Saturday, November 28, 2020

9/11 earthquakes cover up begins

Dan, because of the disinformation and argumentation to discuss the 9/11/01 issues, it will be debatedly extensive.

I wonder what you are talking about the 9/11 earthquake ?

Okay, you are stressing the point of when the towers collapse that created a geological earthquake very low but detectable on the Richter Scale ?

9/11 earthquakes cover up begins by limiting who can research the issue and what data they can look at. So far Columbia was the only university reporting on issue and no one else.

Dr. Sykes also from Columbia said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy then 2.4+ while 2.3 was largest measurement by Won-Young Kim who became the only voice of 9/11 earthquake research. Later Nuclear explosion seismology was blended with 9/11 and then they said they had no idea what happened like just like FEMA said about building 7.

"Nuclear explosion seismology, 7260 Theory and modeling"


"It is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been." Won-Young Kim

Seismic Waves Generated by Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at World Trade Center, New York City and Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.

"Urban Earthquakes, Nuclear Bombs and 9/11" hint hint 

Won-Young Kim

"He is one of the leading researchers in the United States in methods of using seismic waves to discriminate between earthquakes, industrial explosions in mines and quarries, and underground nuclear explosions. "

Seismologist Honored for Work Local and Global

Is Won-Young Kim trying to tell us something about 9/11?

The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy.

A DAY OF TERROR: THE MEASUREMENT; Columbia's Seismographs Log Quake-Level Impacts (Published 2001)

  • Daniel M. Plesse
     But bombs not immediately attached to bodies don't rip bodies to such tiny shreds as you imagine.
    In terror bomb attacks of the suicide kind, the only person usually ripped to shreds is the terrorist to whom the bomb is strapped, or who have a carload of explosives in their back.
    How large do you imagine those bombs in the core to have been?
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  • Erik Marette
     How large ? Well if you listened to the video I provided and looked at seismic charts you would know. But somehow you turned Rick Siegel 's video 9/11 Eyewitness is a DVD by Rick Siegel
    into something that has match up with other with explosion sound videos? Why would ALL explosion sounds have to match up? Who said that all explosion sounds have to match up anyway?
    Quote "The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy." How large ? Ask Dr. Sykes.
    I never said " tiny shreds" torsos are very large pieces and the point was the distance they traveled not anything else.
    Christine Mazzola Paramedic Fire Department of New York
    For those who didn't get out, if they didn't jump, if they weren't burned if they weren't trapped in the collapse, THEY WERE BLOWN APART BY THE EXPLOSION. A very good friend of mine had a torso land right in front of her. From the sky. Arms and limbs gone, head gone gone just a torso...

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