Thursday, October 14, 2021

There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning

Early Explosions Inside WTC7 By the BBC has no Cover Story The BBC reported “the other building” and “a building next to trade center” was also “attacked” but that's NOT all, other news outlets included “explosions” in their reports and not just fire. The BBC reported a large building “next” the trade center “has also collapsed” because a large explosion happened AFTER South Tower fell and the same large explosion happened AFTER the North Tower collapsed as reported by Captain Jay Jonas who was inside the B stairway.. These stories are ignored by MSM and the 9/11 Truth Movement possibility due to overkilling the obvious or maybe a cover up by all media outlets and others far and near. Anything that didn't fit a cover story i.e fire, jet fuel, something else like "floors hitting floors" was covered up like a UFO crash [Southaven County Park] . We have crashes here on the Island but if you report it they send you away. It's a problem and you can't get coverage.

Join investigative reporter Joseph Flammer as he examines 60 years of Long Island's “silent alien invasion.” Read compelling interviews with witnesses and ...

Southaven County Park   The park has become famous for being the crash site of an alleged UFO in 1992.
"A third building at the World Trade Center complex, weakened by fire and the explosions, collapsed" That was the last truthful statement MSM made about 9/11 and statement was only half true.
 [Terrorist attack rocks Queens –

There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning

Explosions inside WTC 7 was reported by the BBC

You avoided the video and context again. There is NO reason for explosions inside WTC 7 early in the morning unless it was bombs. This supports the [Terrorist attack rocks Queens –] “explosions and fire” story and debunks the attempted cover-up of building 7 because it was bombs which caused the fire. 

Then the photos of WTC 7 go missing and so does the oral history of FDNY while inside WTC7. The photo and [Vince Dementri video] you do see are blown out windows but only on one floor around the whole building i.e a bomb. A reporter named Vince Dementri runs into WTC at around 5:00 p.m. however the video is edited and nothing is seen beyond the door frame. What happened to the rest of video?

How many times are you going to do this? Avoid all the good stuff! It is better to skip out mentally like a crazy person then deal with truth? I think is it easier being crazy. Mr. Crazy Joe.

So you are volunteering your time out of the goodness of your heart?

More WTC 7 explosion reports

Fail #1 “Your eye witness reports of explosions are simply explained by people choosing the word explosion to describe the noises coming from the airplane strike, the collapses, the noises from a dying building.,”

Buildings don’t die. They get blown up. Like Lucky Larry [the owner] said. He will never say that fire had anything to do with it and NIST also published videos that look like a bomb exploded in the basement for WTC7.

Opening frame of NIST starts off with a section falling i.e a bomb. This is the theme everywhere you look.

“Making the building explosion proof” [bombs]

Nope , Nope and Nope. You didn’t see the video at all then?

1. WTC 7 has no airplane strike.
2. They refer to other buildings next to WTC.
3. They don’t always say explosions.
This time it was “an attack” [bombing] on the “other building” [WTC 7] early in morning i.e the building was not “dying”

Jesus Christ your answers are getting worse and I fear this is a big waste of time and you are just bullshitting and have nothing better to do with your time and or this a crazy person volunteer troll for the Jewish and Zionist community which you have not denied like you have denied everything else. Your attempted to misdirect every sentence ever written must be some kind of a joke for someone.

Fail #2 “were broken by firemen from inside to get water in, or vent smoke”

Nope the fire department was told to stand down and let it burn. No firefighting activity was seen or recorded. The oral history is missing.

Fail #3 “ Demetri video switch, I am not a video expert, and I cannot judge that video. “ The video just ends. We don’t see Demetri anymore and he was arrested later on 9/11. I haven’t seen or heard anything from him since.

Monday, October 11, 2021

NIST WTC7 Global Collapse starts off with an explosion


NIST WTC7 Global Collapse starts off with an explosion

The videos they produced was also based on fraud.

Fail #1 “Your eye witness reports of explosions are simply explained by people choosing the word explosion to describe the noises coming from the airplane strike, the collapses, the noises from a dying building.,”

Buildings don’t die. They get blown up. Like Lucky Larry [the owner] said. He will never say that fire had anything to do with it and NIST also published videos that look like a bomb exploded in the basement for WTC7.

Opening frame of NIST starts off with a section falling i.e a bomb. This is the theme everywhere you look.

Nope , Nope and Nope. You didn’t see the video at all then?

1. WTC 7 has no airplane strike.
2. They refer to other buildings next to WTC.
3. They don’t always say explosions.
This time was “an attack” [bombing] on the “other building” [WTC 7] early in morning i.e the building was not “dying” nor do they ever..

Jesus Christ your answers are getting worse and I fear this is a big waste of time and you are just bullshitting and have nothing better to do with your time and or this a crazy person volunteer troll for the Jewish and Zionist community which you have not denied like you have denied everything else. Your attempted to misdirect every sentence ever written must be some kind of a joke for someone.

The video starts off with a whole section taken out like a bomb undermined the structure.

Their blueprints, again based on fraud. They removed elements of the structure.

Fraud is not data or should be considered as a report.

Repeat after me: No peer review of the "NIST reports"

Dr. James G. Quintiere, fire protection expert, stated: “I know of no peer review of the NIST work on WTC. They had a[n] Advisory Committee, and even some of them did not agree with the NIST work and conclusions.” In a paper on the WTC investigation, Quintiere ends with this statement: “I would recommend that all records of the investigation be archived, that the NIST study be subject to a peer review, and that consideration be given to reopening this investigation to assure no lost fire safety issues.”

Did you forget about peer review. Have your mommy look it up.

and they are being sued in court right now

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Cole v. Olthoff, No. 19-1070, 2021 WL 2555505 (D.D.C. June 22, 2021) (Friedrich, J.)

Re: Request for certain first-person interviews, in which interviewees described their experiences and answered questions posed by NIST officials and National Commission on Terrorist Acts Upon the United States (the 9/11 Commission) concerning emergency operations, building issues, and safety problems related to World Trade Center buildings

Director of NIST: Disclosure of WTC7 data "might jeopardize public safety"


Pursuant to Section 7(d) of the National Construction Safety Team Act, I hereby find that the disclosure of the information described below, received by the National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST"), in connection with its investigation of the technical causes of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11,2001, might jeopardize public safety. Therefore, NIST shall not release the following information:

  1. All input and results files of the ANSYS 16-story collapse initiation model with detailed connection models that were used to analyze the structural response to thermal loads, break element source code, ANSYS script files for the break elements, custom executable ANSYS file, and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities.

  2. All input files with connection material properties and all results files of the LS-DYNA 47-story global collapse model that were used to simulate sequential structural failures leading to collapse, and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities.


Patrick Gallagher Director National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dated: JUL 09 2009

Employees Of The NYPD and NTSB caught with September 11th World Trade Center Plane Parts

“NTSB is under the control of the FBI.
The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket. “
another website says
“any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.’

Boeing 767-200ER crash in New York (N334AA)  YIKES !!!  

We also have photos of the NTSB looking at parts.

NYPD NTSB looking at September 11th World Trade Center Plane Parts 

The scrollbar says “NTSB NOT involved in [9/11] investigation] basically told to stand down and look the other way. Their website says they never investigated the flights. etc.


NTSB no accident report exist for 9/11

My guess is the FBI hijacked everything from the NTSB and kept all reports a secret. The cover story was an criminal investigation.   

Doesn't hurt to keep asking but maybe it does. 

black boxes signal found

The 8:56 circling plane which people claimed hit the tower.

Clearly NOT flight 175. I better photo might have shown that it also had the UAL colors but it could have been a fighter jet.

I see you missed the MOST important part. This was a test and you failed again. First you ignored the signal being found.

Exhibit #1 

Exhibit #2 ignored

Exhibit #3 NYPD and NTSB looking at plane parts in NYC ignored the officials in the photo. Confused by orange body bags and called evidence plane “junk”..

Exhibit #4 ignored “Ventura questioned FBI counter-terrorism expert Jack Cloonan41:00 Jack said he didn’t know where they [black boxes] are [currently]..

Fail #1 “ but doesn't mean boxes recovered. ‘
Signal found' means functioning black boxes. Working and ready to be found and read and read they were.

Fail #2 “they said no NTSB investigations”

No, they said “ NTSB no accident report exists.” WTF
A. Accident Reports are one of the main products of an NTSB investigation.
B. NTSB issues a “Preliminary” report
C. NTSB issues a A “Factual” report

Fail #3 “NYPD and NTSB looking at airplane parts. What has that to do with recovering flight recorders?”

NTSB will immediately send out a “Go Team” The photos show this “Go Team” in action. A vital part of the data collection procedure is to secure the “black boxes”..

The photo and scrollbar YOU said was “clickbait” was about the FBI blocking the NTSB from doing their job. Only private photos shows them in action. The black box were stolen by the FBI and looked at as reported by an NTSB employee.

Fail #4 “Does it even mean there were boxes?”
Yes the boxes exist someplace and the FBI has them. Just like the NTSB employee said.

Fail #5 “FBI agent Jack Cloonan flight recorders” comes back with NOTHING. “ He is not going to bring up a cover up? Does the army bring Roswell or does anyone bring up the USS liberty bombing. No. They don’t talk about it. Your thinking is all messed up and troll answers 100% of the time on everything.

Fail #1 “You are plain wrong. The locator signal is a completely separate component to the memory parts of the recorder. It's basically a radio signal broadcaster which has nothing to do with whether the contents are readable.”

The point is not reading. The point is the boxes were reported missing. This includes all the parts, the shell and everything. They should have reported the boxes or part of the boxes found at the very least.

YOU did it again! Avoid the main issue. i.e troll methods.

Fail #2 “Try reading it before you speak. “ It says

“NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket. “

Did you read that? Its a final report of a non report!

Fail # 3 “Point 3. Sorry, that photo with a news headline alleging that NTSB were excluded is just not proof of ANYTHING” again

“NTSB is under the control of the FBI. “ Which means they could not do their job and proof of a cover-up.

Fail #4 “But he's never said anything about boxes anywhere apart from for a Jesse V soundbyte”

No words need to be applied to this crazy talk, moving on.

Fail #5 “No it doesn't mean there were recorders.”

There has to be recorders and ELT crash signals 121.5 which records the moment of impact. None were reported found , nor was the ELT signals sent for any of the four crashes on 9/11.

level 3

Youtube mostly not the original source material but it is a medium like a recording device

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level 1

And now we've gone from YouTube nonsense to a website with an obvious agenda.

Keep trying, you almost have a point.

level 2

The point is to ask the authorities to do their jobs and release the data. You are just a reminder to do just that.

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level 1

Mountains of data was released. Just not the data you want there to be which shows a grand conspiracy. For some strange reason.

level 2
No data was release. NIST said "might cause harm to the public. NTSB said FBI got the boxes and the data. The FAA said they gave everything to and now the will not reply for requests for documents. 

Director of NIST: Disclosure of WTC7 data "might jeopardize public safety"


Pursuant to Section 7(d) of the National Construction Safety Team Act, I hereby find that the disclosure of the information described below, received by the National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST"), in connection with its investigation of the technical causes of the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11,2001, might jeopardize public safety. Therefore, NIST shall not release the following information:

  1. All input and results files of the ANSYS 16-story collapse initiation model with detailed connection models that were used to analyze the structural response to thermal loads, break element source code, ANSYS script files for the break elements, custom executable ANSYS file, and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities.

  2. All input files with connection material properties and all results files of the LS-DYNA 47-story global collapse model that were used to simulate sequential structural failures leading to collapse, and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities.


Patrick Gallagher Director National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dated: JUL 09 2009

NTSB was working in stealth mode at Ground Zero