Friday, February 21, 2014

What 9/11 Anti-truthers Love Most and the Defense of Judy Wood

What 9/11 anti-truthers love most and Defense of Judy Wood

    • Dan Plesse What anti-truthers love most is TEXT, Summaries, word games, they don't like visual recording of the evidence or radio broadcasts of any kind. Why because the real world has zero supporting evidence for them. Judy wood was a giant reminder to look at the evidence. The above video contains zero visuals of 9/11 and that's why Ivan Flores enjoys it so much. The problem with deniers is the same problem lairs have which is they not sure what to deny or lie about. Notice how many "debunkers" never seem to show anything, its all one big wall of TEXT.

    • Ron Morales Dan, stop referring to debunkers as "anti-truthers." That's not an accepted label and a violation of rule #1.

      And you're attacking a straw man. What we love most are actual facts supporting claims. What so many truthers love to do is blindly repeat m
      yths just because they heard other truthers make the claims (such as in their favorite source: Youtube videos made by amateurs who don't know what they're talking about and who make unsubstantiated claims) and didn't bother to spend five minutes of Internet research to fact check the claims.
    • Ron Morales "Why because the real world has zero supporting evidence for them."

      Right, that's why the vast majority of actual experts disagree with you.
    • Dan Plesse The "actual experts" are actually MORE interesting in their own position, job titles, getting more jobs and maintaining themselves then actually anything else. The agreements are out of fear and it just your basic corruption and the lemmings that follow are just following basic herd instincts again out of fear.

      So what do you fear the most, Ron Morales?

    • Ron Morales And what's that picture supposed to prove?

      I and many other debunkers have provided much more than text. You truthers repeat your "free fall" myth and we show you video of the actual collapse of the North Tower that proves that the collapse was not re
      motely near free fall. You truthers claim that the WTC collapses were just like classic controlled demolitions and so we show you video of actual controlled demolitions that include the loud explosions of demo explosives that are not contained in any video of any WTC collapse. You truthers claim that a building cannot collapse straight down without the weakening of lower floors or without explosives so we show you video of Verinage collapses which are straight down rapid collapses without the use of explosives or the weakening of lower floors. You guys claim that there should have been large chunks of planes at the Pentagon or Shanksville so we show you video of a jet pulverizing when crashing at 500 miles per hour into a wall.

      And what do you guys do? You hand wave at 2000 alleged architects and engineers in a blatant appeal to authority fallacy while ignoring the vast majority of experts who disagree with you. You cite papers published in truther blogs by guys who can't get them published in any real science or engineering journals while ignoring the dozens of papers supporting the consensus view that have been published in real science and engineering journals.

      The notion that you guys rely on visible evidence and we just rely on text is laughable bullshit and you know it Dan.
      14 minutes ago · Like

      • Ron Morales "The "actual experts" are actually MORE interesting in their own position, job titles, getting more jobs and maintaining themselves then actually anything else. The agreements are out of fear"

        Right Dan. That's why the vast majority of relevant experts IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES also support the consensus explanation. That's why truthers can't get a controlled demolition account published in any peer reviewed science and engineering journal IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, including in countries HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES. The Russian propaganda ministry (AKA Russia Today) has been pushing 9/11 wackjob conspiracies in order to embarrass the American government but the funny thing is that not a single Russian science journal or science journal from anywhere in the former Soviet Union has published a controlled demolition account of a WTC building.

        Is the entire world afraid of the American government Dan Plesse? Are Russian engineers ans scientists hiding under their beds and afraid to speak the truth about 9/11 because they fear the American government Doug?

        That's really a pathetic rationalization for why the vast majority of the science and engineering community laughs at truther mythology Dan. They do so because truther mythology is contradicted by basic science, logic, and a mountain of evidence that truthers routinely ignore because it contradicts their cherished conspiracy theory that for some reason they emotionally really want to believe.

    • Dan Plesse Are you not still using TEXT? It looks like a giant wall text to me.
      a few seconds ago · Like
      Dan Plesse Ron Morales fear and corruption knows no borders. The same applies in person A here as person B someplace else. Peer reviews journals are out growth of more corruption.

      James Millette didn't go the peer review route.

      The chip below was excluded from James Millette and should have been the only chip studied.

      How many people in your mythical world bothered globally to study the dust samples? hint it around ZERO. How many people studied the lava rocks at Ground Zero. According the NYPD Museum no one from science community has bothered to look therefore your new God of the "science community" is long dead!

      The mythology is clearly the concept of the "science community" as a whole. They don't speak truth to power.

      " Do you have a problem with reading?" Do you have a problem seeing? and backing up your claims.

      Your TEXT wall is never seems to be backup with anything. I will therefore disregard your TEXT walls until YOU bring forth some kind supporting materials.

      My Witness btw blew your sound theory out of the water. Your reply to that? Nothing. Case closed.

      • Ron Morales "fear and corruption knows no borders. "

        facile nonsense. Why the hell would experts in foreign countries, particularly countries unfriendly to the US, be afraid of the United States. You can't explain why your theories are laughed at ALL OVER THE WORLD.
      • Ivan Flores Harrits paper had no peer review. He only paid $800 to get his "journal" passed and the editor quit when she found out about Benthams shady practices
        5 minutes ago · Like

        • Dan Plesse Ron Morales I am going to have ask now for supporting materials or your replies will be disregarded. You keep producing TEXT without backup. Assume no more replies from me until YOU CAN backup something UP! As Ivan Flores also has to backup his claims or his TEXT wall will junked as spam.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

9/11 HTA Arson Investigation with FEMA

Dear Jim,

         I purchased a book titled "The spin doctor" and its very compelling that Kurt Sonnenfeld is guilty of murder however I did come across your name and wonder again who took the footage below.

 starts 47 second mark
Do you happen to recall? Thanks dan


Thanks for the note. There are varying accounts of who did what when, but sine I was there I can tell you the first four FEMA staff to arrive were:

Ed Conley: Lead Public Affairs Officer
Me: videographer and later spokesman
Andrea Booher: still photographer
Brett Hansard: Media relations specialist

For the first four days or so I was the only official videographer and Andrea was the only official still photographer. My footage was uplinked to all the networks raw each day. Her stills went out via wire service. This early footage ran almost nonstop on the networks for the first several days, along with the planes hitting the buildings, of course.

Kurt arrived to be the second videographer and Michael Rieger to back up Andrea with still photography a few days later. 

To answer your question, the quality of the video you linked to was so rough that it is hard to tell who shot it. But if there are open flames in the video it was probably shot by me in the early days, though billowing smoke from underground fires was evident in both my and Kurt's footage shot in the subsequent days.

   Did you see any of these strange sudden flashes while at WTC, or did anyone talk about it? Kurt was credited with one flash. Did you ever upload things that never went on air? Did you ever feel something really hot?
Here is still image, I don't think you can forget something like this. Can you pass this on to Kurt Sonnenfeld maybe this was the trump card he was holding on too, I don't have his email address. 

Inline image 2

Inline image 1


I saw flashes and lots of fire but nothing that seemed unexpected considering the vast number of fires burning in the early days. I did see a lot of flashes like the one in the image but it was from people using torches and welders/cutters (sometimes from beneath the wreckage) even things that looked like pavement saws in a desperate attempt to cut through the material to get entry into void spaces where we thought people may have been trapped.

'Did I feel something hot?' That one made me chuckle a bit. I was wearing heavy clothes, a respirator and spent much of my day crawling several stories underground in the void spaces with the rescuers. There were fires still burning under the wreckage not far from where we were so 'hot' doesn't begin to describe it in some places.

I don't have contact with Kurt anymore or have his email.

To summarize what I've said in the few interviews I've granted...I was there earlier and longer than almost anyone. I saw a lot of things, but I never saw anything that led me to believe any of the conspiracy theories.

Have a good one.

Kurt Sonnenfeld
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- This is the fan site of Kurt Sonnenfeld - Este es el sitio de aquellos que apoyan la causa de Kurt Sonnenfeld -Help him: -Ayudar a Kurt Sonnenfeld:

Dear Fire Investigators ,

 When has burning materials caused such a giant flash like this ?
(video is inclosed)

Inline image 1

and what has traditional been the source? Who would be qualified enough to answer such a question and who has seen other instances of these displays at other locations?

9/11 HTA Arson Investigation with FEMA

thanks Dan

Dan – I have forwarded your email to all members of our Investigation Division. 
