Thursday, May 17, 2018

9/11 flight attendants phone calls were all traced to a single number 904-555-0004

9/11 904-555-0004

Flight 11 Calls_t7b13

What is a Passenger Name Report ???

Penny Elgas Supports CTI team Left of CITGO gas station theory and her plane part does not match or belong to any Boeing 757. it had a white shell and brown inner fiberglass core does not belong but it would take a visit to plane boneyard to find out for sure. Why the Truth movement can't visit a plane boneyard is beyond me.

Passengers Name Report

    "Passengers Name Report" is another 9/11 detail we missed. I wonder who was on and NOT on this list of names. 

" She got him on the phone and apologized and soon things were cleared up. The FBI needed the plane's manifest, and the PNR, the Passengers' Name Report. That wasn't easy to do, she said, to get permission to release " 

Reclaiming the Sky: 9/11 and the Untold Story of the Men and Women ...

1:08 PM (3 minutes ago)
to Elias, bcc: Matt, bcc: Manuel, bcc: Pub, bcc: Mick
"where I go in depth into the issue of passenger lists" i.e the Flight Manifest I have your book and I am not talking about the Flight Manifest but another list you admitted to not knowing about and an issue you missed.  You also missed the originating phone call number 904-555-0004 from at least two planes. 
904-555-0004 is the WTC building 7 for the four planes on 9/11
It would be nice to know what real cell phone numbers look like for Flight 11 and Flight 77 and what they should have been.. No help so far.

9/11 Flight 11 routed away  from a Nuclear Power Plant at Indian Point by 7.66 miles then rejoined the river
9/11 Box Cutter Cover Up

 Advances in Monitoring Nuclear Weapon Testing ( Preview )

Detecting a test of a nuclear weapon has become so effective and reliable that no nation could expect to get away with secretly exploding a device having military significance

Won-Young Kim and Paul G. Richards are also the only two who looked at only PAL Station. Why only PAL? 9/11 Planes created equivalent energy of 240 tons of TNT If Flight 11 and Flight 175 caused the released of 240 tons of TNT on 9/11 then how large was the towers? MANUEL GARCÍA,  estimated 1.9 kilotons of TNT and WTC 2 is 717 tons of TNT energy equivalent. Does that sound like a nuke or a building collapse?

MANUEL GARCÍA does not say how much TNT energy equivalent for the explosion which happening in WTC 7 between North and South tower collapse. This explosion was NOT recorded by PAL Station during 9/11
Building 7 Spike between Tower Collapses

"The energy contained in the amount of fuel combusted was the equivalent to the energy released by 240 tons of TNT," said Lerner-Lam" "falling debris was absorbed by the towers" ?? "but not causing significant ground shaking."?? Estimates so far MANUEL GARCÍA, JR. The fires in WTC 1 released an energy equal to that of an explosion of 1.9 kilotons of TNT; the energy equivalent for WTC 2 is 717 tons.  "The NYFD, and the rest of them knew it was going to collapse, they started running away from the area waving and screaming for everybody to get back. I figured I’d better run too. When you see all of them rescue people running, it’s time to go. Then the whole street shook, it was unnerving, or disorienting like losing your equilibrium, "

Robert Fisk: Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11 Fox I’ve never seen so much real world stuff happen during an exercise.

Nasypany Yeah, 41. Nasypany Yeah, we’re putting it in. Background Fourteen-forty-three. Nasypany Fourteen-forty-three, look for it, right there, O.K., mode three, fourteen-forty-three, last known. No, this is real world. O.K., we’re in the high chair Background "I got a decoy" Background I’ve got a Z point, sir. Nasypany
Last known position,
that we got out this guy, was right there at the Z point, he’s headed one-nine-zero at 29,000 feet, heading down, so we’re looking for somebody, you know what start hitting up tracks all around that area, that Z point, O.K., just north of ah...
1443 is AA11 Beacon Number. That why they are saying 1443.
Besides the ACARS 7500 Hijack code sent up to planes issue on 9-11 and box cutter cover up reported as being allowed by via fake media the other issue is lack of random military planes around Flight 11 and Flight 175. Witnesses have seen military plane around all other planes on 9/11. this must be looked into. "I have never seen so much REAL WORLD during an exercise "and then "we have an decoy" Both comments are not clear and not part of any transcript somehow the military can find AA11 beacon code 14XX on radar..

Flight 11 also flew over Major Military Airports
Griffiss Air Force Base 106th Rescue Wing 109th Airlift Wing, Stratton Air National Guard Base, Schenectady,  Stewart Air National Guard Base 105th Airlift Wing

(an Air Mobility Command-gained unit of the New York Air National Guard and "host" wing for the installation. Wikipedia Address: 1 Maguire Way, Newburgh, NY 12550) How many military planes launched or landed from bases near the flight path of flight 11 on 9/11? 1. Stewart Air National Guard Base 105th Airlift Wing 2. 109th Airlift Wing Stratton Air National Guard Base, Schenectady, 3. Griffiss Air Force Base How much traffic did these bases generate on 9/11 and how close was the nearest fighter jet and why didn't they do anything?
ACARS 7500 code spoof issue on 9/11 . Unknowing pilots i.e KAL 085 and AA189 seemed to have no idea but the military took the bait completely and added to confusion along with the fake radar inputs. The people who hacked ACARS system are part of the criminal network.

ACARS 7500 fake hijack sent.

TWA 3 switched before takeoff. 

1. AA189 7500 fake hijack sent. 
2. KAL085 7500 fake hijack sent. 
Not sure how deep or what happened here Elaine Scarry said during  "Dangerous Developments in Modern Weaponry" that 11 other planes had there transponders turned off. 1. AAL2247 2. USA41 3. DAL89 4. DAL989 5. NWA197 6. UAL641 7. UAL57 8. USA633 9. UAL163 10. UAL177 11. Continental 321 Lost Contact Flight number List 1. UA641 2. UA415 3. UA399 Lost but found Flight number 1. UA103 2. UA634 3. UA57 4. UA2725 5. UA1211 6. UA1695 7. UA2101 8. UA2256 9.UA2102 Matt emailed me this video, a book and more. As of April 30, 2004 per the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City (OCME), of the American Airlines Flight 11 total 87 dead (not including 5 terrorists), 52 were ID’d , 45 of those by DNA. Including IDs made after 2004 there are more, named here. United Flight 175: 60 died (not including 5 terrorists): 27 ID’d, 26 by DNA. (Robert C. Shaler, Who They Were – Inside the World Trade Center DNA Story: The Unprecedented Effort To Identify the Missing, Free Press, 2005, p. 302)

How many military planes launched or landed from bases near the flight path of flight 11 on 9/11? 1. Stewart Air National Guard Base 105th Airlift Wing 2. 109th Airlift Wing Stratton Air National Guard Base, Schenectady, 3. Griffiss Air Force Base How much traffic did these bases generate on 9/11 and how close was the nearest fighter jet.
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How much energy in TNT
 did the towers release? The Lamont seismographs established the following timeline:
8:46:26 a.m. EDT [1240 UTC] Aircraft impact - north tower, Magnitude 0.9; 9:02:54 a.m. EDT [1302 UTC] Aircraft impact - south tower, Magnitude 0.7; 9:59:04 a.m. EDT [1359 UTC] Collapse - south tower, Magnitude 2.1;
10:28:31 a.m. EDT [1428 UTC] Collapse - north tower, Magnitude 2.3.

September 11: Chronology of terror

8:45 a.m. (all times are EDT): A hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out
of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing
a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire.
9:03 a.m.: A second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both buildings are burning.
10:05 a.m.: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses, plummeting
 into the streets below. A massive cloud of dust and debris forms and slowly
drifts away from the building.

10:28 a.m.: The World Trade Center's north tower collapses from the top
 down as if it were being peeled apart, releasing a tremendous cloud of
 debris and smoke.

I think you missed the point. I'm not arguing where the plane flew. I'm questioning the relevance. I've yet to be able to get you to say that. The only thing I can figure is you're saying that a rogue plane flew over a military base and it wasn't shot down via artillery.

calls from 904-555-0004 on 9/11

Barbara Olson ... Flight 77
Renee May Flight 77
Betty Ong Flight 11

 Fact check that!

 The relevance is the total absence of any planes flying, landing, taking off along the path of a rogue plane which flew over many Air National, Air Force and Air Ports and not a single issue generated, documented, alerts made, no alarm or assistance given. For example, if a boater becomes in trouble other boaters are required to aid and give assistance without question. The only assistance that was attempted was ATC to the pilots of Flight 175 to look out for flight 11 who both flew over Stewart Air National Guard Base.. So I am NOT talking about NON-AIRFORCE military bases and I AM NOT talking about artillery. Why do you keep bringing that up?

 A change in standard operating procedures [for fighter intercepts] was introduced on June 1st, 2001; this inserted the Secretary for Defense into the mix making fighter intercepts impossible.
Then they reversed it after 9/11..

 June 1st, 2001 could be the same time the Visa Express Program allowed the U.S.S Cole Bombers to fly to JFK and then become the "muscle" of Flight 77.

Just FYI you've made so many comments that YouTube is now calling them spam and flagging them for review so I'm going to say let's stick to this one area and one topic at a time so they actually get posted so at some point down the road others can respond and discuss because that's a good thing. So on to this specific topic. Nothing to fact check, that's in the video above. I actually really like your analogy on why nobody sent up red flags. You've got a rogue plane flying west and nobody is even talking, right? Actually that's not 100% true. Unfortunately, and I'll take blame for it, I didn't spend the time to tell people which voices were talking in the video. Originally I had done it on purpose and in the description I stated that there's just a lot of traffic over the airways and it's tough to get it all in the "audible space" of the event. So basically there's a pocket where Boston hears Atta's voice that they start ringing off the hook of ATC, FAA, and basically any air traffic they can get on the horn and they start talking... all at the same time. In some of the video you can tell everyone is on the mic together. One voice you don't hear is the military and that was an actual complaint they had was that they weren't on the radio to hear it, which is why Boston tries to reach out to Otis directly, which you hear them talk about. Unfortunately by the time this happens Flight 11 has turned toward the South following the Hudson. So what you're explaining did actually happen and if you look up some traffic you'll be able to hear it and, thankfully I strategically placed it in my video, match it up to what you see above. Correct, they changed the procedure, but there's is, and let me make this clear, no proof that it would have changed any of the events that transpired on 9/11. The biggest change was the permission to engage which wouldn't have helped based on the reporting procedure of the FAA during the event. The only plane they could've officially intercepted would've been 93, but because Delta 1989 was the one they believed was hijacked and had fighters headed for it, on a similar course and FAA not reporting that 93 was a hijack after it had crashed. Here's the other thing. Nasypenny ordered planes to protect the state house so that defeats any hold down orders. On the video you can clearly hear foxxy send them out to Whiskey 386 confused, out to sea where they engage foreign attacks while Nasypenny is telling to send them North, and that was a confusion they dealt. He was ahead of the ball, but one of the things we see here is communication was a problem, which is why they overhauled the whole system after 9/11.
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The phone number 904-555-0004 could be the reason for the spam issue.

 May 2001: Five 9/11 Hijackers Take Advantage of New, Anonymous Visa Express Procedure.
 June 1st procedures [for fighter intercepts] was introduced .

 Did you just avoid clear evidence nothing seems what it is? That is the topic.

904-555-0004 on 9/11 makes it clear. So don't avoid the facts. Thanks.

 Barbara Olson ... Flight 77 Renee May Flight 77 Betty Ong Flight 11 MADELINE SWEENEY flight 11 all the same number.. ffff handsets..

 This is NOT tracing information, but it as close as we are going to get.

 They changed the hijack procedure and the Anonymous Visa Express Procedure with U.S.S Cole Bombers was set up for 9/11, without those changes and Anonymous Visa Express Procedure would have made 9/11 impossible. A Hijacking without 7500 hijack code for four planes which causes the beacon to show up brighter than the normal data block on the radar is another issue not addressed here.. The ATC can assign 7500 to radar block and they did nothing.

 More evidence that the problems are much larger than you possibly imagine. Starting with Air Traffic Control and ending with black box data with missing plane IDs and officially missing but rather stolen black boxes for 175 and 11..

 1. Flight 11 went NORTH/ WEST flying up to Canada. NOT just west.. Get your facts right. Your details need work.
 2. no proof that it would have changed any of the events that transpired on 9/11.. What are you talking about? First the NORDO, off flight path causes no questions response from ANY of the four or more Air Force bases in NY or any military traffic or any plane in the area. I thought I covered this, what happened?
3. Did you hear "we have a decoy" yet? I made a video about it.. Go look now!
4. "Boston hears Atta's voice" Has anyone confirmed it was Atta? Which Atta was this by the way? Portland Atta? Brooklyn Atta and JFK employee? or Florida Atta?
5. They all should have been intercepted. No one witnessed giant "AA" of Flight 11 in a city living on rooftops.. reported a white plane. So it was NOT Flight 11 flight 175 FAA has another flight path then officials have. ..
6. "Whiskey 386 confused, out to sea where they engage foreign attacks " foreign attacks ? from who?
 7. "overhauled the whole system after 9/11" No they went back to what works.. Who said they have a whole new system?

The phone number 904-555-0004 could be the reason for the spam issue. May 2001: Five 9/11 Hijackers Take Advantage of New, Anonymous Visa Express Procedure. June 1st procedures [for fighter intercepts] was introduced . Did you just avoid clear evidence nothing seems what it is? That is the topic. 904-555-0004 on 9/11 makes it clear. So don't avoid the facts. Thanks. Barbara Olson ... Flight 77 Renee May Flight 77 Betty Ong Flight 11 MADELINE SWEENEY flight 11 all the same number.. ffff handsets.. This is NOT tracing information, but it as close as we are going to get. They changed the hijack procedure and the Anonymous Visa Express Procedure with U.S.S Cole Bombers was set up for 9/11, without those changes and Anonymous Visa Express Procedure would have made 9/11 impossible. A Hijacking without 7500 hijack code for four planes which causes the beacon to show up brighter than the normal data block on the radar is another issue not addressed here.. The ATC can assign 7500 to radar block and they did nothing. More evidence that the problems are much larger than you possibly imagine. Starting with Air Traffic Control and ending with black box data with missing plane IDs and officially missing but rather stolen black boxes for 175 and 11.. 1. Flight 11 went NORTH/ WEST flying up to Canada. NOT just west.. Get your facts right. Your details need work. 2. no proof that it would have changed any of the events that transpired on 9/11.. What are you talking about? First the NORDO, off flight path causes no questions response from ANY of the four or more Air Force bases in NY or any military traffic or any plane in the area. I thought I covered this, what happened? 3. Did you hear "we have a decoy" yet? I made a video about it.. Go look now! 4. "Boston hears Atta's voice" Has anyone confirmed it was Atta? Which Atta was this by the way? Portland Atta? Brooklyn Atta and JFK employee? or Florida Atta? 5. They all should have been intercepted. No one witnessed giant "AA" of Flight 11 in a city living on rooftops.. reported a white plane. So it was NOT Flight 11 flight 175 FAA has another flight path then officials have. .. 6. "Whiskey 386 confused, out to sea where they engage foreign attacks " foreign attacks ? from who? 7. "overhauled the whole system after 9/11" No they went back to what works.. Who said they have a whole new system?

Okay, so let's say everything you've said is correct. Let's say my details need work and I'm somehow avoiding facts. What is the assertion and what would you like done about it?

Find out about the "decoy" heard in your video.
IF you can't hear it, ask a friend to listen for it.
 Then look into 904-555-0004 and let me know what you find.
 Then find Hani Hanjour seat number on Flight 77.
Why so many callers from the plane used 904-555-0004 as their originating phone number across different planes and what did tracing these numbers reveal?
 Why did J. David.Canoles FAA say flight 175 flew around NYC?
Why did so many people see this circling plane? If this is true, how did they manage to fake the radar data?
 Who ordered the change to the hijack procedures and is that the same people who design the Visa Express Program..
 Find out more about Operation Phoenix text messages on 9/11 Wikileaks 570,000 messages..
Was that the cover name for 9/11?
 What was 9/11 Operation Phoenix?

What was  9/11 Operation Phoenix? 

2001-09-11 13:11:22 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA 
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Ce

2001-09-11 13:12:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA 
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 75084

2001-09-11 13:12:58 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA 
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode

2001-09-11 13:13:01 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. **Update** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>

2001-09-11 13:13:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. **Update** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>

2001-09-11 13:14:48 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Center/Pentagon<1 of 2>

2001-09-11 13:14:46 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix -

2001-09-11 13:13:59 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA
e** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>
 You should start looking and stop avoiding. No reporter has ever looked into it or they would be fired.

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