Thursday, October 14, 2021

There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning

Early Explosions Inside WTC7 By the BBC has no Cover Story The BBC reported “the other building” and “a building next to trade center” was also “attacked” but that's NOT all, other news outlets included “explosions” in their reports and not just fire. The BBC reported a large building “next” the trade center “has also collapsed” because a large explosion happened AFTER South Tower fell and the same large explosion happened AFTER the North Tower collapsed as reported by Captain Jay Jonas who was inside the B stairway.. These stories are ignored by MSM and the 9/11 Truth Movement possibility due to overkilling the obvious or maybe a cover up by all media outlets and others far and near. Anything that didn't fit a cover story i.e fire, jet fuel, something else like "floors hitting floors" was covered up like a UFO crash [Southaven County Park] . We have crashes here on the Island but if you report it they send you away. It's a problem and you can't get coverage.

Join investigative reporter Joseph Flammer as he examines 60 years of Long Island's “silent alien invasion.” Read compelling interviews with witnesses and ...

Southaven County Park   The park has become famous for being the crash site of an alleged UFO in 1992.
"A third building at the World Trade Center complex, weakened by fire and the explosions, collapsed" That was the last truthful statement MSM made about 9/11 and statement was only half true.
 [Terrorist attack rocks Queens –

There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning

Explosions inside WTC 7 was reported by the BBC

You avoided the video and context again. There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning unless it was bombs. This supports the [Terrorist attack rocks Queens –] “explosions and fire” story and debunks the attempted cover-up of building 7 because it was bombs which caused the fire. 

Then the photos of WTC 7 go missing and so does the oral history of FDNY while inside WTC7. The photo and [Vince Dementri video] you do see are blown out windows but only on one floor around the whole building i.e a bomb. A reporter named Vince Dementri runs into WTC at around 5:00 p.m. however the video is edited and nothing is seen beyond the door frame. What happened to the rest of video?

How many times are you going to do this? Avoid all the good stuff! It is better to skip out mentally like a crazy person then deal with truth? I think is it easier being crazy. Mr. Crazy Joe.

So you are volunteering your time out of the goodness of your heart?

More WTC 7 explosion reports

Fail #1 “Your eye witness reports of explosions are simply explained by people choosing the word explosion to describe the noises coming from the airplane strike, the collapses, the noises from a dying building.,”

Buildings don’t die. They get blown up. Like Lucky Larry [the owner] said. He will never say that fire had anything to do with it and NIST also published videos that look like a bomb exploded in the basement for WTC7.

Opening frame of NIST starts off with a section falling i.e a bomb. This is the theme everywhere you look.

“Making the building explosion proof” [bombs]

Nope , Nope and Nope. You didn’t see the video at all then?

1. WTC 7 has no airplane strike.
2. They refer to other buildings next to WTC.
3. They don’t always say explosions.
This time it was “an attack” [bombing] on the “other building” [WTC 7] early in morning i.e the building was not “dying”

Jesus Christ your answers are getting worse and I fear this is a big waste of time and you are just bullshitting and have nothing better to do with your time and or this a crazy person volunteer troll for the Jewish and Zionist community which you have not denied like you have denied everything else. Your attempted to misdirect every sentence ever written must be some kind of a joke for someone.

Fail #2 “were broken by firemen from inside to get water in, or vent smoke”

Nope the fire department was told to stand down and let it burn. No firefighting activity was seen or recorded. The oral history is missing.

Fail #3 “ Demetri video switch, I am not a video expert, and I cannot judge that video. “ The video just ends. We don’t see Demetri anymore and he was arrested later on 9/11. I haven’t seen or heard anything from him since.

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