Saturday, July 10, 2021

Initiation of WTC building Collapse using FDNY and outgoing Calls from WTC

"sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph."

WTC Core column removal can't be considered "localized" damage and it has to be done to take down the towers.

Jenga is a great example " Players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower " 
Initiation therefore starts when the players begin removing blocks, not when the last block was removed before collapse. 

Father John Delendick 9/11 Bombs

WTC Core  is a continuous line from A bottom to B top . Any collapse which happens inside this A, B or these two points is the initiation point.. The core then was 

continuously picked apart until the whole thing gave way. 

A portion on the building has caved can only refer to explosions reported by individuals reported by the New York Times and before the cover up started.

Overly becoming focused on the 
Initiation of collapse is another way to cover up what really happened, with early cave in reported by FDNY and explosions reported by husbands trapped because explosives removed stairwells at the 78th floor.

Bush said "
He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a point that was high enough to prevent the people trapped above from escaping out the windows. 

When people were reading about September 11th in the New York Times, what were they thinking when they read about the explosions?

What they are thinking is exactly what the cover artist are making them believe.  

NYT World Trade Center 9/11 explosions

NYT World Trade Center 9/11 explosions

9/11 explosions Body Part Mapping 

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