9/11 Footnotes

T1A B33 Four Flights- Phone Calls and Other Data Fdr- Entire Contents- FBI 302s 843 Video
1. The FAA guy was looking at unknown radar data.
2. transponder issue of course will not match the official story or any data point thereof.. Why would anything match up?
3. Witness were in the both South and the North Tower. Jeff Hill asked about first plane
4. witness were over water and photographed the plane which matches NY1 onAir
5. NY1 OnAir actually shows a low flying plane which is exactly what I am talking about..
6. Photo #1 https://drive.google.com/fi
7. photo #2 https://drive.google.com/f
8. September 11th 2001 Live Second Plane Crash NY1 OnAir plus 5 Raw 6
https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=MrJ9QDwKUk8
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9/11 NTSB published Faked Radar Data (631) 647-0377 VeritasTips@protonmail.com
According to J. David.Canoles, The NTSB published faked radar data.. Any faking is a crime and should be reported. Chief Investigation Staff Federal Aviation Administration UA175 turned in a circle around New York City I contact the FBI every time a new video is ready.. Emails I use are newyork@fbi.gov, Pub Inq Web Mailbox pubinqweb@ntsb.gov J. David.Canoles Manager Air Traffic Evaluation and chief Investigation Staff Federal Aviation Administration United Airlines Flight 175 UA175 was a Boeing 767 which departed Boston with a scheduled destination of Los Angeles. It was the second aircraft to crash into the World Trade Center. A review of FAA Air Traffic Control radar data showed that UA175 departed from Boston and headed west towards Los Angeles. UA175 turned left and headed east, flying through Newark Airport's airspace. By this time, the transponder had been turned off. Mr. Canoles characterized this as indicative of knowledge of the aircraft and air traffic control procedures. UA175 turned in a circle around New York City. Mr. Canoles characterized the flight through Newark Airport's airspace and the turn as indicative of piloting skills and extraordinary navigation skills. UA175 subsequently crashed into the World Trade Center. |
NTSB published Faked Radar Data
NTSB Flight 175 radar data RIV
FAA has another set of radar data.
No serial numbers were ever found for any of the four planes and photographs of the paint found on plane debris also rules out the flights in question. Phone calls had strange numbers 200-200-xxxx? 904-555-0004?? very strange.. private cell number were made public while public numbers were made private..
Mothers in grief flight 11
https://vimeo.com/36005958 I didn't review
materials found 900 feet away around another building
Cell call hand offs ranged as many as 6 cell stations
Photo Array
https://photos.app.goo.gl/BiJOa1hUwTeQCW0v2 Not flight 77 debris
https://photos.app.goo.gl/fBMBtTb0vr79YSDq2 Flight 77 fragment and Flight 11 fragment
https://photos.app.goo.gl/ACDeUKqxzYZXQ5nz1 Flight 11 fragment and phone calls
https://photos.app.goo.gl/l0zPUGkzHLZiN0XG2 flight 11 fragment and phone calls
9/11 Flight 77 plane debris flight 11 fragment and phone calls FBI 302's
ELT signals might point to actual plane crashes which bodies and materials were removed and put inside other buildings around WTC.. as per mother in grief video shows. I did not watch vimeo video
One key takeaway is where is that data the FAA guy was looking at? How can we get the FAA version of events. The NTSB most likely was hijacked by the FBI and only used data that was given to them from XXX DOJ, DOD?.. The Naudet brothers story about the FBI vacuuming up videos was included for this very reason. , A real hijacking.
Was the grey red chips painted on the planes?
Call 941-623-2355 and 732-241-6974
Why Didn't Bush Attack Iraq after 9/11: Second 9/11 False Flag Attack Attempted by Bush back-to-back failed!
The leaked Downing Street Memo
1. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy of an attack.
PRESIDENT BUSH had plans to lure Saddam Hussein into war by flying an aircraft over Iraq painted in UN colors in the hope he would shoot it down, a book Lawless world : America and the making and breaking of global rules from FDR's Atlantic Charter to George W. Bush's illegal war / Philippe Sands
Ulrik Pedersen "Professor Peter Knight of Manchester University, who heads a major international interdisciplinary research network, funded by the European Union, to provide a comprehensive understanding of conspiracy theories, takes it to be a now generally accepted fact that ‘some of the labelling of particular views as “conspiracy theories” is a technique of governmentality.’[4]
So who’s afraid of conspiracy theorists? Is it possible that certain governments want us all to be?
It is interesting to note that Professor Knight thinks that if serious conspiracy theories can sometimes be on the right track, then perhaps what they are finding should not be thought of as conspiracies. For instance, he writes, ‘it is possible that different parts of the labyrinthine U.S. intelligence agencies were involved with some of the 9/11 attackers in contradictory and ambiguous ways that fall short of an actual conspiracy, but which nonetheless undermine the notion of complete American innocence.’ The point is, those contradictions and ambiguities merit study, whatever they are called. Knight’s tantalizing idea of an ‘involvement’ that ‘falls short of an actual conspiracy’ brings me in mind of analogous definitional questions that were raised about Bill Clinton’s descriptions of his ‘involvement’ with a White House intern. Good sense suggests that what people are interested to know is what happened, not what someone calls it. Ultimately, the serious conspiracy theorist – or theorist of conspiracies, as Knight puts it – wants to know what is going on, and hypotheses about ‘involvements’ of all kinds can figure in the inquiry.[5]
We should bear in mind too, that the very name of this field was bestowed upon it by those who sought to pre-empt its development. Its actual practitioners might think their activities could be more aptly designated in one or more of a number of other, albeit less catchy, ways, such as, for instance, critical civic investigation, intellectual due diligence, investigative journalism, critical social epistemology, or critical social theory."
So who’s afraid of conspiracy theorists? Is it possible that certain governments want us all to be?
It is interesting to note that Professor Knight thinks that if serious conspiracy theories can sometimes be on the right track, then perhaps what they are finding should not be thought of as conspiracies. For instance, he writes, ‘it is possible that different parts of the labyrinthine U.S. intelligence agencies were involved with some of the 9/11 attackers in contradictory and ambiguous ways that fall short of an actual conspiracy, but which nonetheless undermine the notion of complete American innocence.’ The point is, those contradictions and ambiguities merit study, whatever they are called. Knight’s tantalizing idea of an ‘involvement’ that ‘falls short of an actual conspiracy’ brings me in mind of analogous definitional questions that were raised about Bill Clinton’s descriptions of his ‘involvement’ with a White House intern. Good sense suggests that what people are interested to know is what happened, not what someone calls it. Ultimately, the serious conspiracy theorist – or theorist of conspiracies, as Knight puts it – wants to know what is going on, and hypotheses about ‘involvements’ of all kinds can figure in the inquiry.[5]
We should bear in mind too, that the very name of this field was bestowed upon it by those who sought to pre-empt its development. Its actual practitioners might think their activities could be more aptly designated in one or more of a number of other, albeit less catchy, ways, such as, for instance, critical civic investigation, intellectual due diligence, investigative journalism, critical social epistemology, or critical social theory."
Report: Bin Laden Already Dead
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
"The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.
Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.
About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the "great leader."
The Taliban source who claims to have seen bin Laden's face before burial said "he looked pale ... but calm, relaxed and confident."
Asked whether bin Laden had any feelings of remorse before death, the source vehemently said "no." Instead, he said, bin Laden was proud that he succeeded in his mission of igniting awareness amongst Muslims about hegemonistic designs and conspiracies of "pagans" against Islam. Bin Laden, he said, held the view that the sacrifice of a few hundred people in Afghanistan was nothing, as those who laid their lives in creating an atmosphere of resistance will be adequately rewarded by Almighty Allah.
When asked where bin Laden was buried, the source said, "I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora, that particular place too must have vanished."
Asked whether bin Laden had any feelings of remorse before death, the source vehemently said "no." Instead, he said, bin Laden was proud that he succeeded in his mission of igniting awareness amongst Muslims about hegemonistic designs and conspiracies of "pagans" against Islam. Bin Laden, he said, held the view that the sacrifice of a few hundred people in Afghanistan was nothing, as those who laid their lives in creating an atmosphere of resistance will be adequately rewarded by Almighty Allah.
When asked where bin Laden was buried, the source said, "I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora, that particular place too must have vanished."
My entire workplace witnessed the 2nd plane crash. It looks like the first one hit near the top of the building with the anntenna. The second circled around and hit the other building somewhere near the middle.
posted by Cavatica at 6:34 AM on September 11, 2001
J. David.Canoles Manager Air Traffic Evaluation and chief Investigation Staff Federal Aviation Administration United Airlines Flight 175 UA175 was a Boeing 767 which departed Boston with a scheduled destination of Los Angeles. It was the second aircraft to crash into the World Trade Center. A review of FAA Air Traffic Control radar data showed that UA175 departed from Boston and headed west towards Los Angeles. UA175 turned left and headed east, flying through Newark Airports airspace. By this time, the transponder had been turned off. Mr. Canoles characterized this as indicative of knowledge of the aircraft and air traffic control procedures. UAt 75 turned in a circle around New York City. Mr. Canoles cheractenzed the flight through Newark Airports airspace and the Wm as indicative of piloting skills and extraordinary navigation skills. UA175 • subsequently crashed into the World Trade Center.