Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dark Overlord File One

9/11 Crashes and takeoff times seem to be synchronized like a computer program would run a application

It could be about this

Dark Overlord File one: The file I read was about Flight 11 Calls that were coming from the ICS (internal calling system) i.e inside the building!
The first document I read was about  Flight 11 Calls were coming in from the ICS (internal calling system) which I believe is like calling from inside the building, like something out of a horror movie.  This makes the 555 prefixed phone numbers work, but does not explain how they routed the 555 calls through base stations 22, 24 and 86. The 40 minute call by Ong seemed like it was new technology test because over the 40+ minutes many hand-offs were completed without an issue. My guess is the call was the longest in-flight across three states to ground base stations phone call in the history of mankind.      

 The lawyer's committee goal is to find out where base station 22, 24, 86 is located. The 
lawyer's committee goal also  to find what was the correct protocol for flight attendants for hijacking situations. 

Flight 11 base stations and hand-offs
In 2001, GTE Airfone used the North American Telephony System (NATS) Terrestrial Radio System. There were 138 active base stations, each with a nominal 200-mile radius coverage.
From 1991 to 2006 some commercial airlines provided passengers with access to "seat-back" air-to-ground "Airfone" voice communications. On-board GTE radio transceivers linked to Airfone ground radio sites, which then interfaced with surface telephone carriers. The following diagram shows where Airfone ground radio sites were located in the northeastern USA in 1991. Two typical coverage areas, with estimated radii of 128 miles, are represented by the red circles. 
In 2003, Project Achilles researchers performed low altitude cell phone tests in private aircraft in the London, Ontario area of Canada. They found limited communications above 2,000 feet AGL (above ground level) and essentially no communications at 8000 feet AGL and above. The planes used in these tests had cruising speeds of 138 and 127 knots.

Here is a map of all RBS in 2006 (Source).  link broken try

9/11 Team box 7

I just discovered Flight 11's Betty Ong phone call lasted over 20 minutes long without a single handover or drop, WHILE BEING A 
904–555–0004 CALL and now the call could have been referenced as a ICS i.e internal calling system. 

So yes the documents can already expose the truth about 9/11 i.e  the 20 minute Betty Ong call seems to becoming from inside or a ICS internal calling system which means the 904–555–0004 can work without the calls being fake and the calls can last 20 minutes or more. 

thanks  9/11 DarkLord

9/11 DarkOver

9/11 DarkLord

Release 1

American Airlines 9/11 Flight 11

9/11 Truth Research Results 

2 moved all the first class passengers and business back
3 to coach.
4 Q. Then towards the middle of the page, there
5 is a question from Craig Marquis, "Nydia, is that an
6 ICS?" Do you see that?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. What is an ICS?
9 A. It's an internal calling system. It's our
10 own internal phone lines.

20+ minute call! That's some super high flying 904-555-0004 phone call.
8:14+ hijacking started maybe
Q. So, sometime before 8:20?
17 A. Right.
18 Q. And what time did you lose the call?
19 A. Around 8:40, 8:43.

Call duration 8:40-8:20 = 20 minutes.

Q. There was some comments about not
15 spreading the information about the hijacking around.
16 Mr. Marquis, I think, asked you not to do that.

17 Do you know why Mr. Marquis asked you not to
18 spread information of the hijacking around?
19 A. No.
20 Q. Did you tell Mr. Sandler [sic] and
21 Ms. Minter not to spread information of the hijacking
22 around --
23 A. No

15 Q. Do you recall if there were any procedures
16 described in the emergency procedures manual that you
17 had in your office that dealt with procedures for

18 handling a hijacking?
19 A. No.
20 Q. There were none; is that correct?
21 A. That's correct.
22 Q. Do you recall if there were any procedures
23 in the emergency procedures manual on your desk that
24 dealt with dealing with an air rage incident aboard an
25 aircraft?
2 A. No.
3 Q. There were none?
4 A. There were none.
5 Q. Were there any procedures in the emergency
6 procedures manual that dealt with any type of emergency
7 that could occur on a plane in the air?
8 A. No
16 Q. Do you know what the ACSSP is?
17 A. It doesn't sound pretty. No, I don't.
18 Q. Do you know what the Air Carrier Standard

19 Security Program is?
20 A. No, I don't.
21 Q. Had you ever been informed prior to
22 September 11th that upon receipt of information that an
23 act or suspected act of airplane piracy has been
24 committed, the air carrier shall immediately notify the
25 FAA and FBI?

Do we have this CD ? UAL_FLT93.xls  

Table of calls from 4 flights
TitleOwnerCategoryModified dateDimensions (Kb)
United93 PGAdministrator AccountPG's special. In English.01/11/20061036.70Download
United93. Press Review.Administrator AccountVarious articles. In English.01/11/20061130.19Download
Old search for KilltownAdministrator AccountVery old but rich studio. In English.01/11/2006223.92Download
Airphone technologyAdministrator AccountReview of articles and news. In English.01/11/2006396.27Download
Phone calls from 4 flights (NEW)Administrator AccountThe research of Crono911. In Italian.01/11/2006269.18Download
P200055 Moussaoui trialAdministrator AccountAll about the 4 flights. In English. 27 mb01/11/2006UnknownDownload
Staff Report 26082004Administrator AccountRecently declassified. In English.01/11/2006UnknownDownload
AA11Betty Ong08:19American Airlines officesAT & T AirphoneCR p.5
AA11Amy Sweeney08:25American Airlines officesAT & T AirphoneNYO
UA175Robert Fangman08:52United Airlines officesAirphone GTESR p. 21
UA175Peter Hanson08:52FatherAirphone GTESR p.21-23
UA175BD Sweeney08:59Wife, motherAirphone GTESR p.22
UA175Garnet Bailey08:52WifeAirphone GTEEP200055
AA77Renee May09:12MotherAT & T AirphoneCR p.9
AA77Barbara Olson09:15HusbandAT & T AirphoneCR p.9
United 93Todd Beamer09:43GTE operatorAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Mark Bingham09:37MotherAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Sandy Bradshaw09:35United Airlines offices; husbandAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Marion Britton 09:49FriendAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Thomas Burnett09:30WifeAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Joseph De Luca09:43FatherAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Edwart Felt09:58911 (Police)Mobile phoneSR p.45
United 93Jeremy Glick09:37WifeAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Lauren Grandcolas09:39HusbandAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Linda Gronlund09:46SisterAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93CeeCee Lyles09:48
HusbandAirphone GTE
Mobile phone
SR p.44-45
United 93Honor Wainio09:53MotherAirphone GTEEP200055
United 93Waleska Martinez09:45Call failedAirphone GTEEP200055

        I sent you my BBC reply to: mean old Jane, who turns out to be the President of the Lawyer's Committee.
She asks for for files and explanations so I sent on only the research I did on that one day.

"But what about the identity of this plane? Do you think it's identical to the blue logo plane? "
The White Elephant research has been going on for 18 years and they identified the white elephant on radar, miles away.
So not Mr. Blue  logo. You should search for "White Elephant" write ups and blog post.

" 8:42 takeoff for UAL93 was after a delay due to congestion,  So this makes the 8:42 match-up coincidental "  or they just made the
  congestion delay up as a cover story. or made the congestion.. Newark should have been closed like LGA was closed. AA and UAL were
reported issues about 11 and 175 but did not say the hijack or cockpit intrusions which would have been key information the pilots needed but never got. The people at these Air Traffic Control are key players. I would add those guys to the suspect list.

The rouge flight 11 flew over LGA. I have the 3d flight control air space map, so I wonder if the miss was a hair away like 175 was the ERW.

Colin Scoggins was the embedded military contact inside the Boston Air Traffic Control room, his job was to call
who? NEADS? Air Force? Command X? Who?

The 9/11 Commission only had one team looking at 9/11 directly:
Team 7.

Everything else was cover up.  Running around after Atta and who didn't call who etc.

Was the CIA and the FBI also  embedded inside this critical junction, saying they called the military at 8:14 or 8:19 but lied about do it?
Lord Overlord Files could have the answer.

The FBI and CIA were embedded together when they arrested

Zacarias Moussaoui

The CIA said they ran the story
up their command but did nothing. The FBI didn't ask for the CIA help and their joint operation turned out to be joint dysfunction
or that was the cover story and and jointly caused 9/11. Great cover story!     

Sorry to hear about hard drivers and snow-laden roofs and toothaches and pain. Hang tough, my friend!

I looked over your new post on the Nydia G deposition and think this phone call question is sort of interesting but still a bit of a sideshow in the grand scheme of things. Like I've said before, i think Betty Ong used the airphone system on that plane, and that the airphones were routed through that 555 number as a temporary fix to make the phone work on board the substitute planes. They could not use regular hook-ups for that purpose, the phone company would have had records of that. So they used this alternative clandestine solution with the 555 number. 

The most interesting question about the 555 number, as far as I'm concerned, is who owned the number. We'll probably never know, as that would take you almost directly to the perpetrators of 9/11. What information do we have about that number 904 555-0004? Do we know anything at all? If you've got something on that, then that would be most welcome. 

Have a great weekend! 


to Per
Hey Per,

      I update the page to include video about airfone from the 90's, the DOJ documents.

The key finding is the reference to 

ICS i.e internal calling system. I never heard of it before and so I hope that reference refers to the calls made on 9/11 and
explains the 555 calls bette
r. Substitute planes still have to work with a socket connection, RBS base stations, high altitudes 
and deal with hand-offs between base stations. Unless the call when up to a geostationary satellite  but even then calls have always 
been traceable . The idea that people totally forgot the tractability of calls is beyond me. My IP address is traceable 

 for example 

PS C:\Windows\system32> tracert

Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    13 ms    13 ms    12 ms

  2    13 ms    13 ms    14 ms []

  3    14 ms    14 ms    14 ms []

  4    13 ms    14 ms    14 ms []

  5    13 ms    15 ms    13 ms []

  6    22 ms    14 ms    15 ms

Phone calls are the same as IP address, reason being is both require an open socket connections.
All phone systems work the same way. 

FAA Customer Service

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 Discussion Thread
 Customer By Email (dan Plesse)03/08/2019 11:41 AM
I need to find out if the FAA keeps a database of all in-flight destination
changes for 2001. Do you know if that list exists? thanks
[link removed]

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