Thursday, December 10, 2020

The 9/11 Rigger and Murder of Dave Adam Possible Real Name Michael Calabrese

The 9/11 Rigger and Murder of Dave Adam Possible Real Name Michael Calabrese

Hi Dan,

Don't know if you are familiar with the Michael Calabrese story?

If not, you can read here if your interested:

I could never quite resolve if it was true or not because there was some conflicting angles to it.

If "Dave Adam" (pseudo name from the American card makers) was a real person, and was a 911 rigger
 he would have known that 911 was some kind of nuclear event, and therefore he would not have first
 approached the AE "Truth" people, because he would have known it was controlled opposition

Also the story rests on just one person Wayne Madison - so there is no other verification.

That said, Michael Calabrese absolutely fits the exact psychological profile of someone who could
do such a thing as rig those buildings. We see him on video on a local channel after his boat was
run aground and subsequently. Without going into too much detail it looks like he is suffering from
PTSD and GUILT "I know I am not god's favorite son", and yet makes a comment about being able
to "crush a man's skull with his bare hands". He really had Navy Special ops written all over him.

I couldn't resolve it, so instead I decided to spend a few years watching Wayne Madison and making
notes everytime he popped up with something new. Long story short, I have come to the conclusion
that far from Wayne being an EX-ONI whistleber, he really is the very current NI mouthpiece. And
gets out there anything special that they need getting out there.

 It's likely that with no single point of failure allowed there may have been more than one team. One
[of] may have done the Towering Inferno drama script special, and another dropped of the nukes for example. 
So why then tell us via the Pentagram Website VT about the manager of at least one team of the riggers? 

The conclusion I have come to is that with Calabrese going all PTSD, getting arrested/ alcoholism/
being on TV/ talking about writing a book etc. That this was a strong warning to others about what
will happen if they start attracting too much attention to themselves...

Interestingly, the Harbor master who found him bobbing up and down in the water tied to a block
of concrete was BRITISH. Is there a shortage of US harbor masters that a Brit can get a work
permit/ or green card to do that job?  Just seemed a strange job to be doing, and strange that he
 just happened to be there at the time.

Let me know what you think??




December 31, 2010, Dr. James Fetzer interviewed Dr. Chris Busby


Jim Fetzer: Well I would like for you to elaborate on that because this is a very important point. I have longed believed that it was the chemical residue that was going to tell us what was going on here.


Dr. Busby: Right. Well, from what I just said, from what Emilio Della Guidice told me, this weapon is deuterium dissolved in uranium. OK. Now if that’s the case, you’re not going to get a hundred percent fusion. I mean I’d be surprised if you got more than five percent fusion. And it could well be that you could regulate the level of fusion by regulating the gamma radioactivity of the uranium. So if you put more U235 into the mix, you might be able to increase the electron density and therefore, because of the ionization of the U235 is much more radioactive than U238, and then you might be able to regulate the percentage of the material that went to cold fusion. But I would be extremely surprised if the percentage of fusion was very high at all.


Because, if it were for me [to say], there would be all sorts of parts of this weapon that didn’t reach super-saturation. So some part of it would get this fusion reaction and it would blow the rest of it away. Just like the atom bombs. That’s why they had to put these big uranium casings on the atom bomb because the initial fission explosion would blow everything away and then the neutron density would fall down, so you would lose a lot of efficiency. And even the way in which they did it with atom bombs, they still only got about five percent fission. So there was an awful lot of wastage.


And the same here. So the wastage, of course, would lead to all that deuterium being released in the explosion as deuterium, not having been turned into anything else… like tritium and so forth and would be able to be there in the ground, see, and hence the deuterium.

Jim Fetzer: Yes.

Dr. Busby: I have no idea how powerful it is, but I would suggest that it is very very powerful in terms of its size. So if you want something that’s small that somebody can walk and just stick it in the corner somewhere that has enough power to blow this building down, you know, then it’s a good bet. 

Leuren Moret: A chemical explosive does not release enough energy to do what happened to the World Trade Center buildings, which was to nano-powder them. And they were in lower orbital space within 48 hours of the disaster. Those are very very tiny particles and I am an atmospheric dust expert. I’ve never heard of it going up into lower orbital space that fast.

The whole key to what happened at the World Trade Center is the energy budget. How much energy was necessary to break those building materials into nano-particles? And that could not come from a chemical explosive.


And secondly, the data that Dr. Thomas Cahill reported from his air monitoring of the World Trade Center for five months beginning October 5th after 9-11 was…He’s the one that reported high levels of uranium, elevated levels of uranium in the dust that was released from the WTC, the highest concentration of fine particles ever measured in an air sample in the US and the highest concentration of metal ever measured in an air sample in the US. And also he reported deuterium, tritium, and like I said the elevated uranium levels.


Jim Fetzer: Go ahead Chris, yes.


Dr. Busby: Well, there you are. You have all those three ingredients, don’t you? The tritium, the deuterium and the uranium – yes, that’s all you need. It seems quite a plausible hypothesis.


Jim Fetzer: It does indeed and I just want to clear, Chris, about the ingredients. You have the deuterium that is a solution of uranium, or depleted uranium, powder that is diluted with deuterium, and then all you have to do is project it or impose some pressure upon it to cause it to…


Dr. Busby: That’s right. That’s how it works.


Follow up Email:

The concentration of Uranium is a key. This is slightly too high in the dust and much too high in the girder coatings. The activities for 2.7, 3.2, 4.7 and 7.57 are 33, 40, 58 and 93Bq/kg. The graph shows that there is too much U on the girder coatings. Normal levels of U are about 12, at most 40Bq/kg.


My belief is that there is a cold fusion weapon or device of some sort. This employs Uranium and Deuterium. The output is neutrons, lots of heat, lots of energy, gamma radiation. The devise is the size of an apple or grapefruit but heavy (20-40kg). No radioactivity after the explosion except from Tritium H-3 which together with He-4 is the product and some short lived gamma radiation from neutron activations products (e.g. Ca-45 from the Ca in the concrete, Fe-55 from the steel). These would be radioactive for a few days only.


You would thus expect to find too much Uranium and also Tritium. You find both. There is a paper showing high levels of Tritium in the water at WTC. We also see U levels are too high.


Maybe the Barium is part of this mixture, and the Strontium. I have certainly found high levels of both in the war samples.


Regards, Chris Busby


Emilio Del Giudice 

Emilio Del Giudice is the guy who was mentioned in the Professor Chris Buzby interview that I had the script for and then you found the audio for (April 2020). It was the interview between Dr Buzby, James Fetzer and Leuren Moret.  

Back story was that it was featured in Veterans Today 2012 and I had seen it, copied it, but failed to realise its significance. At the time Fetzer was pushing his string of mini nukes every 10 floors theory, and we had Dimetri Khalesov's nuke-in-a-hole theory going on. So I had the "Expectation" that they were on the right path and would somehow have it all figured out fairly soon.

I only came across the article again when I was in an argument with one of the 9/11 AE guys on their YT channel (2019). They had posted about whether to leave comments open or closed and I had sarcastically replied - if you don't close them then people like me will post stuff like this - and then proceeded to list all the radiation readings :-) So the argument ensued... and one of their top guys/ defenders was all prove this, prove that, prove something else - you know how it goes... So I started searching through my old notes looking for Buzby's comment in this case about the Uranium readings and came back across the article. 

The article transcript had wrongly spelt Professor Emilio Del Giudice's name but I found it and then found his book -
The book is called  The Secret of Three Bullets: How New Nuclear Weapons Are Back on Battlefields by 
Maurizo Torrealta (Author), Emilio Del Giudice (Author) 

The book details how they found the evidence for, and then the discovery off the use of 4th generation nuclear weapons. It includes interviews with Fleischmann who worked on nuclear research for the British Navy.  Because Emilio Del Giudice was a celebrated Nuclear Theoretical Physicist who developed "String Theory" amongst great works, they couldn't discredit him, so instead his book and work on uncovering 4th gen nukes went completely ignored. He died in 2014 just before his book, which was first published in italian, was released by Trineday in English.

The extracts I sent you are just some of the information given in the book that seems to correlate with the type of weapons we see used on 9/11. The latest being the discovery of carbon nano-tubes in the lungs of survivors - and the book mentioning carbon nano-tubes being used to pack the Uranium/ Deuterium powder into to increase the weapons effectiveness.

From Emilio Del Giudice's wikiepedia entry it can be seen that he was indeed a heavy hitter in the Nuclear Physics field - and the most qualified individual ever to have commented on 4th generation nukes, and via Professor Buzby to hypothesize what weapons were used on 9/11.
I definitely recommend getting a copy of the book and seeing what you think yourself.

Carbon nanotubes found in lungs requires High Temperature 

Below is some extracts from the book which mentions the use of  nanotubes to pack the Fussionable products into.
 “The Secret of the Three Bullets” (subtitled: “A New Generation of Micro-Nuclear Weapons is on the Battle Field”), by Maurizio Torrealta and Emilio Del Giudice

Mysterious Weapons in Gaza


Inexplicable wounds which have led to the amputation of a lower limb in at least eighty cases… small fragments, often invisible to X-rays, as well as incomprehensible amputations of the lower limbs caused by what appears to be an extremely strong blast of heat. I noticed that the wounds are never more than 1 meter and 10cm above the ground.


The area around the amputation was black, burnt…  necrosis of the tissue had already set in, they were hardened, and the injury seemed old even if it had only just happened a few minutes before. We managed to identify some non-metalic fragments in the tissue.


“ I didn’t hear any noise, only a screech, a whistle… there are electronic materials among the fragments, similar to the ones in a radio or TV.  Defence Tech describes a remote-controlled weapon fired from a drone designed to minimise environmental damage. The bombs are packed with Tungsten Powder, aimed at the target using a particular angle, and as they become charged with energy accurately destroy everything in their path within a range of 4 meters. The bomb is known as a DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive). It spreads a kind of dust that burns the entire surface of the body.


The results of the analysis reveal that the main element is carbon, but also compounds of metallic elements such as tungsten and silica.The devices can have various sizes and functions, but the one described in Defence Tech uses Tungsten powder; a heavy metal used in many Hydrogen LOADING experiments in order to produce so called Cold Fusion. The Hypothesis that a kind of” energetic” loading of tungsten is in fact the same thing as charging tungsten with hydrogen., seems to be entirely plausible. A hypothesis that is also reinforced by the fact that the wounds self-cauterize shortly after explosion, and that organic material doesn’t seem to respond to traditional treatment. These effects may be compatible with the release of hydrogen atoms, which tend to bind to Oxygen, literally sucking it out of the organic matter with which they come into contact.


(Professor) Emilio Del Giudice says “ Let’s assume that this tungsten powder contains an extremely high percentage of hydrogen and that, on impact external pressure or an internal explosion caused it to reach the threshold of the Bridgman effect, with the subsequent production of nanoparticles. So at the moment of impact, Hydrogen would be released in atomic rather than molecular form. At this stage, the hydrogen would be exceptionally active from a chemical standpoint, and would thus have an extraordinary affinity with the oxygen contained in the human targets’ biological material, “stealing” its oxygen and causing the bodies to collapse by chemical means. An eventual jet of atomic hydrogen, combining with the oxygen, would create water, which would then pass unnoticed.


And so here is an example of a dynamic act of destruction produced by an extremely intense reaction, because oxygen and hydrogen are two of the strongest reagents. If we then consider that Tungsten powder can be packed into carbon micro-tubes which are 400 times sturdier than steel and much lighter, the accurately aimed explosive force may produce effects very similar to those you have encountered.


To cope with this sort of damage to the organism and combat tissue necrosis, the body would have to be re-oxygenated through strongly aqueous solutions. - I am referring to the studied of my friend Vladimir Voeikov, professor of Biorganic Chemistry at Moscow University.


The careers of Fleischmann and Pons were destroyed as quickly as a nuclear flash.


… the secret hidden away for [30] years is that if Uranium is charged with Deuterium beyond a critical threshold, it causes a sort of explosion that triggers a Fusion-Fission process? I think I have understood that it has a radioactive effect, anyway, for example gamma rays, but very limited both in terms of its nuclear mass, and the process it triggers.


If you do research on 4th Generation nuclear devices, the 4th the miniaturised bomb. Research has shown that some devices hypothesize uranium shielding around the explosive core, according to the level of radioactive pollution that must be produced, because that's no longer a secondary effect imposed by critical mass of uranium, but a deliberately chosen primary effect. In other words these new small bombs may have a very limited radioactivity and pollutant effect, perhaps too limited.. so they’re aren’t weighed down with outer layers or uranium that increase both the pollutant and explosive effect.


The bomb responsible for the Khaim crater, produced with deuterium-charged uranium that triggered first Fusion and the Fission.


Fleischmann said in his interview about how his experiments developed by substituting Palladium with Uranium to study its potential for Fusion and Fission. Uranium charged with deuterium, the trigger for a nuclear bomb the size of a bullet. It was larger than a bullet , because 5Kilotons would have required 250 Kg of natural uranium, a quantity that could have been reduced by using enriched uranium.


Deuterium-charged uranium.. is a true nuclear bomb the size of a bullet, and it was used in Khiam against underground shelters, starting with the data collected in Kosovo, Iraq and Lebanon, this is the most concrete interpretation of all those made until now..

But don’t stop there... we’re talking about a new class or weapons that exploits the hydrogen or deuterium charging of heavy metals. So when you see severed legs in Gaza and read its a bomb with dense inert and explosive material remember the rule about adjectives in military acronyms: they mean the opposite. And so, not inert tungsten powder but deuterium or hydrogen charged powder, and not of generic energy… 

Damaged caused to workers and the population in the areas of Deja Vu Sans like those reported at the Concord Plant in Massachusette and at Starmet Corporation.


Patent for a new generation of weaponry – the following list of materials emerge: titanium, zirconium, hafnium – which all have the same outer electron structure. - and the thorium and uranium. These materials have been under study for some time as hydrogen absorbers and are also quite expensive. The idea of using micro or nano-structured materials stems from the high surface to volume ratio that they have. Which is extremely useful for all chemical processes that take place on the surface.

 Did the weapon contain Uranium charged with Deuterium packed into carbon nanotubes?

The elevator man’s tale The South Tower the same exact basement explosion as the North Tower but was covered up?
I wonder why

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