Monday, March 16, 2020

Map of An Explosion

9/11 Torso from the sky (not small pieces)

9/11 ASCE Steel Explosive Evidence C-14

Scott Hofkin,

I didn't say all of the remains were tiny. However, the pieces that traveled the farthest distance from the Towers as a result of the collapses, were. In fact, some of those pieces were so small that they had to be stored for years until the technology caught up and DNA could be extracted from them
 … (more)
You said “Mostly the air escaping the building forcing tiny pieces of human remains to go long distances.” When has tiny remains have ever gone long distances from a window? What part of the body did this fact come from? First of all you have no idea what the sizes of the body parts were and how far the different sizes went. You don’t even know how far the torso went. You assume these things to fit an agenda which does not pan out.

“Using the word “EXPLOSION” in all caps does not count as evidence that explosives were used” Yes it does, because this was EMT eyewitness telling a story of what happened AFTER the planes hit and to back up her explosion story, she spoke of another first responder seeing a torso land right in front of her, meaning the timing was during the response. Did you read the the story carefully? The torso was never meant to be a firefighter. The red icons are firefighters. Do you see the red icons on the body part map?. Those are the firefighters. I am sure CHRISTINE MAZZOLA Age. 34 PARAMEDIC FIRE DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COMMA.ND BATTALION 43 CONEY ISLAND can give you the name of Torso witness. The other thing like size of mostly tiny body parts going long distance is just made up nonsense. You need some weight to overcome the air resistance to go long distances all over other very tall buildings. That is why cannonballs are so heavy. I hope this clears some things up. Be sure to contact CHRISTINE and get the distance measurement down ad the torso witness’s name.

Scott Hofkin
Scott Hofkin

She watched the second plane on T.V

So 9 in morning estimate was about the evacuation of 25,000 people, not the time the torso impacted in front of her friend.
 The quote said ““For those who didn't get out, if they didn't jump, if they weren't burned if they weren't trapped in the collapse, THEY WERE BLOWN APART BY THE EXPLOSION. A very good friend of mine had a torso land right in front of her.”

If you can read it says: “if you weren't trapped in the collapse” this means a time just before the collapse people were blown apart and to back up this story why she thinks so was because “A very good friend of mine had a torso land right in front of her.”

This has nothing to do with.
1. “air being forced out of the buildings reached hurricane speeds.”
2. “Tiny bone fragments” Torso is not tiny.
“No, cannon balls are not heavy “to overcome air resistance”. My point was: You need to overcome the drag force, and gravity to travel through air. That was my point and not what the main reasons for the use of cannonballs have been or all the requirements for long range artillery projectiles and reasons to use them. My other point is you have no idea how far the tiny bone fragments traveled.
You are just assuming that all the dust was the same type of material regardless of distance which is just silly. No one assumes this but you.. and you are avoiding the topic with incorrect statements about the professional eye witness statement and false assumptions and not reading the materials correctly. 
Detonations in videos were jump edited out, only private videos have the random explosions still intact. Who edited all the videos?
911 Eyewitness Hoboken has the sounds you seek.


Dear Tarik Alsafi, response to video of old ladies talking about 9/11 rumors.

I said, if all the old ladies in the world knew about the distance and volume of the body parts (19,000+ parts)  and the amount of people who are still missing 1,000+ i.e BTW The still missing people were blown apart so badly that no trace exists, that all these old ladies would have a rational reason to question official narratives.

How did a collapse happen with Pasquale Buzzelli, who was with another coworker plus  “16 miracle survivors” Not get pancaked?. Pasquale Buzzelli didn’t even have any cover from smaller materials. He was the highest person on the pile. All materials, office supplies vanished also without a trace. So explosives had to do this work and millions of pounds of steel was taken away by criminals gangs and Jewish recycling plants, sent away and melted down. Negative air pressure is seen on video and reported by witnesses. Also the negative air pressure was during the dust blackout or just before dust blackout so a few second AFTER the "collapse event" NOT during.  The HARD EVIDENCE is missing and the distance the bodies traveled and even at lower floor levels and everything else these old ladies have no idea about. Explosives did not pulverize millions of pounds of steel. C-14 shows what happened to the steel.

How come very few human remains were found After 9/11
and are still missing?
What happened to the nearly 3,000 human bodies that were annihilated during the ten-second disappearances of the 110-story Towers? Answer: The same thing that happened to the office furniture, filing cabinets, telephones, computers, and other contents of the Towers. Virtually no remains of these objects were ever recovered, either. They – like the human bodies – were somehow transformed into a mixture of tiny shards and sub-100-micron dust - a lawyer said they used some type of gas 9/11 and the Neoteric Gas Report 9/11 and the Neoteric Gas Concept

Number of families who got no remains: 1,717 i.e missing
Total number killed in attacks in New York: 2,753

62% percent missing today that number is lower.
however Sneha Anne Philip was added
More than 11 years after the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center, New York City’s government is finally asking: What in the world could have happened to the missing 1,116 victims?
If you look at the body part maps created by FDNY via a Unit called the FDNY Phoenix Unit you can see the bodies were blown up.
If body parts flew over 3,000 feet, why is that not a clear example of an explosion on 9/11?
Body Part Map 1
New photo by 911Truth “911TruthNow1”
Body Part Map 1
New photo by 911Truth “911TruthNow1” Now
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory did report WTC explosions and actually wrote "explosion" right on on their seismograph
New photo by 911Truth “911TruthNow1” Now
Simple answer. The only way is to be blown up!

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