Wednesday, March 31, 2021

September 11th A Street Clock Says 9:04 was the Impact Time

September 11th A Street Clock Says 9:04 was the Impact Time

Or was it based on  NIST 9:02:59 based on the moment the broadcasters lost power?

National Institute of Standards and Technology in September 2005, pp. 83-84, timed this event at 9:02:59 a.m., established from time stamps in four September 11 telecasts."
Basically saying "we saw it on T.V and NOT based on power issues or was the power issue actually the real story? So why would NIST create a cover story about a stupid detail like this?
"The time was 9:02:59 A.M.: The times used here for both plane crashes are those established by the NIST, which based its readings on the moment power was lost to television broadcasters working on the top floor of the north tower.
The NIST times, while lacking the elegant arithmetical acrobatics, have the virtue of being directly fixed by the moment the broadcasters lost power. "

The power went out two times?  This quote makes no sense at all. Both crashes?

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