Thursday, January 18, 2018

9/11 Blasted by Explosives Evidence


Just because they heard explosions doesn't mean they heard bombs. Ask any firefighter if they ever heard anything explode at a large fire...THEN ask them if every explosion is caused by explosives!

911TruthNow YouTube

9/11 Blasted by Explosives Evidence 
Did these other imaginary firefighters say this within the context of a building vanishing to dust in seconds? Fire is not the right context here and what about injuries? Did people report broken bones too then? If so please link me to this wonderful report. So 9/11 was not just hearing explosions, people were blasted, interviewed in hospital beds, burned outside the building after seeing fireballs long after the jet fuel was long gone. The ground was moving. When has injuries, 46-50% missing people and body parts 3,368 feet away, earthquakes, rumbling sounds before two buildings vanished (with people in the center doing just fine), and hearing explosions not been associated with bombs, explosives etc..? Speed of explosions, Timing of explosions, size of explosions i.e Richter scale of 2.4 and beyond, flying body parts and the missing don't add up to your minimized just random fire pops in a large fire world view. But go ahead and prove it to me and show me that report with all these data points added, thanks. Or the problem could be you didn't know any of this in the first place or you just can't jungle all these data points in your head. Or an investigation never happened. Or none of the people in authority bothered to stick their heads out. Or you can't handle the truth and all you can handle is (it was a "large fire" with some sounds). Wake Up! The ground was moving. When has injuries, 46-50% missing people and body parts 3368 feet away , earthquakes, rumbling sounds before two buildings vanished (with people in the center doing just fine), and hearing explosions not been associated with bombs, explosives etc.. klmullins65? Timing, size i.e richter scale of 2.4 and beyond reported by some but NOT officially right cover that up too, body parts and the missing was mistaken as just random fire pops in a large fire? Show me that report, thanks. The problem is, you didn't know or can't jungle all these data points in your head. All you can jungle or handle is "large fire".. 9/11 Human Remains Flew 3,368 feet away
Was He Blasted? 9/11 Cover Up
9/11 Human Remains Flew 3,368 feet away

Everything was faked 1. Al-Qaeda 2. Planes were switched 3. calls were faked 4. bombs in building
Robert Fisk did not believe UBL was a member of Al-Qaeda in fact Al-Qaeda was known as place not AN organization. Photo link Robert Fisk believed World Terror Inc. was the origination both before 9/11 and after. Robert Fisk interviewed Osama Bin Laden i.e Bin Laden if we call him the head of World Terror Inc. World Terror Inc is a signals that layers upon layers of fake organizations exists all for a sign cause.. a creation of another organization i.e Israeli CIA Agent Talks About The New World Order Everything was faked 1. Al-Qaeda 2. Planes were switched 3. calls were faked 4. bombs in building
Edited 2d ago · 23 neighborhoods in General


1 Reply

James DePasquale·4d ago
I don’t get it. What are you trying to say?

Dan Plesse·Edited 2d ago
Robert Fisk did not believe UBL was a member of Al-Qaeda in fact Al-Qaeda was known as place not AN organization. Photo link Robert Fisk believed World Terror Inc. was the origination both before 9/11 and after. Robert Fisk interviewed Osama Bin Laden i.e Bin Laden if we call him the head of World Terror Inc. World Terror Inc is sign of layers upon layers of fake organizations all for a sign cause.. i.e Israeli CIA Agent Talks About The New World Order Everything was faked 1. Al-Qaeda 2. Planes were switched 3. calls were faked 4. bombs in building

James DePasquale·3d ago
Ok. If all that is true what is your main point?

Dan Plesse·Edited 3d ago
We also have 904-555-0004 traced for three calls across Flight 11 and Flight 77 and an 200 area code for flight 93.. Google says area code (200) 200-xxxx does not exit so how did someone find this number?

Dan Plesse·3d ago
9/11 Fade To Black Park Foreman Brooklyn still photo of Issue #1

James DePasquale·3d ago
Ok. Your posting evidence. But what are you saying???? Or maybe you won’t say?

Tony Finelli·2d ago
Plus, no one has a local phone number beginning with 555. 555 is always used as part of the storytelling device in tv and movies, untraceable to any real household or person.

James DePasquale·2d ago
Ok great. All of these so called facts. What are you trying to say? Are you saying this never happened? Well, it did.

Tony Finelli·2d ago
This may or may not be bullshit, but, the only fact-checked piece of the puzzle I want revisited is that air travel was grounded nationwide for days for everyone, with the exception of the extended family members of Bin Laden, whom the Bushies managed to scurry out of the country back to Saudi Arabia.

Dan Plesse·2d ago
Tony 9/11 Flights to Saudi Arabia Saudi Flights pdf Judicial Watch (area) 555-1212 is computerized information

Tony Finelli·2d ago
Unbelievable. More than a dozen flew out. My birthday is on Sept 13th and I desperately wanted to fly out of Tampa to be with my family in the city, but couldn't. How is this not THE smoking gun everyone knows about is beyond my understanding.

James DePasquale·2d ago
So it’s a conspiracy. To accomplish what? Why would our government kill thousands, blow up buildings, etc? To what end?

Dan Plesse·2d ago
9/11 Quick Summary James .. 9-11 Everything was faked 2018 Al-Qaeda, Planes and Investigations

Tony Finelli·2d ago
It's a "I'm gonna look the other way" backdoor vicarious liability situation. The Bushies took advantage of the opportunity presented to them to create war and enrich private contractors pockets. It's no different than the JFK cover-up in my opinion. A person is to receive an autopsy in the state for which the death occurred. His corpse was rushed onto AF1 back to Washington, just like the savages who were rushed out of our country after 9/11.

Dan Plesse·Edited 1d ago
Tony 9/11 Evidence: Insider Trading: They Knew 2017-They Knew 2017

James DePasquale·1d ago
Fuel up the black helicopters, put on your tin foil hats. The government is coming for you.

Dan Plesse·8h agoNew
WTC 7 edited out explosives, North Tower Explosives and Black Plane Witness

Patricia Spofford·21m agoNew
What are you saying. I was there. Fricking big planes hit both towers. In fact one our general manager's son was on one of those planes. The bldgs were on fire. Hundreds of gallons of jet fuel burning. The way planes hit cut off sprinkler systems. Fuel leaked thru elevator shaft. Burning temp high. Corners weakened. Bldg collapsed. Actually collapsed down if it went out that would have been more devastating. Explosions. So are you saying bombs were put throughout? The bldgs were weakening. Made noise and going down sounded like explosions.

Dan Plesse·Just now
Patricia no one witnessed "big planes" 767-200's are giants Bombs happened long afterwards, even after the towers were long gone.. sounds were recorded here 9/11 Circling Plane 2018 With Time Stamps 9/11 Circling Plane 2018 witness list

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