9/11 World Trade Center Fly Ash Looks like this
September 11th Fly ash Fly ash consists primarily of oxides SiO2, Al203 Fe2O3 CaO (Lime) MgO SO3 |
“The unique spherical shape and particle size distribution of fly ash make it a good mineral filler”
the WTC “fly ash” is not spherical shape so it is NOT “fly ash” to begin with, so this is an example of lying.
Lava was created on 9/11 and the only know material available was steel and concrete floors.
Molten Rock It says |
Bible Verse Melted Steel in 9/11 Attacks Sends a Gripping Message to America9/11 Molten Steel On Public Display Tables |
""A three-foot stalagmite of steel, which looks for all the world like a drip candle," New York Times "NY Times
"FEMA Director Allbaugh "molten material" at WTC FEMA Director Allbaugh with Bryant Gumbel, CBS Early Show "FEMA Director Allbaugh
World Trade Center Molten Steel Hotspots Thermal Progression CARSI -- Center for the Analysis and Research of Spatial Information
WTC "Molten Steel Beams" Kathy Dawkins, NYC Department of Sanitation New York Department of Sanitation
Underground fires burned at temperatures up to 2,000 degrees. As the huge cranes pulled steel beams from the pile, safety experts worried about the effects of the extreme heat on the crane rigging and the hazards of contact with the hot steel. OSHA
Melted girders Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl
9/11 Red Hot Steel On Fire Paused and On Repeat
Street level, no additional oxygen and no clear material heating this object and weeks later.
New York Very Fine Aerosol Post Sept 11, 2001 i.e 9/11 Ground Zero iron in the air UC Davis DRUM Data From 1.8 KM North North East
9/11 Microspheres are seen here:
Aerosol Post Sept 11, 2001 Shows Silicon, Aluminum, Iron in the air
Frank Greening discovered fe/mn alloy microspheres and not just fe or iron.
2017 World Trade Dust Study: Shirt Has WTC Structural Steel
Others found iron inside glass droplets. Photos show giant glowing objects high in air.
9/11 Microspheres are seen here: In this photo
Changes are the observed microspheres came from observed thermite bursts during and after 9/11.
The Stories They Tell: Molten Artifacts from the 9/11 Memorial
9/11 Microspheres are seen here: In this video
Thermite Explosion
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