Monday, December 28, 2020

September 11th Con Artistry


Stupid is what stupid does and you get answers like this:

“Fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. However, combine the thousands of gallons of fuel and all the combustibles burning and you have enough heat to weaken the steel. Once it is weakened, that is when things start collapsing. “

This is the man on the street way of thinking. Notice every detail is removed and contradicts both the NIST report and the FEMA report and Larry Silverstein’s theory that explosives did the job

From Larry Silverstein Dear morons;
“we went through an enormous amount of effort to find out what happened on 9/11 to cause the twin towers to collapse and at the same time decide how to build a building safer and stronger and impenetrable . We scoured the world for the best engineers. Where do you think we ended up? It is a country that apparently has lots of problems in making its buildings explosion proof it's called Israel.” 

 and tons of witness saying otherwise. 9/11 Museum said:

“Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit” and this was close to bedrock..

Evidence of molten steel is ignored and scientific reports about the 9/11 artifacts fused iron floating in the air in October also points too much heat and too much Tritium and too much cancer exists, too fast to be normal office fire, “whoops we forgot to add more columns”. BS

NIST said ALL the jet fuel, all burned up in seconds during impact, morons still believe jet fuel went down both towers shafts and just so happened to blow up the nerve centers of each tower, thousands of feet away from the impact zone in the lobby and basement areas and yet the towers didn’t “weaken” in the basement area which is a bit of a contradiction don’t you think? That is why all the details are removed. Con artists always leave out the details.


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