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9/11 Bomb Flash and WTC Core Column Spheres were found on lady's shirt |
Dr. James G. Quintiere, fire protection expert, stated: “I know of no peer review of the NIST work on WTC. They had a[n] Advisory Committee, and even some of them did not agree with the NIST work and conclusions.” In a paper on the WTC investigation, Quintiere ends with this statement: “I would recommend that all records of the investigation be archived, that the NIST study be subject to a peer review, and that consideration be given to reopening this investigation to assure no lost fire safety issues.” http://www.mdpi.com/2304-6775/5/2/16/htm
9 11 Firefighters Tyrone Johnson, Jimmy Grillo and James Duffy
9/11 The Missing and Body Part Distance Mapping
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3:56 AM (9 hours ago)
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JS Sehrawat is among the top eight world forensic scientists who have been selected to this programme.
CHANDIGARH: A forensic scientist of Punjab University has been invited to work with other scientists towards a complex identification process of human skeletal remains of 9/11 World Trade Centre attack victims.
Please keep in mind the cover up.. Also please expose what happened to the bodies..
These video detail the issue
NYC Medical Examiner Said he was blown up on 9/11 then changes his story
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DTZG238jH9k
9/11 The Missing and Body Part Distance Mapping
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=IxTlMXOHoOo
9/11 A Hard Look At The Victim Track Database
Good Luck!
CHANDIGARH: A forensic scientist of Punjab University has been invited to work with other scientists towards a complex identification process of human skeletal remains of 9/11 World Trade Centre attack victims.
Please keep in mind the cover up.. Also please expose what happened to the bodies..
These video detail the issue
NYC Medical Examiner Said he was blown up on 9/11 then changes his story
9/11 The Missing and Body Part Distance Mapping
9/11 A Hard Look At The Victim Track Database
Good Luck!
4:53 AM (8 hours ago)
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Extremely sorry to tell you that it is totally inaccurate and I am not a going or am a part of any such thing. Just misinterpreattion and miscontruetion of facts in some reports.
JS Sehrawat
Reply :
Dear JS Sehrawat,
Please understand this is world's greatest scandal and if high number of missing (50% of the World Trade victims are still missing)
and the body part distance maps don't convince you then seismology could and after that more evidence of people talking being blown up and fireballs
attacking people outside the towers. Look at the burn people have gotten later in the day and
Here are some new burn victims which might interest you especially the Asian woman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dRplVK9ivdE
http://911truthout.blogspot. com/2015/09/the-details-of- 911-and-collapse.html
said it was explosions and Lamon Doherty Reported local explosions right on there seismographs!
http://911truthout.blogspot. com/2017/08/9-11-talk- explosions-medical-reports. html
Lamon Doherty Reported local explosions
http://911truthout.blogspot. com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911- catalogged-seismicity.html
High Heat and any recording of and seismic activity assumes these recordings are large enough to rule out anything but weapons.
September 11th Bombs, and Burns Cover UP In 2018

Reply :
Dear JS Sehrawat,
Please understand this is world's greatest scandal and if high number of missing (50% of the World Trade victims are still missing)
and the body part distance maps don't convince you then seismology could and after that more evidence of people talking being blown up and fireballs
attacking people outside the towers. Look at the burn people have gotten later in the day and
said it was explosions and Lamon Doherty Reported local explosions right on there seismographs!
Lamon Doherty Reported local explosions
High Heat and any recording of and seismic activity assumes these recordings are large enough to rule out anything but weapons.
September 11th Bombs, and Burns Cover UP In 2018
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:57 AM, Manuel Garcia, Jr. <mangogarcia@att.net> wrote:
Mr. Plesse,
Thanks, interesting photos/exhibits. Dynamic loads/shocks, confined combustion/heat soak, thermal expansion, loss of material strength (against compression), and elastic waves all worked to shatter the buildings to pieces, which fell to the ground. An interesting sequence of mechanics/dynamics and thermodynamics that produced a massive human tragedy.
On Nov 8, 2017, at 8:46 PM, Daniel M Plesse <danplesse@gmail.com> wrote:
Molten 9/11 Photos
<9-11 Jet Fuel Did this Or Pressure.png>
<High Temp Arson two different displays 9-11.jpg>
<Bush to streamline anti-terrorism fight.jpg>
<9-11 HTA Arson Evidence.jpg>
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