Friday, February 14, 2020

World Trade Lateral Force Firefighter Body Parts Shows What Happened on 9/11

World Trade Lateral Force Firefighter body parts shows what happened on 9/11

Regarding Hans Kunnen. ““IT was enormous IT sounded to me like somebody was shelling the city with Huge caliber cannon fire as if somebody was bombing the city because IT was these explosions, one after the other, and the entire ferry terminal was shaking, this was kilometer from Ground Zero, People were screaming, it was these explosions next one was going to hit”

This gives the impression that he heard explosives,” The issue was NOT what he thought the sounds were, the issue IS what happened to those sound recordings and if these sounds were deleted, that would have to mean the sounds were explosives, right? because WHY on earth would someone “take them out”?

So, do you believe those sounds existed? Yes or NO! If you do believe Hans Kunnen, then what happened to the “floors hitting floors” recordings? People said that someone removed the explosion sounds. This proves that the sounds Hans Kunnen heard were 1. nefarious by the act of these edits of the record and .2 this action is a conspiracy and not a theory. Are you avoiding these questions? What is happening with you!

9/11 controlled demolition Sounds removed by contractors witness..

The term "secondary explosion" was used 1108 times on MSM before midnight on 911. The next day, the media was informed to "drop all the extra explosions" . Barry Jennings and a Mr Hess were trapped inside WTC7 with bombs going off all around them.

Both men can be seen right here on 911 stating such. Barry Jennings is actually covered in dust. Hess is in a studio. Barry did an interview a year later wondering WTF? Jennings stuck to the truth about the bombs, and Hess changed his story. Jennings was Epsteined 48 hours before The Philip Zelikow Report was released.

If you think the towers can collapse in ten seconds, and that WTC7 can fall at the exact rate of gravity, you haven't had simple hihpgh school algebraic vector physics. At the very least, you shouldn't allow yourself an opinion. You don't know, so say you don't know. You might learn something. They are counting on you being wrong and expressing your I'll-guided opinion.

911 was an inside job pulled off by the US Military, the CIA and Israel's Mossad. I say that because I KNOW it to be true. Not because I just think it. I spent nine years arriving at that and anyone with a rational mind who cares what kind of world their posterity is going to live in, would arrive at that too.

The planes were flown via remote control into the towers. Each tower experienced a flash just before each plane hit, those were the beacons self-destructing. Even Zelikow (a man I would prosecute before a p
The orange material dripping from the towers is thought to be glowing embers, possibly engrained in molten aluminum.
@Mick West "glowing embers" ??? You can hear the droplets making the correct sound that only a steel objects would make impacting other hard objects. . Molten aluminum is generally silver in color is correct. As I stated before that molten steel was on display by firefighters at fairs. My channel has all the visual evidence one would need.

Steel reinforced concrete floors example 1970 WTC it looks like the steel mesh helped support the floors from above the truss, while everything else helped support from below. Chances are no one added this feature to their sagging floors model.

  • Bob Byron Daniel M. Plesse I am looking at the mesh now.. It seems pretty shallow."

    kind of has to be to sit well inside the floor pour....
  • Daniel M. Plesse Bob Byron Sitting well for me means up high in the floor pour and not sitting low profile style above the metal deck.

    The "straps.." are labeled in your photo. I will enlarge the photo.

    Yellow circle are the "straps"

    Red circle is the "Knuckle"

    Blue circle is the possible connection to the "spandrel".

    No the steel reinforcement just has to sit below the surface for a smooth surface. I bet photos show the reinforcement connecting i.e the strap connecting to spandrel or blue circle

Column C-14 Explosive Evidence:

The Tunguska event was about the force applied matches both events and not anything to do with if an explosive was used. btw the photos match up showing the trees matching up with the WTC columns.
Here is the photo again. Clearly pointing out the lateral forces at both events. Which you avoid and talked about another topic. Why would you do that?

So, unlike you I have backup, such as photos and video and GPS etc. You showed one photo. I pointed out the uniform explosion going around tower [in that photo] and you said “ the pressure seems to increase as you move down.” No! you are seeing in your photo that YOU posted many small explosives going off. I also post a video of a explosion going off in the towers. What happen? No comment?
Here it is again? Are going to keep avoiding or what? Seems like theme to me.
You don’t seem to know how balloons work. So I wrote a little helper paragraph but that didn’t seem to work and YOU are most likely still lost..
Why do you keep saying that I am “plagiaristic”? What evidence do you have for that charge? The other charge “antisemitic truther”. Is not correct. I have many Jewish friends who abused my credit cards, I can speak from experience. Israel did bomb the USS liberty and Larry DID strong arm his way into buying the towers! People from Israeli DID dance and cheer and take photos, Insider trading WAS tracked back to Israeli. C-span recorded
Israeli Perspective: The September 11th Bombing ends debate starts wars
See I got all the evidence, what do you have? Lets see
You claim that there was lateral ejection was so powerful it that send fire fighter’s body parts 3000 feet away( where is your source?) Everyone who researches 9/11 uses 9/11 maps KML and google earth Download and he used Operation Phoenix GPS data.
“Not that it’s unusual as the debris field was over two miles” No it was NOT. The dust does count as part of the “debris field”.. Who said the debris field was over miles, what is your source?
“Yet ,Conversely, you claim that there was negative air pressure “
 I said people reported negative air pressure and I gave video evidence. Below is another witness, many exists. Do you include those people or do you cherry pick from your own sources deny and avoid? 
negative air pressure eye witness testimony 20 minute mark
Nothing Conversely about the stages of what happened 9/11, which you seem completely clueless about. Nothing conversely because something has fill the void after an explosion. So two actions: one out and one back should be assumed. These are two parts of the same coin.
“Does that sound like Negative pressure?! Is he being sucked into the building by any pressure?! “
The Negative pressure that they talked about and was filmed was OUTSIDE the building and in the streets not INSIDE!
You seem like a train wreck when it comes to information. I don’t think you could get your our name right 9 times out 10. All I seem to do is correct you and help you.. I hope these corrections work.
16 survivors any many others. You left out the 9/11 Surfer. Why did you do that? 9/11 Surfer: Pasquale Buzzelli's ...
Why was Pasquale Buzzelli not pancaked?
“Lastly I still don’t understand your comment about the 16 survivors.” It seems like theme. Not understanding.
I said, why did those 16 survivors [many others] and Pasquale Buzzelli NOT get pancaked? Can you answer?
“How the Hell did they survive when there was so much explosives in the tower? Your explosives are powerful enough to pulverize 90,000 tons of concrete but not enough to kill 16 people?!”
My replies have always been about “lateral force”. The lateral force must have saved Pasquale Buzzelli and women he was with plus 16 The Miracle Survivors and many others in the south tower lobby who watching the event unfold because lateral force push the materials sideways and out and away from these people. I noticed you have no explanation why all these people survived because you know that you are are wrong and I am right. It is that simple. 

@911RedPill All buildings have steel mesh reinforcement for the concrete floors you the floors in the towers were not stronger than other buildings, so can easy sag down. These were LONG SPAN floors so even though the concrete floors had reinforcing steel...the floors can still sag down. Plenty of photo's of sagging floors/beams from fires on google images. The Story Of Ground Zero: How Did The Twin Towers Collapse? | Real at 31 min and 40 will see British steel fire test and they show the steel beams and concrete floors sagging in a fire. CHECK MATE.

@anthony winter "were not stronger than other buildings, so can easy sag down" No the issue was never about "stronger then". The issue was you leaving the mesh out, just like NIST left out elements to fake a collapse by "normal" heat theory knowing that criminals have been using thermate as a arson tool for years leading up to 9/11. Thermite was reported as "rocket fuel" WSJ in arson cases, so the secret would not get out. The secret is out now.. The "British steel fire test" used bare truss floors. Show me study or an example that used all of the trade center floor elements together with exact floor truss arrangement in the trade center and show me that the sagging elements together could pull in the sprandrel plus the perimenter columns or show me a computer model which has everything included. Show me that example. thanks. You can't because like the NIST WTC7 study elements are left out for a reason,  for fraudulent reasons and cover up.

@anthony winter floor trusses were only 60 feet wide, so it was not a "large distance". The floor trusses were connected to three more layers from above. A steel floor pan, a steel rebar mesh and then concrete which is not just a dead load. The steel reinforcement rebar element provided support and was leftout by OT supporters . I never heard OT people talk about the mesh reinforcing the concrete, never . The "dead load theory" is just a another theory. These other elements were additional strengthening materials which make sagging floors theory stupid. Computer models only show bare floors.. What happen to steel rebar above steel floor pan, which connection to the knuckle, and then to a steel "straps" which connected to spandrel. What is your answer? Where is the computer animation that shows everything?

“Regarding the debris pile, you asked about where I get my information?”

No I never asked you about the debris pile. I asked you about your two mile estimated debris field which was used to explain away the firefighter body parts which few all the way to Hudson River. Where is that source?

Do you believe “High-temperature incineration with JET FUEL has taken place.” on 9/11? Is that your statement?

JET FUEL Can’t incinerate steel by the way. JET FUEL can’t melt steel, and can’t even turn steel, at that size a different color. Bright Orange for example. So why are you bringing this up?

You can’t answer or you will discredit yourself. However I have photos of molten steel and you do not and why don’t you have photos? You don’t have photos because you wish they never existed in the first place. It clearly says “melted steel from North Tower” and this exhibit was handled by the label making author so the weight of the object to size ratio makes IT steel.Nothing else and you can say otherwise because its too heavy to be something you make up out thin air like you have been doing i.e “two mile debris field” BS

You failed to answer my questions. I said, why did those 16 survivors [many others] and Pasquale Buzzelli and other NOT get pancaked? Can you answer???

your reply:
“You really want to know why those survived and not got pancaked. Then read this article 
How the Design of the World Trade Center Claimed Lives on 9/11

I did not ask for a web page as a proxy for an answer. The title says “claimed lives” NOT saved those 16 and many others. So chances are the proxy you reference IS NOT on topic. Do you understand the question?

You seemed to take extraordinary efforts to avoid my questions? Why is that?

“This is another quote about the force of energy in the twin tower disaster” The quote DOES NOT reference lateral force. Your reference are too general. “total energy released in the disaster was equivalent to the explosion of 600 tons of TNT.”
He has no references to lateral force. He should.

Dr. Frank A. Moscatelli does NOT talk about lateral force..

Here is another train wreck.
“15,000,000 tons of TNT The Tunguska event… was it "about the force applied matches both events" NO NOT EVEN CLOSE TO MATCHING THE SAME FORCE!!”
I said the the elements of the TREES and COLUMNS MATCH visually in the photo I provided not the total force matching. Holy crap, you are a train wreck! Can you get any worse then this?
Every sentence misconstrues the issues!
“You are making assumptions again (hypocrite), unlike you, I don’t make assumptions I rely on facts. “ What facts? Quotes from professors about things in general which I don’t talk about and are off topic.
First of all, you don’t know anything about the size of the explosion which recorded electronically off the record or what André Rousseau have said away from “what people heard”. Correct?
The size: First they falsified the seismic record, clearly seen on the BRNJ seismic chart shows a giant explosion, while PAL does not. Actually BRNJ shows a nuclear event which was removed from the seismic chart.. Just take note of that. Comments about the seismic record have always been at a  larger degree then reported too, this shows the seismic reports have been falsified. 
Strike three is what the blind who heard fast explosions on par with explosive demolition.
A synchronized series of explosions
A synchronized series of explosions
I have no idea what you do with information. Chances are you don’t apply it as a complete group of evidence.
Going back to the Negative Pressure Witness Stanley Praimnath. Your reply seems to avoid the topic of Negative Pressure and you dive into another topic.
Negative Pressure was filmed as well as witnessed by Stanley Praimnath and many others and I have provided a link.
Somehow this Negative Pressure issue is a problem for you, enough for you avoid the topic. Why is that?
9/11 THEY KNEW 2018 has the video of Negative Pressure. 21:56 mark you can see things rolling in the WRONG direction.
9/11 Nobody Knows 35 Minutes Administrative failures to investigate
Are you watching these videos I send you. You never seem to reference the clips. Why is that?

Sam Haschets The point is nothing blocked or stopped the tower from hitting him. Nothing was in the way. Your newest fake argument will not hold. Your gravity theory can't be true. Give it up!
"Pasquale Buzzelli. This 34-year-old Port Authority worker had begun the descent from his office on the 64th floor of the North Tower via Stairwell B and had reached what he believed was the 22nd floor when the building collapsed.
The structure still existed ABOVE the pile as seen in photos and video
Sam Haschets The point is nothing blocked or stopped the tower from hitting him. Nothing was in the way. Your newest fake argument will not hold. Your gravity theory can't be true. Give it up!
"Pasquale Buzzelli. This 34-year-old Port Authority worker had begun the descent from his office on the 64th floor of the North Tower via Stairwell B and had reached what he believed was the 22nd floor when the building collapsed.
The structure still existed ABOVE the pile as seen in photos and video


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