Thursday, September 30, 2021

The State Department Fire and Car Bombing Evidence

State Department Fire and Car Bombing

Master Sgt. Dana Lark

"We’re just monitoring the Secret Service and staff radio channels. It was chaos. What’s next? All of a sudden, other reports start coming in—explosion at the White House, car bomb at the State Department. We’re under attack."

Ok, so you're probably not going to believe this but it's driving me crazy. And I am also not sure if this belongs here or on r/conspiracy, but here it goes...

I went to undergrad at the George Washington University. On 9/11 our dorms were evacuated due to the proximity of the State Department, which was car bombed. I remember leaving my dorm after watching a plane hit the towers on the Today show, in a panic because I am from the New York Area.

I grabbed a couple of my friends and we headed out to see what was going on as there were a lot of sirens in the area. We started walking through campus toward the metro, and there were legions of people walking up 21st street. There was smoke billowing up from one of the buildings at the state department. When I asked someone what was going on, she said that there was a car bombing at the state department and everyone was evacuated.

Fast forward a couple of weeks later, we took a walk to the state department and sure enough the building façade closest to E street was severely damaged. But there were no news reports of anything that happened.

TO this day people call me crazy when I tell them this story, because there is no evidence anywhere to support it. Five people could not have imagined the same scenario, could they?

i remember this as well, and if i am not mistaken, that was part of the catalyst for the reason they closed off the street in front of the state department. you can't see the street from this picture, but that is the where the road is now closed. also, a friend was a manager at a now closed gap store right next to gw, and i remember him telling me about the car bomb and describing the smoke that was coming from there.

Friday, 26 October, 2001, 01:29 GMT 02:29 UK
Anthrax scare at State Department

2001-09-11 11:31:36 Arch [1428040] C  ALPHA   Sub:WTC Update Msg:  WTC UPDATE      10:35 CNN: CAR BOMBING AT STATE DEPARTMENT<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />    10:37 CNN: UNCONFIRMED - 747 DOWN IN PEN

If you acknowledge the bombing at State, the truck bomb found in NYC with two Israelis at the wheel, the Israeli Mossad agents who filmed the first plane hitting, or the many explosions in WTC 1, 2 and 7 that were not related to the planes hitting towers 1 and 2, there is no other conclusion than 19 radical terrorists did not commit those terrible acts. The media ignored everything that didn't fit the narrative..
Yes, I've googled it on numerous occasions and most things point to a conspiracy. But I know it happened. I was there.
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I knew about that one, but it is the only credible source. People are always accusing me of making this story up. And sometimes I wonder if it really happened.

 A car bomb exploded outside the State Department, according to State Department sources.

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