Tuesday, January 16, 2018

September 11th Quick Summary 2018

3:07 "Tower 2 has a Major Explosion and Complete Collapse" How is this not a bomb ?
Tower 2 has had a major explosion and what appears to be a complete collapse surrounding the entire area."
FBI Allowed Flights on 9/11 Saudi Arabia Proxy Agents 
9-11 Everything was faked 2018 Al-Qaeda Plane were switched
9/11 Suspicious person screaming on the streets "...Go home, they're blowing up the buildings" Subsequent Explosions 

1. Betty Ong 904-555-0004 2. Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004 3. Barbara Olson 904-555-0004 4. Todd Beamer 200-200-0000 (They XXXX I commercial number why?)

Robert Fisk did not believe UBL was a member of Al-Qaeda in fact Al-Qaeda was known as place not AN organization. Photo link

 Robert Fisk believed World Terror Inc. was the origination both before 9/11 and after. Robert Fisk interviewed Osama Bin Laden i.e

Bin Laden if we call him the head of World Terror Inc.

World Terror Inc is a signals that layers upon layers of fake organizations exists all for a sign cause.. a creation of another organization  i.e
Israeli CIA Agent Talks About The New World Order

Everything was faked 2018 1. Al-Qaeda 2. Planes were switched 3. calls were
faked 4. bombs in building

Molten Steel Did Happen on 9/11 Above Ground too

9/11 Second Plane Circled Around Update 4 2018 i.e Not Flight 175

9/11 Netanyahu PNAC World Trade Bombing was the right thing to do

the FBI was busy vacuum up 9/11 videos.

"Naudet" via my library... and found out the FBI was busy vacuum up videos.. Moment Of Clarity "Before the FBI took the Naudets' material, [Jules Naudet] duped the footage involving the WTC's north tower. The tape was sold to CNN via Gamma Press, a Paris-based photo agency that represented Naudet in selling the rights. Contrary to at least one news report, Naudet said the FBI was not waiting at the brothers' home but were at the firehouse when they returned there. He also said agents did not, as has been reported, confiscate their footage. "We volunteered all our tapes," Naudet said. "We are very glad to be of help." Before the FBI took the Naudets' material, Jules duped the footage involving the WTC's north tower. The tape was sold to CNN via Gamma Press, a Paris-based photo agency that represented Naudet in selling the rights." So they made copies the footage while lower Manhattan was going to hell amid explosions? Did they know the FBI was going to waiting for them and how did the FBI find out about them? I wonder where the copies were made? BROTHERS MUM OVER WTC FILM "Jules was shooting in the north tower of the Trade Center early that Tuesday morning, while Gedeon was in the south tower, also filming. The footage, previously authorized by the FDNY, was turned over to the FBI Tuesday night, after an agent was dispatched to their Midtown apartment. The agency confiscated the five hours of video but allowed Jules to make a copy of it. " Evidence Jules Naudet Criminally Deleted Audio American Airline 9/ 11 Joseph W. Pfeifer

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