Thursday, February 2, 2017

The creation of Al Qaeda

The creation of Al Qaeda

2 bombing suspects in U.S. for trial: [FINAL Edition]

Johnson, KevinUSA TODAY; McLean, Va. [McLean, Va] 28 Aug 1998: 01A.

One of the suspects, Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-`Owhali, arrived in New York late Wednesday after telling authorities that the bombing operation was intended to be an act of "martyrdom" which he did not expect to survive.

Following his arrest two days after the bombing, Al-`Owhali reportedly told investigators of
his link to terrorist camps in Afghanistan tied to the terrorist group Al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden

Detroit Free Press; Detroit, Mich. [Detroit, Mich] 20 May 1999: A.5.


Ex-GI accused of plots
A former U.S. Army sergeant was indicted Wednesday for allegedly participating in a conspiracy led by Saudi exile Osama bin Laden to kill Americans abroad. Ali Mohamed, 46, was charged with acting with others including bin Laden's group al Qaeda to plan the murders of U.S. military personnel stationed in Saudi Arabia and Somalia and last August's bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

MR. [Ali A. Mohamed] -- Your honor, in the early 1980's I became involved with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization. In the early 1990's, I was introduced to Al Qaeda -- Al Qaeda is the organization headed by Osama bin Laden -- through my involvement with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

When I engaged in these activities . . . I understood that I was working with Al Qaeda, bin Laden, Abu Hafs, Abu Ubaidah, and that Al Qaeda had a shura council . . .

I was aware of certain contacts between Al Qaeda and Al Jihad organization, on one side, and Iran and Hezbollah on the other side. I arranged security for a meeting in the Sudan between Mugniyah, Hezbollah's chief, and bin Laden. Hezbollah provided explosives training for Al Qaeda and Al Jihad. Iran supplied Egyptian Jihad with weapons. Iran also used Hezbollah to supply explosives that were disguised to look like rocks.

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