particles is consistent with WTC structural steel". the mn/fe sphericals were sometimes found inside glass sphericals via Mark Basile Chemical Engineer said in his report. Thus sphericals were created from core columns and during 9/11 and rust or iron oxide can't create the mn/fe sphericals.. Why do you avoid this evidence? Molten Core columns are even seen on youtube via FDNY.
9/11 FDNY formerly liquid iron found WTC molten steel
You sir have been debunked!

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