Friday, May 14, 2021

What Do Military Explosive Demolition, Larry Silverstein and Rick Siegel all have in common?

I’ve maintained for a long time that your needn’t sever the columns or explode them — only buckle them. And of course that could be easily achieved if you pumped explosives inside the hollow box columns, and then heated up the column walls with incendiaries before you set the explosives off.

9/11 columns buckled photo do to HTA Arson 

I also showed you a photo of the explosions all over the top half of the building. Do you see this image?

Explosions All over the top half of South Tower

Demolition people said it was not a “controlled demolition” but a Military Explosive Demolition

September 11th Military Explosive Demolition then you combine that with audio by 9/11 Eyewitness

Rick Siegel DVD was about explosion sounds.
9/11 Eyewitness is a DVD by Rick Siegel

is a DVD by Rick Siegel


Hard Evidence


Larry Silverstein, the guy who insured the buildings for billions weeks before for terrorist attacks i.e bombs? said “ and so we went through an enormous amount of effort to find to find out what happened on 9 /11 to cause the twin towers to collapse and at the same time decide how to build a building safer and stronger and impenetrable we scoured the world for the best engineers where do you think we ended up is a country that apparently has lots of problems in making its buildings explosion proof !”If it was fire and heat that was the cause, he would have said making the building more fireproof and heat resistant.”

Explosion proof means explosives was the cause.

Benjamin Netanyahu
“democracy. Nations. Democracies don't go to war easily. And they usually debate and argue before they do. Sometimes they have to be bombed into going" 

Again explosives i.e bombs was used on 9/11. 

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