Monday, July 12, 2021

9/11 Explosions USGS

Seismologist Won-Young Kim assumed that the building fell as a whole and as an intact object which then "generated seismic waves comparable to a magnitude 2.1 earthquake". Does he know exactly what hit the ground to create a magnitude 2 earthquake?

"Nuclear explosion seismology, 7260 Theory and modeling"

"It is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been."  
Won-Young Kim

Urban Earthquakes, Nuclear Bombs and 9/11″
  Won-Young Kim

He is one of the leading researchers in the United States in methods of
using seismic waves to discriminate between earthquakes, industrial
explosions in mines and quarries, and underground nuclear explosions. “

Is Won-Young Kim trying to tell us something about 9/11?

Profile photo for Dan Plesse

“Kim believes the minor tremors were the result of a whopping big pile” So the towers turned into a “whopping big pile” and that hit the ground even after Kim said it was not possible to infer just what the near-in ground motion must have been because he can’t say explosives for some reason like the other guy?

We all know this statement is false, but does 
Won-Young Kim know exactly what hit the ground to create a magnitude 2.1 earthquake?

 He has just two possibilities remaining.

1. A large section of a WTC 
perimeter column dislodged. 
2. The towers didn't cause the earthquake and it was something else like an explosive. 

Paul Earle USGS refers to 9/11 as an explosive event which can be correctly assumed given no other possibilities exist.  

9/11 Explosions USGS

Caption Jay Jonas 9/11 Stairwell B Survivor

"sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph."

They switched out an explosion sound with additional comments about that explosion i.e "is that the building? YES" with "was it a bomb?, No it plane hit it." the exact opposite.

i mean i used to scavenge old VET/dark web threads...from some ANONS that were deep in black ops/retired and thus turned against the MIC. They stated it was mossad They were "temp" hire "maintenance" workers....ever seen elevator closed/caution tape/under service....they did this over the course of a month id say aug 2001 in day out...planting nanothermite in stair wells/dry wall/installs....and elevator shaft/wall/installs. Makes me wonder their room for error on detonation...and how many they had to plant to be "sufficient". NO surprise that off site "dust" had traces as well.......not even remotely noted in the thread. Just point to the aspect of "efficacy" and how much time the spent and how many damn charges they placed if you really think about it....that was the first time i ever heard of WTC7....and you do some research on the Actual aspects of what WTC7 was responsible for or what kind of business was being conducted was as clear as day. The same anon also posted back when hillary was In obamas cabinet....that BENJI widely hated her...and had attempted to hit hillary on multiple occasions while in Israel. Apparently our secret service....told them about how her motorcade was going to do a tour/parade....of which was "hit"....that she was never on board....just to see if there was a was that easy to well as which base she was stationed/protected in....which also saw militant paratroop activity. Also fake intel we provided to see if it would leak......I mean she was in bed with the saudis after all...but still WTH. Trump was the clear choice for israel in that regard...i do the math on that and the marc rich fbi publication weeks prior to the election as being integral aspects to the 2016 election...which is somehow also not general knowledge to the general public. Let alone marc rich as it is. 9/11 has me look at moments like benghazi with a totally different scope/optics. So what ECHELON/CIA/FBI hears intel of an attack....blocking that informations passage to the higher ups...and creating a "FIASCO" is exactly how you push ppl like hillary out of your way if your the deep/state or military leadership that doesnt want to fight under her warhawk beak or at her/saudis behest(laughs bc trump wound up in bed with saudis and israel, which is just a W in my book)considering hes not even a seasoned politician, yet paints the MIC in plain sight. If your in that Field you let benghazi happen 15 times out of 10....thats the optics i have on that kinda BS which is damning. I wouldnt let it happen, but the whole bigger picture aspect...since the DEEP states just a good ol boys party...thats what i meant about the 15 times outta 10....


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