Saturday, December 7, 2019

Various things worry me about the supposed cock ups and confusion on 9/11

Various things worry me about the supposed “cock ups” and “confusion” on 9/11. One is that it’s strange that the top people that made these “cock ups” were mostly promoted, not demoted. Another is that if the official storey is true, including that even with 30 minutes advance warning that the US was 100% under attack (after the 2nd WTC was hit), Hanni Hanjour, a pilot that had only ever flown tiny light aircraft before and just trained on a simulator for the large passenger plane, was able do a tremendous feet of flying his Boeing plane circa 20 feet off the ground and outwit the trillion dollar US war machine that should have easily shot him down.
It doesn’t bode well for the likely confusion and chaos that might ensue during a WW3. What if say, an actual country with far more resources than Bin Laden had somehow arranged for a dozen or more planes to have hit US targets, including nuclear power plants? Based on the official 9/11 story, most likely such targets would indeed have been hit, with the US military just a helpless onlooker.
 The US air force is probably one of the finest in the world, so how can this have been the case on 9/11 UNLESS they were deliberately ordered not to intervene with the 9/11 attacks? Possibly as one suggestion, with certain “rogue elements” within those in power involved in the stand down, knowing it would make such things as support for future wars and freedom restricting laws far easier to implement?
Interestingly, in March 2001 an episode of: “The Lone Gunmen,” an “X Files” spin -off TV series, was broadcast on US TV. It had as its plot rogue elements within the US government taking over a big passenger plane by remote control and flying it into one of the WTCs. Spooky! This episode was on the ‘Net, though You Tube are slowly taking a lot of 9/11 “conspiracy” type stuff off, or deliberately making such videos harder to find towards the bottom of their long search lists, also “pushing” the Wikipedia official 9/11 story below each 9/11 video. Google searching is often easier than via You Tube.
By coincidence, the part of the Pentagon that Hanjour rammed into (Wedge 1) had just that month been reinforced with Kevlar sheets, added concrete, and blast-resistant windows, so as to better withstand such as a missile hit, while also limiting damage to the rest of the Pentagon. I don’t know why Hanjour didn’t just fly his plane into the vast Pentagon roof which should have been far easier and likely to have killed more people including VIPs.

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