Saturday, December 5, 2020

Fire Anomalies and Accelerants on and after September 11th

If you find anomalies it should lead to accelerants and then arrests. 
If you don’t see anything, the criminals get way. 

“jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” mantra was an 9/11 arson awareness issue.
The problem was few molten steel samples were shown to the  
public.  We had this
photo (below), and that's it. We also have dancing with molten steel. 
We also have 
firefighter Scott Schrimpe Molten North Tower Core Tower public
display table video. 
 The 9/11 Bible has molten steel but people are too distracted with 
Bible part to see the molten steel around the back of the artifact. 


9/11 and Background Context History of Arson i.e Jewish Lightning for
Insurance payments.

The Seattle arson fires of 1984-92 ... fire was deliberately set and that some HTA
 might have been used there, possibly 
thermite. the King of Arsonists”. The King
allegedly used “homemade accelerants” to make his fires burn much hotter than
a typical building fire—up to an astonishing 7000  degrees Fahrenheit.

The World Trade accelerant was also discovered and published by a team of scientists 
and the reactions filmed by even more people i.e 
Marc Basile on Youtube with
samples from the NYPD. 
NYPD members also have spoken about this issue.

I followed up by showing filmed thermite reactions on West Street and other
World Trade Center reactions have been documented here 
my blog 
my youtube channel

After that I spoke with FDNY Lenny Mulhern and he also witnessed
strange reactions.

Next I attempted to share this information on Quora with little luck

The picture above shows molten (steel) metals pouring from the side of the
 southern tower some time after the impact of the plane.

Molten aluminum is silver, unless it is heated way past the melting point
660°C, so that explanation is NOT reasonable also because aluminum is
explosive when it comes into contact with cold objects. This is why Frank
Greening assumed aluminum exploded in the towers and was that was
the true cause of the collapse. Also I found a video with sound and molten
steel sounds  like steel hitting the street and not aluminum. This aluminum
 explanation is more swamp gas for the masses then a real
explanation .

However, If you find anomalies it should lead to accelerants and then arrests. So far everything has been done but the arrests.

Fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. However, combine the thousands of gallons of fuel and all the combustibles burning and you have enough heat to weaken the steel

What combustibles are you talking about? Please name a few! thanks

Sorry, didn’t mean to offend you conspiracy theory. Although, I’m not sure exactly what point you are trying to make with this babble.

It called asking for details. What combustibles are you talking about?

No high air flow component in the WTC pile or flammable materials. only water
 steel and dust and death.

You still have to pick where the steel came from regardless . What happened to the rest of the column? Was this part of the pools of molten steel?

9 11 Survivor Shares His Stories 2.jpg

 "famously mistaken claim that “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.” Why is it "mistaken"? What can't we just stay on topic with the molten evidence?

“Jet fuel burning in a furnace can very easily melt steel. Paper, when burning in a furnace can melt steel.” Since when does an office space become a furnace? You do realize that the towers only had drywall and glass as walls, right? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

My friend who, My friend’s burnt to the ground house” Lots of “MY friend”, what happen to My buddy and me?

"Concrete does not melt like lava” 
The lava was on display. That was a display sign on the 4th floor NYPD museum. Go visit sometime.

The revolver encased in concrete is also melted. Did you even bother to look at it? The revolver is so badly damaged, you don’t even know what is going on. Try looking before typing.

So, Are you trying to say the molten steel means ARSON? 

Between 200–300 the strength goes UP not down for the green line which is structure
steel which tells me you can’t read a graph. The green line starts going down after 375
c or 707 f, the steel is still 100% strength and who knows what the size of this metal
object is, but it is not a WTC core column. So by 475 the line points at 60% not 40%.
Do you see the numbers on the side? 40% points at 525 c. You can’t even do graphs
 right. I believe people keep telling you the graph means nothing.

The lava was on display with guns inside it. So it did happen because the resulting
object is on display for the public to look at. The public sees it just fine. Do you?

“The furnace effect happened when the towers collapsed.”
What does that mean? Did the towers suddenly build a brick enclosure to replace
the glass and drywall? What the hell are you talking about.

non-molten steel? Are you having trouble seeing ?

He said “Little river of steel flowing” not “ molten steel that has solidified into a river” ???

LIKE a little river of steel flowing. If you have ever cast molten metal, as the metal hardens, it retains its flowing shape. Others said it looked like a dripping candle.

If it was actually still 2200 degrees and staying red hot, the firemen would not be able to approach it.

LIKE had to do with the river and not the molten steel. Rivers are made of water, so like a river of water but only this time it was molten steel. Do you have a reading problem? FLOWING means still moving.

Molten steel outside is not that bad. As long as cold wind is blowing and pushing the heat the other way.

Fused Iron In air samples in October.

What’s that smell?

Not all New Yorkers here on 9/11 and the following six months have the same opinions on the topic of 9/11 or the Truth Movement, but all New Yorkers here on 9/11 and the six months after will tell you the same thing;

“For months after the 9/11 attacks, the bubbling cauldron in the pit of Ground Zero would emit a caustic, noxious fume that was evident from Midtown to LIC to Brooklyn Heights.”

I want to point out that nearly two decades after the attacks the conversation continues on. So, imagine what was the main topic dominating all New Yorkers conversations for the months following 9/11. When the fumes overwhelmed the city (several times a week, sometimes lasting days, and continuing well into the new year) people talked about it. It wasn’t something some people smelled and others didn’t. This was an olfactory assault, that made you want to seek shelter inside.

The cleanup crews downtown worked night and day. I lived below 14th Street which required me showing ID to go home at the checkpoint at 14th Street. For months after the attacks, the events of 9/11 continued to cause a phenomenon with which we had to deal with daily. Part of the conversation regarding the fumes was the fact that the fires at Ground Zero continued to burn and those working there were reporting not just fires but molten materials seething below the debris.

You can try to rewrite history, you can accuse witnesses of a fraudulent claim of seeing molten steel because you think it is too outrageous to believe but the fact that the fires at Ground Zero burned for 100 days or more is a fact that, to me, is far stranger than molten steel. The fires were the longest burning structural fires in the history of the world; not by days, not by weeks but by months! Another item to add to the long list of “first time ever in the history of the world” phenomenon surrounding the events of 9/11.

Considering the fires; they were constantly doused by millions of gallons of water for months, from September 11th on. They were persistently sprayed with the high-tech foaming agent, Pyrocool, for months from September 28th. The only possible fuel for the fires had to be the mandatory fire treated office furnishings and interior fixtures; that was in an oxygen-starved environment beneath tons of debris and dust. And still, these fires burned, bubbled, and most likely flowed for months.

You can trust me, I am telling the truth. You can ask ANY New Yorker living here at the time. You can Google it. Or just read this article in New Scientist; Ground Zero's fires still burningwhich was published on December 3, 2001, and claimed at that the time the fires were the longest burning structural fires in history, they continued to burn for another month and a half. These persistent, continuous fires at Ground Zero, make believable claims of molten steel. Hell, molten concrete, aluminum, and human remains as well.

Explain the cause and persistence of the fires at Ground Zero and the reality of molten steel will shake out of whatever kept the fires going.

As for Jet Fuel…back to the question;

Fire anomalies videos with regard to actual firefighting actives and thermite reaction video was also created for a review of what  it was like to fight on the ground on 9/11 and could be real reason they stopped fighting. I.e the fires were NOT going out do to the odd nature of the fire. The fires seemed to react to and water and explode!

Earlier in the day Barry Jennings and Mr. Hess become trapped in building 7. at the same time Jane Standley and the BBC start reporting on “other buildings” or "buildings next to the trade center" as being attacked or collapsed in the morning. A small gap in time occurs and reporting on Building 7 beings again saying the same thing a second time but by this time 
many news outlets begin reporting an then CNN starts a continuous recording of building 7 until the building falls.  

 Between all of these events the traffic lights go out just before free fall collapse 

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