Sunday, February 2, 2014

RCC ELT G-Switch issue

Black Box

I always wanted to find a printed copy of all the scheduled flights on 9/11 and check to see which flights were missing. I only found Flight 175. Do you were they keep paper records of flights for 9/11 but printed in a month in advance?
looks like this!

well, those would not be available any longer,
I sure hope not.

those were printed seasonally but were not archived or avaiable online or electronically

you are looking for UAL an AA scheduled flights ?

not the crew schedules?
yeah both.
anything really.

well, the crew schedules were not made public at all, those were only for the FA to bid from never ever made public or thru electronic

some airlines stopped in the 90s using printed paper schedules for crews as it went all to the computer system but ONLY for intra company systems
So no possible way someone saved something?

I know the flights all operated and were regular scheduled daily flights

I highly doubt that anyone would have saved an outdated ... they were called Time schedule books... printed and often found a the ticket counters with all the company flights printed.

as the airline industry got more and more automated they stopped printing those books for the passengers.
Well showing that some of the flights were not list by that method what be hard to do.

BTS stats for a flight that crashed would not reflect reality those are done after the flight is completed

so if the flight crashes it is not necessarily completed by the company

can't base much on that.

I don't know each company would have a different way to handle that, and there was so much going on that day, AA and UAL both lost many employees and there was a ton of shit going on, the person from dispatch who normally sent those stats in, probably had too much going on and just did not do it, or that company has a procedure to not add it to the stats for some reason.

I word searched .
and found the pages
second link includes the word search. "What Operation"

yes and that is how a company person would refer to a flight

often, some in the industry would call the effected flight /emergency as an "operation" instead of flight, not too odd considering his position in the grand scheme of things

it was his way of asking for the flight number asking what operation

to operations "we" were operations to us and to passengers we are flights'

also because she did the nearly unthinkable

she calls a RESERVATIONS line... a good way to spend 20 to 30 minutes on hold.. NOT where you would call in any emergency

so, at first since she should not have been calling as a crew member, they think she is a passenger, so they wnt to confirm it is really someone from the flight, so they ask her seat number to pull up the manifest to check

before they call FAA on a prank.

you see, in the airline, we have lots of our own language, also we have set protocols to follow STRICKLY for any and ALL emergencies. What Betty Ong, Amy Sweeny and all the other flight attendants did was NOT protocol. ....

sorry, I was reading thru that book... LOL I have read every phone call and followed this since the S tower was hit, thankfully I was on my days off.

So, I have logged and managed to follow all the BS from the FBI

the Moussoui trial really threw a kink in to things

the FBI had by then baackpeddaled oops sorry typing too fast ... on the calls being from cell phones

they completely left our Barbara Olsens calls
Hold on , Why did they not use protocol?

and LOTS was changed by the feds

well, that is a good question.
Do you know that all cell based calls are traceable? and use cell towers?

I have read no plane theories etc, but those people don't understand how the airline system works

yes I know about cell phones I was commuting coast to coast in 2001


tried many times to see if any reception for calls or texts
also the seat back phones.

those were a piece of crap phones

and expensive as hell

they also did not work well and you could only maybe have one phone in use at a time or one in first and one in coach
Did you work for AA or UAL?

AA had removed most all of theirs off the 757 by that ttime


but we all have the same equipment and training
darn! haha

I couldn't tell you that info any way, don't feel bad. LOL
are you going to write a book or something about 9/11?

did you ever read the FBI reports from 911 and their version of who said what to who???
Its all in that book I think. Search for quotes and check ..

No, I know of a retired flight attendant that is in the process of writing one,

I am a better cook than writer as you can see by my typing LOL

I have that book up on a file here and will read it, its really interesting how they changed the words etc on most all the calls isn't it?
I thought your typing was good.

LOL you can't see my backspaces
The whole 9/11 drives me crazy.
FBI was down and dirty on Flight 800 too.

yes, it was quite the life changing event for everyone

oh yeah I know people that were on 800

that sucked

same type of coverup too

I always thought 800 was hit by a laser weapon they were testing at Langley
the NTSB employees said the FBI fucked them over right on camera and nothing happened.

just my own personal guess, because it was very covered up and when ever you see the details all change like they did and eye witnesses silenced you know its a cover up

yes I had some NTSB people on my flights during that investigation
One of the lone gunman character's name is called "Langley" those bastards.

do you know every year, flight attendants study crashes? all the ones from previous years and how they did or did not evacuate and what happened in each section of the plane etc.

LOL no, Langley??? LOL in the Lone Gunman show??? I never watched it, but that is pretty in your face.

so on 911 when I saw that 76 disappear into that building

I honest to god, thought my younger brother who was into technology was playing tricks on my tv

since he had called me and told me to turn on the tv, I was jetlagged bad, and turned it on just to see that IMPOSSIBLE event

I really thought it was him messing with me, like a trick, since what I saw could not happen.
Long Kiss Goodnight plot: terrorize for a increased in budget"

still not sure how they did that.. LOL but its a detail that doesn't really matter ... how, its most important WHO and WHY

was Long Kiss Goodnight a movie?
yeah Shane black wrote it.

I will have to look for that, easy title to remember.

is that the entire movie?
no one clip haha lol

"do you know every year, flight attendants study crashes?" nope

so, what do you think is the deal with Ken Doc?

yes we do, so when you see a crash like Shanksville... you KNOW its BS
Do you know about the ELT signals?

not by that name, what is it?
G-force based switch during a plane crash house in the tail cone of every plane.
Sends a signal during a plane crash

is it related to the voice commands in the cockpit ? like PULL UP PULL UP???
I don't think its the black box signal.
No gravitational switch is a chip.

oh, makes sense, when the plane is descending and the glide slope needs adjustment, a voice command says PULL UP sounds like it could be related, I have never heard of it

so when there is a crash there has to be a specific G force?

to activate this ?
Its all in that book.
Did you know Flight 11 was on Fraser?

are you referring to the Emergency Locator Transmitter??

ok well that I know about

no, the emergency locator

but that is not how that works on a Boeing

there are other data collectors.

those locators are water activated. if you ditch a commercial jet

they would not have activated on 911

I know about the Fraser guy being onboard .

LOL the ELT, is a water activated transmitter they are located usually at 1R and 4 or 5 R on the 747 3R
I have to step out for a second. We will talk again. My email is if you need it.


  1. That whole side of the building was already in shadow. Debunked. & once again conspiracy believers cannot decide of the perpetrators are Jews, Secularists, or "Luciferians".

    1. What side of which building?

      Which one is Michael Aquino a Jew , Secularists, or a Luciferians NSA Michael Aquino Church of Set

      NSA Lt Col Michael Aquino, the Temple of Set Michael Aquino Neutron Bomb

      MindWar: Paper by NSA Lt. Col. Michael Aquino – 1980 Military Doctrine Paper
