Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Problem OF September 11th and 9/11 Commission Report On Fireballs Part 2

Missing residual effects of the 9/11 bombing, fireballs and burned people verses smoke fill face of the 1993 bombing from car fires. 

faces black with soot 

molten evidence 9/11
Molten Evidence not covered by 9/11 Truth

9/11 Commission Report On Fireballs Part 2 

The 9/11 Commission Report fireball story of hitting areas of strategic importance (of course a random situation and by pure coincidence)  
delves into the big lie bombing conspiracy.. Part of the way to dispel conspiracy is use the same scaffolding  but turn it at the last possible moment into something safe enough for the masses to believe in.  The failure of any BS detection by any great thinking minds of our time has to be a great victory for criminals everywhere. It means open season for crime and crime does pay!

Crime does pay if you have gangs of media people talking about World Trade Center as hollow TUBE of steel!  It could be worse! It could be made of rotten wood.

To be fair, 9/11 Truth members DID detect a problem! However in some cases they
blame the issue on a replica bombing back in 1993 or 
Familiarity heuristic

 As in the case Ry Dawson in the video below. 

Ryan Is a victim of Familiarity heuristic  familiar is favored over novel places, people, or things. The familiarity heuristic can be applied to various situations that individuals experience in day-to-day life. When these situations appear similar to previous situations, especially if the individuals are experiencing a high cognitive load

@911RedPill let's call me stupid .. Break it down like I'm a fucking retard ... Hes not saying the basement but the what where cars etc exploded .. I'm just curious underneath in the basement area is where cars parked .. Like in the 93 explosion .. But please explain it to me ..

@Michael Thomas The problem with cars is they tend to be smokey. The problem with 9/11 is that fireballs seem to have cleaned themselves up so well that nothing but microwaved people are left in its wake and areas of the building went missing without any lasting secondary effects i.e smoke, fire and even heat etc! This spooky stuff is on the same level as Judy Wood's theory but I don't think Judy spoke about this problem. I think she was trying to scam the public as much as she could but fell backwards into finding out the truth but only by mistake and tried to cover up that mess by not talking about areas which are true i.e using any of the witnesses and photos which I found and which we all know about by now.

@911RedPill see I agree with that ... It's almost like the JFK assasination, they purposely muddy the waters so much ... That even if you have all the reports videos witnesses etc unadulterated truth ... because its been muddied so much, it wont believed by at least half... -- I'm willing to look and read everything produced ... But in the end I only want the truth

FYI, Dan (questionitall), your Pilots for 9/11 Truth post 4 days ago needs a correction. I found it when searching the web today for any new links to my book.

And yet Mr. Nelson has since counterclaimed that Corley's chunk of fuselage wreckage "flew dead straight for about 500' then started dropping. It made it about 700' north just over the road between the Post Office and WTC7 then drifted with the wind back to WTC5."

As you can see, waypastvne made the statement. You even said yourself a few posts down:

waypastvne has claimed that it flew dead straight for about 500' then started dropping. It made it about 700' north just over the road between the Post Office and WTC7 then drifted with the wind back to WTC5. And by that I presume he was referring to Corley's "chunk of fuselage which clearly had windows in it"?
So too, waypastvne wrote in post #193 that if I come back he'd explain HOW to me.
BTW, your link to this thread in the Pilots post doesn't work... as if anyone else will click it. "[2] Matt Nelson: 9/11 Debris - An Investigation of Ground Zero"

Dan, what is your opinion on the obvious United fuselage seen hanging from the burning tower in CNN's Brian Kiederling footage? I'm betting you don't respond to this question.

Dan, why is your 911RedPill video "Conspiracy Exposed Flight 175 Paint Problem" still up, after being proven wrong about the UAL175 fuselage -- since it undoubtedly came from beside the cargo door? Why did you delete my comment and not the video? (Since then, somebody else has left the same comment linking to the same photo. Why not delete that, too?) Why haven't you fixed your blog post about it, either?

FYI, everybody, I address Dan directly with this issue in the updated version of my "Airplane Debris, 9/11 WTC" PDF (pp. 81-82). If he doesn't admit he's wrong here, it's curtains for anything he says going forward.

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