Sunday, February 4, 2018

9-11 Easy Answers to 9-11 debunker stupid questions, issues and a lifestyle of denial

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Ellis Edwards The steel melting issue is irrelevant anyway. The building DISINTEGRATED and SPRAYED all over Manhattan. It wasn't "collapse", it was EXPLOSIVE FORCE.

Daniel M. Plesse The point of molten steel points to HIGH TEMPERATURE ACCELERANT Manage

The steel melting issue has nothing to do steel failures via weakening or bending which could cause building failures or truss failures or even core column failures, however it does have to do arson fires in the 90's which also caused Steven W. Carman Special Agent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms May 1994 to write a report called HIGH TEMPERATURE ACCELERANT FIRES which also applies to 9/11.


911TruthNOW - Steel melting, never seen evidence of that in any 911 analysis that bears credibility.


1. National September 11 Memorial and Museum said the fused materials were determined to be at heat beyond two thousand degrees Fahrenheit 2.Bechtel helicopter Measures 2,800 3. Scott Schrimpe, FDNY, 9/11 Melted Steel Molten Steel Box Beam FDNY 9/11 Melted Steel Molten Steel Box Beam FDNY Scott Schrimpe, FDNY,
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Evidence Of A Bomb and Frank Greening's WTC Structural Core Sand 
Go to the doctor for your denial. How did so much WTC Structural Core columns turn to sand? Jet Fuel? Nope

Denial: When it helps, when it hurts - Mayo Clinic

9-11 Easy Answers to 9-11 debunker stupid questions, issues and a lifestyle of stupid Assumptions and MythsIssue #1 Why Didn't Bush Attack Iraq after 9/11?: Second 9/11 False Flag Attack Attempted by Bush back-to-back failed! The leaked Downing Street Memo 1. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy of an attack. PRESIDENT BUSH had plans to lure Saddam Hussein into war by flying an aircraft over Iraq painted in UN colors in the hope he would shoot it down, a book Lawless world : America and the making and breaking of global rules from FDR's Atlantic Charter to George W. Bush's illegal war / Philippe Sands
Your request for Lawless world : America and the making and breaking of global rules from FDR's Atlantic Charter to Ge was successful.
You will be able to pick up this material at Smithtown Library Main when it is ready.

Issue #2
Lamont Doherrty  reported explosions at first 
Explosions often happen during Fires, ask any Firefighter." True but how many of these explosions showed up on  seismographs?  the answer is none.. The only objects to create 2.4 magnitude sized  earthquakes are very large high explosives. Ask any seismologist what events have caused 2.4 magnitude earthquakes and you will have you answer.. First paragraph has been answered and debunked.

André Rousseau a Seismologist  said it was explosions and Lamon Doherty Reported explosions right on there seismographs!

Pulverization of the towers is another reason why the towers did not create  2.4 magnitude sized  earthquakes!
On September 11th civilian body parts flew 886 feet greater distance then Firefighters 

Bodies were also pulverized and violently ejected hundreds of feet! First responders flew less distance then civilian ..

In one case, more than 300 pieces found were from one single victim.

No remains have been found for more than 1,000 WTC victims. Bodies were pulverized and violently ejected hundreds of feet in all directions and mapped.

moronic issue 12weasel100
 Who says that the only thing in the world that can be registered on a seismic meter is a demo charge??

answer : 911TruthNOW

First I did not say
"only thing in the world that can be registered on a seismic meter is a demo charge??"

I did say "The only objects to create 2.4 magnitude sized  earthquakes are very large and high level explosives."

Issue #2 Photo above
Second issue was about the core column spheres that were trapped like sand on a lady's shirt. This shirt was bagged right after or during 9/11, so the clean up issue does not exist... The photograph of bomb exploding i.e the yellow flash happened clearly during and not after.. So your second issue is also  debunked and dismissed..

Frank Greening lady's shirt Study 2017
"the Mn/Fe ratio for these particles is consistent with WTC structural steel." High Heat

moronic issue 12weasel100
2- never heard you morons ever talk about "sand" this is a new one reply 911TruthNOW 

Dr Frank Greening Bio - 911myths › Home › Investigations, more › Other contributions

I have a Ph. D. in chemistry , but my official title for over 20 years was Senior Research Scientist at what used to be called Ontario Hydro and is now Ontario Power Generation. I was in charge of radioanalytical chemistry research and discovered all sorts of problems with OPG's CANDU reactors... [Google FrankGreenings ...

Issue #3 High Heat  Joe Rogan "It doesn't have to melt"


"Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit" Or clear High Temperature Arson .. But when it did and has before on Unsolved Mysteries they assumed criminal activity not jet fuel..
So assume its criminal again!
From 9/11 to Unsolved Mysteries The  History of High Temperature Accelerant

moronic issue 12weasel100
 that burns. And the "answer" doesn't address the point that steel only needs to weak in order to doesn't need to melt. And the temp range that your own cult puts the fires at (around 1500) is well within the range to weaken steel..

reply 911TruthNOW

The steel melting issue has nothing Steel failures, weakening or bending which could cause building failures or truss failures or even core column failures, however it does have to do arson fires in the 90's which caused Steven W. Carman Special Agent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms May 1994 to write a report called HIGH TEMPERATURE ACCELERANT FIRES
1. Unsolved Mysteries is a normal T.V program addressing the arson fires in the 90's..

The steel melting issue has do with  high temperature arson or Nano Thermite Reactions

HIGH TEMPERATURE ACCELERANT FIRES by Steven W. Carman Special Agent Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms May 1994

Temperatures for thermite reactions have been reported 70 between 2,000o C (3,632o F) and 2,800o C (5,072o F) (13,30). Even though the heat of combustion of an Al-Fe thermite reaction is only about 12% of that for general aluminum combustion, the peak temperatures are about 75% as high. One reason thermites create such high temperatures is because of the minimal amount of gas produced. This enables heat to concentrate in the solid and liquid products rather than being carried away in a gas cloud (6). One distinction between these reactions and standard combustion of metals, is that in a thermite reaction, a clearly detectable slag remains. This is of utmost importance to fire investigators who suspect thermites may have been used.

9/11 Thermite Explosion On West Street September 11th

nothing else..

   Unsolved Mysteries does address  High Temperature Fires and arson in 90's which used the same sources and method as 9/11.. 9/11 Arson does exist.. "it doesn't need to melt." is not something that Arson investigations address historically, they do however look at thermite sources and methods.  9/11 is thermite based arson investigation so that's the only  issue that matters..

Issue #4   columns and the trusses failed
"BTW, the decks themselves didn't fail; the connections to the columns and the trusses failed." true but Failed do to explosives look at the photo above case closed again.. Sand was the WTC core = explosives..

New York State Museum and National September 11 Memorial & Museum are doing the talking now and not the 9/11 priesthood and both validate the Truth Movement. 

  • Given the data in Active Thermitic Material Discovered I summarize the composition of the chips as follows:
    • gray layer: a hard homogeneous ceramic
      composition: iron and oxygen
    • red layer: an engineered nano-composite substance, comprising:
      • matrix: a nano-structured semi-transparent porous material
        composition: silicon, oxygen, and carbon
      • particles: homogeneously embedded in the matrix and consisting of:
        • thin predominantly hexagonal plates
          dimensions: ~40nm thickness, ~1000nm diameter
          composition: mostly aluminum, with small amounts of carbon and oxygen
        • rhombic faceted grains
          dimensions: ~100nm diameter
          composition: mostly iron and oxygen, probably as Fe2O3, with small amounts of silicon, sulfur, and carbon

    Thermal Behavior of the Chips

    9/11 New York State Museum NO recognizable desks, file cabinets, chairs Were Found

    Part 1 

    "Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit" Or clear High Temperature Arson

    20th October 2014, 05:54 AM  #1
    Penultimate Amazing

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    Matt Nelson: 9/11 Debris - An Investigation of Ground Zero

    Matt Nelson, a truther it seems, has put together and just (this september, I believe) released a massive (176 pages, PDF; 37 MB file) and well-sourced documentation of the Ground Zero debris situation in New York:

    His interpretation and tenor leans invariably towards CTs, but if you can ignore the tendatious (tendentiouscommentary and the arguments from incredulity, this looks like a good summary of lots of evidence to start a search from, if debris, dust, human remains, memorabilia, clean-up operations etc. interest you.

    Also, his homepage contains a ton of links to videos and other docu.
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    9/11 Debris: An Investigation of Ground Zero

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