Thursday, October 26, 2023

9/11 Ground Zero Molten Steel Evidence 2023

 "We analyzed approximately 50 peaks based on statistical significance (counting/lack of interferences). These included thorium, uranium, actinium series, and primordial radionuclides"

Quartz sand melts around 1650 C. Cement melts around 1550 C. Limestone decomposes at 825 C into lime, and lime melts at 2572 C. Granite (another aggregate) melts at 1260 C
“The 9/11 Museum hired specialist to perform forensic testing of two large composites (9/11 WTC meteorites) and found heat levels beyond two thousand degrees Fahrenheit.”

Live power line fell, it was so hot that it melted through the sidewalk and turned the sand underneath to glass

lightning turn concrete into glass?

If lightning strikes sand, its paths as it disperses can fuse the sand into glassy structures called fulgurites

Thermite going off at Ground Zero. You brought it

Dr. Cahill fused iron spheres!

Molten Steel - Gun Carbon Steel

c) A melted box beam and the molted steel with the bible two different things and two difference videos, both examples of molten steel.

The drug problem is all yours.

I showed you molten bits

d) The firefighter assumed it was jet because what else could it be? The Wall Street Journal also reported the same thing, my guess is he thought it was jet Fuel as well. Hence the video

“Molten Steel then not Molten Steel”

Molten Steel

“Fire temperatures were no intense that concrete melted like lava around anything in its path”

They are guessing what the lava is. It looks like concrete, stone material.

a) When concrete gets hit by lightning it melts.

b) Scientists determined that heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees - molten

C) 9/11 World Trade Center Molten Steel Example!!

D) melted North Tower Steel box beam!!

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