Monday, November 30, 2020

Air Flow Visualization Study North Tower at or Below Impact

 When air flow studies are conduced they use colored smoke or just smoke or whatever they have Air flow visualization chambers to see what is happening.

Now using the same concept of air flows chamber above apply the smoke that surrounds the tower as an indication of solids, downward pressure etc and from the change of direction of the smoke around the tower during the first second of collapse I can conclude the solid objects the floor NIST said fell is still intact. The intact floors are just below the impact zone and the creation of large amounts of dust from destruction of the core is flying outward and not inward like smoke disappearing down a a vent as seen above. 

The first second or less the dust was already being pushed out the impact area so yeah the dust was created by XYZ but the larger point is what is happening beyond the just the floors. The intact floors were directing the flows i.e the dust was hitting a solid object. That solid object was assumed to have caused the domino effect taking down the tower. The dust shows this was not the case. The falling mass was being taken apart.

The South tower shows a whole bunch of the small black puffs of black smoke..

And you conclude explosives based on this? Okay, wouldn’t there be some supporting evidence in that case?

I’m also curious why the helicopter is being pointed out, but I gather that is of lesser significance.

The helicopter was told to back off, they knew ahead of time what comes next. Its strange that you refuse the words “NYPD got early notice”. Are you natually this way or is someone paying for this blindness?

“supporting evidence” Are you talking about the body part maps and the 1,000+ still missing. Chances are you had no idea that bodies should contain the supporting evidence. Guess what, that issue is most likely blocked off and refused, no investigation into this topic. However quote “McIlvaine suspects otherwise. Based on injuries his son sustained, including to his face and chest, he maintains Bobby was killed by an explosion, possibly before the plane crash. As Bobby was among the first 10 bodies found, he says, McIlvaine believes his son was in the tower's lobby.”

As for me, I am looking at the dust during collapse initiation in slow motion trying to figure out what is happening to the North Tower. The dust particles generated are uniform around the tower at a single point at or below impact of flight 11. This tells me the dust is hitting a solid object (flooring) and deflected outward. Actually this is the exact opposite of 9/11 Official (NIST) Theory. One of the theories is that the collapse initialized at the point of impact(s). If that is the case the dust should have been or at least the outside nearby smoke should have been pulled into the tower(s) and not out of the towers.  Videos have always shown the opposite and that the dust has always exploded away from the towers. This force has always been explained as 1. Explosives 2. Pressure from the collapse. In actuality both explanations are true. The pressure is from falling debris from a mini controlled demolition(s).    The dust is indicting an intact floor at the below the point of impact. This tells me the impact had nothing to do the collapse. My theory, right now is they took down the towers in a number of small steps and directed the tower's spill by using the perimeter columns as a guide just like a tree is directed when felled.  So I tried to look at LIDAR image results for perimeter columns  symmetry between the towers and found out the U.S Army was partially interested in the same thing I was. I wonder if someone was checking his results and feeling pretty good about himself. 

Uniform Dust Accumulation Study North Tower

1m ago

The dust shows the complete pulverization of the concrete floors. Try an exercise. Get a sledge hammer and pound a concrete slab into dust. That takes a lot of energy.

According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, the energy consumed in pulverizing the concrete must come from the kinetic energy of the falling mass. For that reason, the fall should have been slowed down. The free-fall collapses reported by the government are impossible unless the lower structures were weakened by incendiaries or explosives.

The first second or less the dust was already being pushed out the impact area, so yeah the dust was created by XYZ but the larger point is what is happening beyond the just the floors. The intact floors were directing the flows i.e the dust was hitting a solid object. That solid object was assumed to have caused the domino effect thus taking down the tower(s). The dust shows this was not the case. The falling mass was recorded as being taken apart.

The South tower shows a whole bunch of the small black puffs of black smoke..

Uniform Dust Accumulation Study 9/11

And the dust (assuming that’s what it is for the sake of argument) indicates what, exactly?

The dust and smoke was showing what was happening to the inside of building as per videos I linked to. A collapse under the impact zone would have pulled the dust or smoke inside the building.. So it is very clear. For the record, you were the one who asked.

9/11 Whodunit North and South Tower 

Joint Precision Strike Force U.S ARMY

And I’m sure he accurately reported what he saw in his location at the time to the best of professional expertise. Regardless, the fires were large enough to doom the buildings so call them small if you like, but that doesn’t make them harmless nor does it conjure evidence for an alternate explanation for which I’ve been patiently waiting.

Not regardless, the fires were NOT large enough to doom the buildings, based on Orio Joseph Palmer report and based on 9/11 Commission omitted WTC core and they lied in their report and based YOU not being able to show large fires. An Alternate explanation is just as simple, just follow the dust. The dust shows the center fell and the where the dust spills out, that is a floor. They must have repeated this all the way down.

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