Saturday, February 4, 2017

9/11 Flight Path Intended routes and American Airlines Flight 11 debris

American airlines flight 11 debris does not match dark blue stripe and no white stripe is present..

Intended route
Not Flight 11

NOT Flight 77

Paula Pluta jetliner at treetop level as it dived toward the ground a mile away at an angle of 60 degrees to 70 degrees

""I heard a really big roar," said Paula Pluta, who was in her home, about a half-mile from the crash site, watching "Little House on the Prairie" on cable television when the plane passed over her house. "All I saw was the plane nosedive. I saw a huge fireball, 150 feet up in the air. It knocked the garage door open. The whole house shook."
John Fleegle aluminum skin of the plane Indian Lake Marina

NOT Flight 175

"I saw the second plane"  21 results all TV results
Detroit Free Press; Detroit, Mich. [Detroit, Mich] 11 Sep 2001: X.2.
The second plane was United Flight 175, a Boeing 767. It left Boston at 7:58
a.m., bound for Los Angeles. That aircraft carried 56 passengers, two pilots
and seven flight attendants, the airline said.
The airline would not say where that plane crashed.
0:16:12 - Voice of Dr. Jay Atlasberg in Uptown Manhattan, 2nd plane eyewitness
propeller plane witness list 1. DR. J. ATLASBERG, 2. Fox News, and 3.Grey Plane Man

As you can see, the second explosion that you are looking at now in the second twin tower has spread much debris, much more debris than the first explosion of the first accident. If there is -- is Winston still on the line with us? 

OK, he's not there. 

But do we have -- I'll just talk to my producer. Do we have eyewitness that perhaps sees better than we do from the pictures?

Again you can see that there is debris falling off. 

OK, we actually have an "Eyewitness News" reporter, Dr. J. Atlasberg (ph) who was downtown at the time and he is on the phone with us live.

Dr. J., what can you tell us? 

DR. J. ATLASBERG (ph), REPORTER: Hello, Steve. 

I'm actually uptown at 86th and Riverside. I can see the World Trade Center from about half the building up to the top. And about five minutes ago, as I was watching the smoke, a small plane -- I did -- it looked like a propeller plane, came in from the west. And about 20 or 25 stories below the top of the center, disappeared for a second, and then explode behind a water tower, so I couldn't tell whether it hit the building or not. But it was very visible, that a plane had come in at a low altitude and appeared to crash into the World Trade Center.

9-11: May we always remember: [2]

Schwab, DonnaAuthor InformationView ProfilePalladium - Item; Richmond, Ind. [Richmond, Ind] 13 Sep 2002: A.8.
My husband, Don, and I always watch "Good Morning America," and they were taking their last break; it only lasted for a second it seemed. When they came back on, Charlie and Diane (the show hosts) were standing in front of the big window looking out on Broadway.
We could see the first plane turning back toward the World Trade Center. At that moment, Diane said that something was very wrong because that is a "No Fly Zone," and then all we could see was the smoke and the back section of the plane hanging out of the building. The second plane was seen then and it went very fast into the second building.

 then all we could see was the smoke and the back section of the plane hanging out of the building. (This is the third women to says this,,)

1. NYPD Officer Carol Pauker

NYPD Carol Pauker first plane half in, half out of the North Tower

3. Sue Keane page 62 "I looked up, and I could see the end of the plane sticking out of the Tower"

Michael Lee "
 his boss said, "Mike, isn't that plane really close to the building?" He leaned back in his chair, looked out the window and watched the first plane angle on its side and crash into Tower One."

Five years later, we're still on uncertain ground

Asheville Citizen - Times; Asheville, N.C. [Asheville, N.C] 10 Sep 2006: B.4.

The morning of the attack, I was preparing for work and watching Good Morning America. They interrupted the regular program and showed the first plane hitting the tower. When they said a 
second plane was headed to the other building, I just stopped what I was doing in disbelief.

9/11 truth news Clearly NOT Flight 11, 175

Not A Flight 11 or Flight 175

Ray Kraaijenhagen The truth of 9/11 is simple, we hear an explosion, knowing that jet fuel does not explode, it is called deflagration .. The "woof" you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration.

Deflagration is, believe it or not, a relatively gentle process which is simply the rapid burning the fuel. When we cause an air/fuel mixture to deflagrate in a semi-enclosed space (such as a pulsejet or auto-engine) then pressure is generated and that pressure can be harnessed to perform some work -- eg: create thrust or turn a crankshaft.

One of the primary attributes of deflagration is that the flame travels at a speed significantly lower than the speed of sound.

Detonation however is a far more powerful reaction of the air/fuel mixture and results in such a rapid reaction that the pressure-wave created travels at super-sonic speeds.

In effect, detonation is a violent explosion and as such it produces vastly higher pressures than the simple burning process of deflagration.

NIST never investigated the impact Explosions. They investigated the destruction to the towers from the kinetic energy of the plane .. and they discussed the fuel load .. but they never did investigate the initial explosions. Jet fuel does not explode .. so what did explode? Some extra explosive going of at the time the plane got ripped apart, the result a "fuel air" explosion. Throw in a little nanothermite and it is called a thermobaric explosion. Please do look into the plane crashes, for these are not just normal planes crashing, they got that extra

Explosion .. was never investigated.

Please check out my DailyMotion channel for more videos: http://ww…
LikeReply14 hrs
Ray Kraaijenhagen The planes were everywhere .. blow apart, detonated.

PENTTBOM is the codename for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's probe into the September 11 attacks of 2001, the largest criminal inquiry in the FBI's history. Its name stands for 'Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation'.

PENTTBOM is the codename for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's probe into the September 11 attacks of 2001, the largest criminal inquiry in the FBI's history. Its name stands for 'Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation'. The investigation was launched on September 11, 2001, and involved 4,00...
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LikeReply14 hrs
Bob Runyon I don't know how widely known this is however it is a technique available to forensic science to have the paint on anything analyzed in such detail as to the specific batch of paint could be known,
that would place the item in question within a range of production runs. This would help identify if the wreckage was indeed FLT11, FLT175 .... or??
LikeReply1 hr
Daniel M. Plesse Where is this piece located now?
Eric Boehm <>
LikeReplyJust now

Good Bad 9/11 Television
ABC was switching around cameras and therefore recording the events with different cameras which should have captured the second plane differently as per camera recording and most importantly and hopefully with higher resolution with some of the others cameras, however we only see the low resolution version at the worst possible time, the one that contains the second plane impact.. Did ABC breakout each camera recording and release them separately?

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