Sunday, February 2, 2014

9/11 The Parroting Problem

9/11 The Parroting problem

9/11 Fraud James Fetzer, Judy Wood, Sofia Smallstorm

9-11 bathtub Judy wood Wrong Again
...See More

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed see "the parroting" of the information about what Dr. Steven Jones found in the dust. It is fascinating that there would be rust in the steel towers (iron oxide), fascinating that the outer face was aluminum, fascinating how "the proximity argument" plays out whereby the two, by accidental design, being so close together would produce the aluminum iron oxide that is being attributed to super-duper nano-thermite.

    I think what it means is that the heat of the neutron nuclear DEW certainly got the iron oxide to combine with aluminum as found later in the dust. "All things Oxide when on fire." Rather than pointing to a demolition mechanism, I think it points to a demolition side-effect.

    The point of your video ( seems to have been that three 9/11 Truthers from different ends of its spectrum have coincidentally "been fed the same lines" on which to attack super-duper nano-thermite.

    I think that this is more the uncovering of a nugget of truth.

    Given the other major issues that I have found with super-duper nano-thermite, it becomes much clearer how science was mis-used to jump to faulty conclusions in a limited-hang-out theory designed from the onset to be discredited. The only question was when? When would it be discredited?

    From my perspective, the one thing those three people are missing is what was available in the equation (e.g., massive heat) that would make more sense to the proximity argument.

