Tuesday, June 15, 2021

World Trade Center Molten Stone and Concrete Evidence on Display


 “molten stone and concrete”

The NYPD has upgraded the 9/11 lava display to say the materials are “molten stone and concrete”. Now after 20 years these objects are now considered molten rocks. I wonder if they got around to do tests like was done with the other objects and got the same beyond 2,000 degrees results. The 9/11 Museum did additional research and concluded BEYOND 2,000 degrees.

The only time molten stone was ever found after a disaster was during the Chernobyl event. This Trade Center artifact can be now called the Little Elephant’s Foot. 

The Elephant’s Foot is lumpy pile, a mixture of nuclear fuel, melted concrete, sand, and the melted metal that had once shielded the whole mass

Netanyahu said “Sometimes they have to be bombed into going to war!”

Guess who got bombed and who went to war?

Guess what needed protection from bombs?

The NYPD has upgraded the 9/11 lava display to say the material is made of “molten stone and concrete” Does this new display message change anyone's view as to what caused the towers to come down and vanish 1,100 people?  

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