Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Theory About Pancake Theory

9/11 Map of an Explosion

The top down collapse theory which the
pancaking floors from above added pressure and did XYZ did not happen at all, however the man on street heard explosions and explosions going off in a timed pattern (every x seconds), so pancake theory was born. The explosion sounds were both edited out and recorded.

“Pancake Theory or crush down theory” could be the only way explain and dismiss the repeating explosive sounds heard and recorded by 911 Eyewitness Hoboken TV (2005) and Hans Kunnen tells us:
“IT was enormous IT sounded to me like somebody was shelling the city with Huge caliber cannon fire as if somebody was bombing the city because IT was these explosions, one after the other, and the entire ferry terminal was shaking, this was kilometer from Ground Zero, People were screaming, it was these explosions next one was going to hit,
  • Sam Haschets Daniel M. Plesse explosive sounds alone are NEVER proof of explosives

    and you seem confused, or just stupid, pancake is how the collapse progresses, not the trigger
  • Daniel M. Plesse Sam Haschets The pancaking floors did not happen, however the man on street heard explosions explosions going off in a timed pattern (every x seconds), so pancake theory was born. Does this help you understand?

    Explosive sounds now accompany an array of explosive evidence: from the nano level all the way to thousands of feet of body parts.

    For example body part spatter pattern is a perfect 360 degrees in all direction/

    Firefighters body part map shows explosives i.e red icons
    is evidence.

Is the still missing people still not enough evidence for explosives? Are the people who heard explosives i.e Hans Kunnen not reasoned enough of a person to say what it sounded like and why are those sounds are missing from the record? What does Hans Kunnen have to say about that. Hanns Kunnen 911 Eyewitness Hoboken TV

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