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Mick West Jet Fuel Can't Weaken Steel Beams |
"The WTC 2 sample also
contained about 0.1 % of spherical magnetic particles. As with their glassy
counterparts, the shape of these particles indicates they were molten at the time of
their formation. These [spherical magnetic particles] had Mn/Fe ratio is consistent with WTC structural steel and highly probable surface contamination from concrete i.e [silicates of sodium, potassium and calcium particles] assumed to be concrete flooring but it could be anything.
Did Firehouse.com cover 9/11 at all? What is the ball of light? Why is the dust red?
Can you ask around for photos of stalagmites of steel ? I have only one video. The NYPD Museum
removed all stories of lava traveling down the street.
FDNY WTC North Tower stalagmites of steel ON Display
Frank Greening maintains other possibilities for the Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles that the core columns were made out of. He says that [some say] that the Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles could have been trapped inside the concrete floors as workmen were grinding or welding in general, forgetting that the molten particles were from the WTC core columns. He forgets because its convenient. However, he never considers that wind conditions high above two rivers and the Atlantic Ocean could have the capacity to brushed away any particles into lower Manhattan and in addition I contend the core columns were never touched by anyone and thus the WTC Core columns were just dropped into place and bolted done and done. No grinding or welding period! So what caused the molten Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles?
Photographs show the true cause. Case Closed!
However, the sun object seen inside photographs is the true cause. Case Closed!
D. R Frank, Greening's new dust study.
Did Firehouse.com cover 9/11 at all? What is the ball of light? Why is the dust red?
Can you ask around for photos of stalagmites of steel ? I have only one video. The NYPD Museum
removed all stories of lava traveling down the street.
FDNY WTC North Tower stalagmites of steel ON Display
Frank Greening maintains other possibilities for the Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles that the core columns were made out of. He says that [some say] that the Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles could have been trapped inside the concrete floors as workmen were grinding or welding in general, forgetting that the molten particles were from the WTC core columns. He forgets because its convenient. However, he never considers that wind conditions high above two rivers and the Atlantic Ocean could have the capacity to brushed away any particles into lower Manhattan and in addition I contend the core columns were never touched by anyone and thus the WTC Core columns were just dropped into place and bolted done and done. No grinding or welding period! So what caused the molten Mn/Fe spherical magnetic molten particles?
However, the sun object seen inside photographs is the true cause. Case Closed!
D. R Frank, Greening's new dust study.
Mr. Astaneh-Asl has also collected paper-thin steel flanges that had originally been 2.5 centimetres thick --
some believe the decision to quickly dispatch the steel columns for recycling deprived investigators of crucial evidence. Of the 300,000 tonnes of debris taken from the World Trade Center site, less than 1 per cent has been salvaged for analysis, Mr. Astaneh-Asl said.
I don't know who made the decision, but it wasn't a good one."
But the shock came when Prof. Astaneh-Asl examined the ends of the beam, called flanges. They normally are five-eighths of an inch thick, but the inferno was so hot "that the thickness was reduced from 5/8 to 1/8 inch," he said. "The steel was evaporated."
Indeed, in all his previous work with steel structures that have suffered earthquakes and explosions, he said he had seen "nothing like this."
Engineers Seek to Test Steel Before It Is Melted for
JAMES GLANZ and KENNETH CHANG. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast);
New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]29 Sep 2001: B.9.
New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]29 Sep 2001: B.9.
Yesterday Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik confirmed a report in The New York Post that investigators were looking into accusations that organized crime figures, in the confusion after the attack, had carted away as much as 250 tons of scrap metal to yards in New Jersey and on Long Island. Mr. Kerik said the metal had been recovered.
Other key discoveries this week is the minimum temperature of the softening of steel.
"Dr. Astaneh-Asl is quoted that 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit is the point the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker"
That is above the maximum heat temperature of Jet Fuel at 1,500.
Scarred Steel Holds Clues, And Remedies
Chang, Kenneth
. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y.
[New York, N.Y]02 Oct 2001: F.1.
1. Dr. Astaneh-Asl said that in some places, the fireproofing melted into a glassy residue.
2. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.
3. For now, however, his impromptu inspections have ended. The trucks now take a different route,
and there has been some concern whether there would be another chance before
the steel is destroyed.
4. steel provides no clues to the criminal investigation, New York City started sending it to
5. Dr. Astaneh-Asl also hopes to send samples of steel to Dr. Claudia P. Ostertag, a professor of civil
engineering at Berkeley, for metallurgical testing. Above about 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, the crystal
structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form.
6. ''For the sake of those 6,000 people,'' he said, ''we should learn something about it.''

[New York, N.Y]02 Oct 2001: F.1.
1. Dr. Astaneh-Asl said that in some places, the fireproofing melted into a glassy residue.
2. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.
3. For now, however, his impromptu inspections have ended. The trucks now take a different route,
and there has been some concern whether there would be another chance before
the steel is destroyed.
4. steel provides no clues to the criminal investigation, New York City started sending it to
5. Dr. Astaneh-Asl also hopes to send samples of steel to Dr. Claudia P. Ostertag, a professor of civil
engineering at Berkeley, for metallurgical testing. Above about 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, the crystal
structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form.
6. ''For the sake of those 6,000 people,'' he said, ''we should learn something about it.''
Is Dr. Astaneh-Asl talking about nukes inside WTC 7
1. Dr. Astaneh-Asl is quoted that 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit is the point the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form therefore jet fuel can't weaken steel beams
2. fireproofing melted into a glassy residue. Heat was beyond normal..
3. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.
4. Witness Big Flash (nuke)
"Bill Rositi ? bill Rosati he was here when it all happened he saw it for himself bill if you can just tell us what you saw what you heard I was standing like two blocks away and all of sudden I just seen a big flash and then I seen the building coming down and I just seen people just running everywhere chaotic like" 5:55 WPIX 5:55pm
Jet Fuel Can't Weaken Steel Beams by Dr. Astaneh-Asl
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). Dr. Astaneh-Asl is quoted that 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit is the point the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form therefore Jet Fuel Can't Weaken Steel Beams.. It is 100 degrees too cold to weaken steel beams..
"Dr. Astaneh-Asl said that in some places, the fireproofing melted into a glassy residue. (how hot was that?)
Dr. Astaneh-Asl also hopes to send samples of steel to Dr. Claudia P. Ostertag, a professor of civil engineering at Berkeley, for metallurgical testing. Above about 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form. (is the point steel weakens?)
It is not possible to see this change of crystal structure directly, but with an electron microscope it is possible to deduce how much a piece of steel has been heated (and) for how long."
source #2
source #2
It is not possible to see this change of crystal structure directly, but with an electron microscope it is possible to deduce how much a piece of steel has been heated for how long.
Molten steel does not solidify all at once, but as many little specks, or grains, that grow until they mesh together, each less than a hundredth of an inch wide. When the steel is heated again, the tiny grain structures merge. Thus, comparing the grain sizes in the charred steel beams with pristine samples, Dr. Ostertag believes she will be able to tell how much the fires heated the steel."
One piece Dr. Astaneh-Asl saw was a charred horizontal I-beam from 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story skyscraper that collapsed from fire eight hours after the attacks. The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.
vaporized temperature steel is
energy to reach this temperature depends on the mass of steel to be vaporized.
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Can Jet Fuel Really get up to 2,010 degrees in the open air like that ? Google says its can't.. Just wondering what happened.. thanks Dan

.Chang, Kenneth

James Quintiere, professor of fire protection engineering at the University of Maryland, questioned how NIST was able to definitively rule out explosives, a longtime theory.
"They don't have the expertise on explosives, so I don't know how they came to that conclusion," said Quintiere, a frequent critic of the agency, where he formerly worked as chief of its fire science and engineering division.
Frazier, Michael. Newsday, Combined editions; Long Island, N.Y. [Long Island, N.Y]22 Aug 2008: A.14.
Frazier, Michael. Newsday, Combined editions; Long Island, N.Y. [Long Island, N.Y]22 Aug 2008: A.14.
''It was pretty good sized,'' said Lynn R. Sykes, a seismologist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, which tracks global earthquakes from its base 10 miles north of Manhattan.
The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy.
New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]12 Sep 2001: A.3.
New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]12 Sep 2001: A.3.
"the anticipation that Building 7 would soon follow led to a suspension of operations"
"In the evening, officials reported that buildings 5 and 7 of the World Trade Center had also collapsed, and buildings all around the complex had their windows blown out. The Rector Street subway station collapsed, and the walkway at West Street was gone."
Schmemann, Serge. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]12 Sep 2001: A.1.
timing is wrong
Building 7, just north of the north tower, was struck by flaming debris after the plane crashes. While it stood for several hours, by 4:30 p.m., it was burning and near collapse, with orange flames shooting from floors seven through 10. It fell around 5:30 p.m.
Pete Bowles. STAFF WRITER. Newsday, Combined editions; Long Island, N.Y. [Long Island, N.Y]12 Sep 2001: W41.
Too strange
Shift change was at seven, and it was approaching nine, and a number of Ground Zero workers had been laid off that day after World Trade Center building 7 had been leveled. Only one customer stayed around to watch the third inning of Game 4.
Michael Weinreb. SPECIAL TO NEWSDAY. Newsday, Combined editions; Long Island, N.Y. [Long Island, N.Y]04 Nov 2001: C10.
Most of the fracturing of the plane will take place outside of the building
In tests, a half-scale, three-story building proved capable of surviving four magnitude-9 earthquakes. While the wreckage of the 767's flew into the interior of the World Trade Center, the extra mass of concrete and steel walls would have absorbed much of the planes' momentum.
''Most of the fracturing of the plane will take place outside of the building, not inside,'' Dr. Astaneh-Asl said. That is the same fundamental physics that make the S.U.V. the lesser damaged in a collision with a motorcycle.
Much of the fuel would have then splashed against the outside of the building instead of igniting inside, Dr. Astaneh-Asl said.
Chang, Kenneth
. New York Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]18 Sep 2001: F.1.

Urban Moving Systems was investigated by 9/11 John Farmer before the 9/11 Commission. He wrote about the "New World Order" in his 9/11 Book and was still allowed to be senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission. He could be the most compromised of all 9/11 Commission members and the main 9/11 mole to the 9/11 cover up ..
John Farmer and The Untold Story of 9/11
Chang, Kenneth

2:27 AM (1 hour ago)
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3:44 AM (0 minutes ago)
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Kerosene is not Jet Fuel, however Pool fires of aviation fuels have been looked at
and you get 100 degrees more..
Pool fires of aviation fuels were studied to determine their gross burning behavior,
the flame geometry, and the thermal environment generated to provide the
information needed for the various aircraft crash fire fighting and rescue applications.
The maximum temperature inside the plume is about 1600 F
http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/ fulltext/u2/a014224.pdf
and you get 100 degrees more..
Pool fires of aviation fuels were studied to determine their gross burning behavior,
the flame geometry, and the thermal environment generated to provide the
information needed for the various aircraft crash fire fighting and rescue applications.
The maximum temperature inside the plume is about 1600 F
Daniel M Plesse | 1:45 AM (28 minutes ago)![]() | ||
1:49 AM (25 minutes ago)
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Where do you get that number? Kerosene can burn much hotter, over 2000F in a pool fire.

1:50 AM (24 minutes ago)
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The steel did not melt, it just weakened.

2:03 AM (10 minutes ago)
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The number is right in the video. Did you watch the video at all..Can you see the photo?

2:08 AM (5 minutes ago)
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Not only did it melt and I sent you photos as evidence and documented that fact, we are moving on to vaporized!
http://911truthout.blogspot. com/2018/02/building-7- questions-by-chief-of-its.html
Dr. Astaneh-Asl
"Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized."
energy to reach this temperature depends on the mass of steel to be vaporized.
What in the world can do this? Any guesses?
Dr. Astaneh-Asl
"Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized."
energy to reach this temperature depends on the mass of steel to be vaporized.
What in the world can do this? Any guesses?

2:09 AM (4 minutes ago)
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No, I mean the 1500°F. Kerosene fires can go over 2000°F in a pool fire situation. Pool fires are very
different to a simple flame because the kerosene gets pre-heated before it starts to combust, hence the
resultant temperature is higher.
different to a simple flame because the kerosene gets pre-heated before it starts to combust, hence the
resultant temperature is higher.

2:13 AM (0 minutes ago)
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" No, I mean the 1500°F. " google "jet fuel heat capacity"
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F).
" pool fire situation" No it is not and it sounds stupid.. Have you tested this idea?
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F).
" pool fire situation" No it is not and it sounds stupid.. Have you tested this idea?

Astaneh-Asl talking about explosion damage on a steel beam
mick west's pattern of discussion/argument is of a religious abuse victim: A game of dodge ball and ridicule. The moral superiority of a church lady. An Eddy Currant with a little money. Sanctimonious persona a dead giveaway.
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