Friday, March 8, 2019

September 11th Pentagon Cameras and the Missing Video Records

Pentagon Cameras

1. Annex camera
note local police confiscated camera film
note "Some of the cameras at the Pentagon
were inoperable because of construction work."
4. Heliport Entrance Camera

source When and who turned the pentagon camera and why? Why
Wasn't Navy Annex Camera handed over to the FBI 

Interview with Captain Michael Nesbitt Heliport Entrance Camera

"Get a camera up there!" Some of the center's eight monitor screens mounted on a wall
remained blank because the crash had destroyed the camera nearest the impact
site [
Heliport Entrance Camera] and cut connectivity to others."


"Officer Jesse De Vaughn brought up an image from a camera at the Navy Annex that had
zoomed in on the roiling red flames and smoke. Nesbitt thought he was looking at the nearby
gas station on South Joyce Street, so when he called to notify the Arlington County Fire
Department of reports that a plane had hit the Pentagon, he also reported a fire at the gas station. Nesbitt then refocused the Annex camera to clearly show a normal gas station
scene and the blaze"

Jerry Maryott DPS Records Communication Center.

DPS Officer Mark Bright, who was standing outside the building, "saw the plane fly
low over the Navy Annex and slam into the building. "

How is the plane hitting street lights if it is flying over the Navy Annex?

September 11th Pentagon Cameras destroyed and therefore so have the
recording at the remote video server
- as it turns out we are that that stupid
to believe this report by John Jester.

John Jester this is a major event. We have to establish control
and find out what occurred and make sure we have all of the
appropriate response coming to assist us fire and medical and rescue
personnel. The phones were ringing off the hook. The guys in there
were jumping on them. People were calling from throughout the Pentagon. I tried to get a security camera up on one of the television
monitors to get a picture of what had happened.

But all of the cameras in that area had been destroyed. Are we to believe the  recordings
are therefore missing too because the ALL THE CAMERAS IN THE AREA HAD BEEN

John Jester He says it was an Military Exercise

Cheryl Ryefield Drawing of Not Flight 77

Cheryl Ryefield draws Flight 77 Plane
with USAF Logos

Bomb Witness
Pentagon Office Bomb

 he heard “boom, boom, boom,” he
recalls. In seconds, the kitchen doors blew
open, smoke and ash poured into the res-
taurant and the ceiling collapsed. Mr. Cut-
ler didn’t know what had happened yet,
but he found himself standing among bod-
ies strewn across the floor. “It was may-
hem,” he says.

Good afternoon Dan,

I'm finally catching up, sorry about the delay in replying. Hope your
week has been good. Sorry to hear about your travails with the house,
I'm hoping your fixes will hold.

On the Pentagon article you sent (published in Stars and Stripes the
day after 9/11), the Levi Stephens quote is very interesting. Stephens
said he heard a "huge rumble" and also that "the ground started
shaking" even before the plane hit the building.

What Stephens says could only mean that a massive explosion took place
in the building before the plane hit. Note that Stephens' story jibes
perfectly with what Major Jay Bienlien said in the book "Then Came the

« Major Jay Bienlien (our youngest active duty soldier) then looked up
to view the initial blast. The windows across the office from us
shattered and sprayed against the old, heavy three-inch 1942 steel
Venetian blinds (thank God for American steel) and crashed to the
floor. The second wave, a deafening explosion, then proceeded to cause
those same heavy blinds to protrude from the wall horizontally. »

Also in the Stars and Stripes article, one of their reporters named
Lisa Burgess talks about "two loud booms", although it sounds like she
recalled them in the wrong order. The others seem to say the loudest
boom came second. The important thing, though, is that there were two
separate and distinct explosions. Here is what she said:

« Stars and Stripes reporter Lisa Burgess was evacuating when the
incident happened. “I heard two loud booms — one large, one small,”
she said. Hundreds of people rushed for the exits of the world’s
largest office building after being ordered to evacuate. »

Another eyewitness who talks about double explosions (or a two-part
explosion) is Lieutenant Colonel John Thurman. In the Washington Post
on April 12, 2006 he said:

« “[T]o me it seemed like it was a bomb. Being in the military, I have
been around grenade, artillery explosions. It was a two-part explosion
to me.… [I]t seemed like that there was a percussion blast that blew
me kind of backwards in my cubicle to the side. And then it seemed as
if a massive explosion went off at the same time.” He will add: “I had
thought that perhaps the terrorists had surreptitiously gotten
construction workers to come in and place explosives.” »

Time and time again we see the same evidence as in New York. Take the
Ashley et al. paper, on the "Honegger Hypothesis", for example.
Several eyewitness reports are quoted in that paper to the effect that
the plane just vanished into the building without really crashing.
Here are some:

Donley, Daryl – “I saw it fly right into the Pentagon … ‘It just was
amazingly precise… It completely disappeared into the Pentagon.”

Kean, Terrance – “I saw this very, very large passenger jet.” “It just
plowed right into the side of the Pentagon. The nose penetrated into
the portico. And then it sort of disappeared, and there was fire and
smoke everywhere … It was very sort of surreal.”

Liebner, Lincoln – “The plane came in hard and level and was flown
full throttle into the building, dead center mass, Maj. Leibner said.
“The plane completely entered the building… The plane went into the
building like a toy into a birthday cake … The aircraft went in
between the second and third floors.”

Patterson, Steve – “[It] headed for the Pentagon “at a frightening
rate … just slicing into that building …”Then this thing just became
part of the Pentagon … he saw the Pentagon “envelope” the plane.”

Peterson, Christine – “then the plane crashed … Where did the plane
go? … I expected it to bounce off the Pentagon wall in pieces.”

Ramey, Wanda – “[It] crashed into the west side of the building … It
happened so fast. One second I saw the plane and next it was gone.”
Recalling those moments again, Ramey said it appeared the building
sucked the plane up inside.”

Skarlet – “It was headed straight for the building. It made no sense …
A huge jet. Then it was gone. A massive hole in the side of the
Pentagon gushed smoke. ‘Buildings don't eat planes. That plane, it
just vanished. There should have been parts on the ground. It should
have rained parts on my car. The airplane didn't crash. Where are the
parts?’ That's the conversation I had with myself on the way to work …
There was a plane. It didn't go over the building. It went into the

Thompson, Carla – “I glanced up just at the point where the plane was
going into the building …I saw an indentation in the building and then
it was just blown-up up — red, everything red.”

Source of these eyewitness quotes:

Note in particular the last statement, by Carla Thompson, who says she
"saw an indentation in the building" before it was "blown up". If the
plane had actually crashed against the wall and mechanically punched a
hole through it, there is no chance that she would have seen an
indentation before the fireball appeared. But that's what she saw, and
it indicates that the hole was blown separately, before the plane hit,
and that the plane went in through the hole and only exploded once it
got inside. That's why the fireball came a second later, enabling
Carla T to spot the indentation before the fireball emerged from the

As you can see, the situation at the Pentagon is exactly the same as
with the World Trade Center. The building just swallows the plane, it
doesn't really crash against the perimeter wall. At the World Trade
Center, we've got clear proof of massive explosions right before the
plane hits the perimeter walls. This is especially clear in the Naudet
video of the first plane hitting the North Tower, but is also there
e.g. in the Fairbanks video (and others as well) for the second plane
hitting the South Tower.

There were two rounds of explosions in all three cases – the North
Tower, the South Tower, and the Pentagon too. The first explosion blew
open a hole in the perimeter wall through which the plane fuselage
could enter the building without getting smashed to confetti. The
second explosion was when the plane itself crashed and blew up, which
it did only after it got inside the building.

At the World Trade Center, the two rounds of explosions were so close
in time they could not be told apart. We're tallking 1/10th of one
second or less. At the Pentagon, however, the two explosions were a
little farther apart, which enabled these people to tell them apart as
two separate blasts. This is also probably why they suppressed not
only available video footage from surveillance cameras but also the
seismic records at the Pentagon.

There is little doubt that the seismic records were in fact covered up
at the Pentagon. The Ashley et al. paper quotes noted geologist and
seismologist Terry C. Wallace.

« Terry C. Wallace, Southern Arizona Seismic Observatory, who is
considered an authority in this area, is reported51 as having stated
the following: “I looked pretty hard -- and to be honest I can't find
any [event] CONCLUSIVELY above the noise. I calculated an expected
magnitude assuming that the impact was on the wall, not vertical (like
UA flight), and got a magnitude of 0.8. The noise at all the stations
(closest is 60 km away) is above this.” Thus, according to this
expert, a detectable seismic signal was not expected to occur. »

When I first saw this, I immediately sensed it was handwaving. After
all, signals of ML 0.6 (Building 7 collapsing), ML 0.7 (plane hitting
South Tower), and ML 0.9 (plane hitting North Tower) were readily
detectable in seismograms from the Pallisades as well as New
Brunswick. True those stations are closer than 60 km but the
signal-to-noise ratio is so good it seems inconceivable that a station
60 km away would fail to clearly catch them.

What is more, when you Dan went out to check, you found no fewer than
FOUR seismographic stations within 5 miles (8 km) from the Pentagon.
Terry C. Wallace lied when he said the closest station was 60 km away.

So who is Terry C. Wallace? I went out to look for him, and guess
where I found this fellow! He's the new head of Los Alamos National
Laboratories. How about that for a "coincidence". I mean, you don't
become the head of Los Alamos without extensive background in the deep
state. They sent him out as an "expert" to cover up the seismographic
data from the Pentagon crash. Why did they? I'd say they did because
the seismographic charts showed (at least) two distinct shocks, one
for each explosion.

That's what I got for now on the Pentagon issues you brought up. i'll
reply in a separate note to the other material.

- Per

Hi Per, 

You think its Terry but its  Won-Young Kim and his bullshit team locked it down (again)

Report On Seismic Activity Due To The Aircraft Impact At The Pentagon

Hi Per, 

    I emailed with  David Chandler   directly about this awhile ago. I said the colors don't match

I asked about this Penny's plane part..   He was not very helpful. 

A woman drew the pentagon plane and it had stars on it. Did you get that part of the video?

Cheryl Ryefield Pentagon Plane Drawing Shows Is not American Flight 77

The other Pentagon plane part (below) it should have silver on top or bottom. 

Matt Nelson said he does not expect the evidence to match up. Why because 
he's up the gov ass. 

This blue strip matches the fish-eye camera effect however 

I searched for  "Riverdale" and found out it was a Luke Perry T.V. special. 

"So the other one is Riverdale (RIV)  

Luke Perry, star of 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and 'Riverdale,' 

 No it is Riverhead


J-52 Z-315 Riverhead NY ARSR-4 40°52′43″N 072°41′14″W EADS AEA Eastern 'New' FAA/USAF JSS radar site; replaced Montauk AFS, LI, NY (Z-45).
Directions: To here - From here

RIV scope

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