Sunday, August 19, 2018

Cell Towers Prove September 11th Conspiracy

Blue Logo 8:54 Plane Now in five photos 9/11

Here is my 9/11 Research for Flight 175 circling the towers theory based on 1. FAA comments 2. cell tower location, 3. four or more photographs, and 4. video files and 5. witnesses. It should be case closed by now but more photos and witnesses keep showing up - week after week.

You have know to look for.

Almost every photo has the same plane after the first crash. This is one example. The other links have more examples. if you click the photo the enlarged version shows more information.

Larger Photo link

Its a single photo taken by David Handshuh which shows a circling plane.

Last seven cell calls connected to LaGuardia Airport

Blue Logo plane photo #4 

Google photos #1 New photo by daniel plesse'

Blue Logo plane photo #1, #2 New photo by 911Truth “911TruthNow1” Now
Marc Birnbach drawing photo New photo by 911Truth “911TruthNow1” Now
Flight 175 Last Seven Calls Connected to LaGuardia Airport. This is Circling PLane Evidence
Google photos #1
More Information about the photo
David Handschuh, a veteran New York Daily News staffer, drove towards NYU on 14th Street to teach his first photojournalism class of the new semester. … In search of a Starbucks, New York City Fire Department Rescue Company is shown on the bottom of the photo.

Why is the cell service down at each location 1:56 when cell phones could ping for another tower.

Right? At 1:44 she says “The cell phones are down...” and then again at 1:54 she says “You can’t use your cell phones...” My question is: If a commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon, why would that render everyone’s cell phones unusable? Last I checked cellular devices run on networks that use towers, which send signals to devices to have them respond with the data requested, in order to supply them with the cellular waves needed to function as well as give a general idea of the location of the device via triangulation. This is done by a method called “pinging” and the signal sent from the tower is what is known as a “ping”. When u travel a certain distance and leave a tower’s network radius, the next nearest tower to ur location then sends out a signal or “ping” to ur device, retrieves that data needed and takes over from the previous tower to supply u with continuous cellular service. These towers are erected and owned by various phone companies. So why would a plane crashing into the Pentagon have any effect on a tower that provides cellular services? It seems to me that perhaps one or more devices that jam/block cellular waves were intentionally activated to prevent communication of what was being witnessed to any outside sources. This would then make their version of events the first one the public would hear which would cause citizens to doubt anything contrary to that heard afterward. A very basic, yet very sneaky, psychological tactic.


I wonder if cell phones ping the whole area and select from the best towers. When I connect via WIFI I get a bunch of connections to pick from therefore the same has to true of cell phones on 9/11. We totally agree on this!

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