Sunday, February 9, 2014

Take the 9/11 "crush down" challenge

Take the 9/11 "crush down" challenge
(two anti-truthers go down so far)

Draw a circle around where you think the object which is causing the pancaking exists in this video using a still image via screen shot from "Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse:" and submit image below

Draw a circle around where you think the object which is causing the pancaking i.e magic "gravitational force" exists in this next video

"North Tower Collapse"

from 0:03 onward and create a still image via screen shot and submit image below.
north tower collapse ABC Dub 2_18
a few seconds ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

From Subject Date
Re:ads by Google
I thought they were calling it a "progressive collapse" nowadays. Much like global warming is now called "climate change". Pancake, piledriver & progressive collapse all seem like the same candy bar in different wrappers to me. However, I'm guilty of tuning the disinfo pushers out so maybe I've lost track.

It's funny how they have to contest every little fact isn't it.

I've noticed they try to isolate individual events & explain them because trying to explain how all of that bullshit happened together will sound even more absurd. Better for them to focus on one carefully chosen aspect & explain it in excessive detail to conceal the fact it's non-sense. Most people wont read a long comment.

The fact they have to rely on every single angle they can create is proof they know they're spreading lies.
Sent to: danp5648

  • Dan Plesse The late start time in no way effects your ability to identify your magic pancake. Please respond according to the requirements. Text will not be accepted as form of a response.
  • Ron Morales There's nothing "magical" about potential gravitational energy, unless you think physics is magic. The potential gravitational energy is in the mass of the 600,000 ton building.
    2 hours ago · Like

    • Dan Plesse Ron Morales Please circle this "mass of the 600,000 ton building." or magical pancake in the above video as requested.
    • Ron Morales
      lol. I'm supposed to draw a circle around something that's not there? The beginning and end of the collapse are edited out of your video. That's obvious. Heavily edited.
    • Dan Plesse "The beginning and end of the collapse are edited out of your video"

      Does this mean your pancake reappears at the end hence the reason for not showing the ending?

      What is missing from the beginning which is material to your argument if it turns into a dust cloud and go missing a second later? Hence the whole point of my argument and its the defeat of your argument.
      a few seconds ago · Like

      • Ron Morales Nah, I'm not going to work with doctored videos. I'll stick to video of the entire collapse rather than one that dishonestly edited out the beginning of the collapse and focused on one brief image where a dust cloud obscures the building.

        Believe it or not Dan, but there WAS a building there before that dust cloud appeared.
      • Dan Plesse Some of the the dust cloud is in the background. Some of the dust cloud is exploding in all directions and nothing is on top pushing down and that is the whole point.

Dan Plesse "(have no idea how to draw on a screen shot" ???

1. ATL+ Print Screen
2. Ctrl+V inside an editor
3. Select a drawing tool.

Use only
Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse

You must complete this task first, you have 72 hours to point to the materials which "crush down" the other floors.

Or you can confess that no floors exist to "crush down" anything and the whole official concept is a hoax.

Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse: WTC 1 Radio Antenna Slow Motion Revie...See More
a few seconds ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Jeffrey Harr I'm not a structural engineer. I try not to venture off into that area.
Dan Plesse Well its an open challenge and I could offer money however the point has been made and hiding behind a degree or not having having a degree does not remove the basic fact that no materials were above the "crush zone" to crush anything. The magical theory of pancakes has ended and with it the official story. The structural engineer who made up giant pancakes should head to jail.

a few seconds ago · Like

  • Ron Morales Already answered. It was the ten floors above the collapse initiation point. Now you have 70 remaining hours to answer my questions.
  • Dan Plesse I am requesting a drawing only ! please follow directions
    a few seconds ago · Like
    Dan Plesse You have 70 hours to complete all requirements without alternatives . If you can't complete the requirements as designed you have to confess that the official is a scam and a hoax.
    a few seconds ago · Like

    • Ron Morales Dan, why should anyone rely on your heavily edited video which excludes the beginning of the collapse and is designed to capture a moment that obscures the top part of the building falling into the lower building, rather than an unedited video of the entire collapse?
    • Dan Plesse Do you concede? Yes or No?
      3 minutes ago · Like

      • Ron Morales Of course not. I answered your question. Why haven't you answered any of mine?
      • Ron Morales Your edited video is like taking a video of someone planting a bomb and then the bomb exploding, editing out the part of the bomb being planted and then only starting at the point of explosion, and then asking someone to screen shot the picture of the explosion and circle the bomb. Not very scientific or logical.
      • Dan Plesse I looked at your video and I looked at my NIST edited video (starts a second later) however they are the same. The home video is closer and allows for drawing...

        Do you understand the requirements? Do you concede?

        • Ron Morales I don't concede because A. I already answered your questions, and B. It would be intellectually dishonest of me to rely on a heavily edited video of an event rather than a complete, unedited video of the event, and you haven't explained why anyone should rely on your heavily edited video of the event. I'm not about to be forced into intellectual dishonesty. I'd rather be honest about the matter.
        • Ron Morales Since you have not answered any my questions, do you concede?
        • Dan Plesse


          I already addressed the NIST edit issue and it should not interfere with your task. If it did, I would not ask an unreasonable question.

          " I already answered your questions"

          NO your only response was:

          " Dan. Not good with screen shots and drawing in lines (have no idea how to draw on a screen shot)"

          which I then provided details How-to. I was NOT asking if you knew how to take and draw on photos.

          You now have 60 hours to go.

          C. intellectual dishonesty issue: makes no reasonable sense and is denied as a factor because A. above was addressed. i.e NIST started the event a second later which makes zero difference and is not a material factor and all videos SHOW exactly the samething, therefore the only " intellectual dishonesty" is you making an manufactured " intellectual dishonesty" claim knowing all video show the same exact sequence regardless of when NIST starts the video. So that issue is dismissed.

          Do you concede?

      • Ron Morales I already said no and I already answered your question. Do you concede? Yes or no? You have yet to even attempt to answer my questions.
      • Ron Morales So Matthew are you claiming that the upper ten floors of the building disappeared into another dimension? Otherwise, where do you suppose those tens of thousands of tons of mass above the collapse zone went to?
      • Dan Plesse Matthew is NOT on this thread and your response so far was not accepted as an answer to ANYTHING!

        Please just concede.

        Your questions have also been denied. Please answer.

    Dan Plesse A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph.
    Numerous websites have repeated an erroneous interpretation of the seismic recordings as evidence that bombs in the basements of the Towers severed the core columns at the onsets of the collapses.
    Dan Plesse blasts usgs
  • Ron Morales What's the point of that message from a USGS guy Dan. Sounds like he's acknowledging that it's hard to read such seismic signals. So what?
  • Ron Morales "A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph."

    So what? A tornado sounds like a train but that's not evidence that trains are
    ...See More
  • Dan Plesse He is avoiding the answer and 100% of of all other blasts received ALL 4 floating point numbers. Never has a blast NOT received ALL the data. They are hiding, just like you.

    Seismologist Thorne Lay is looking at 9/11 seismograph, that's so what. No more "so what's".

    Stop avoiding and concede already.

    • Ron Morales And since you're not an official of this group, you can't "officially" close this thread, particularly since no one has conceded anything. However, if you don't answer my questions within the time limits, then you do concede the points I raised in such questions, per the rules of this group.
    • Dan Plesse Your questions will not be addressed until my question is addressed. My question can only be address with a photo screen shot identifying the magic pancake you claim exists, using the video I provided by NIST and a screenshot with a circle. You have avoided this question by manufacturing issues that do not exists and manufactured other off topic questions. These off topic questions will not be addressed. I closed the thread because you refused to draw a circle identifying your UFO flooring.
    Let's make this simple. Can ANYONE provide any evidence that any of the booms or explosion like sounds heard on 9/11 were from actual demolition explosives?

    Dan Plesse Ron Morales
    " What precise evidence is there of explosions at perfectly timed intervals?"
    9/11 eye witnesses say: This group says 9/11 explosions were 1. Many and contain an upward force. 2. location a. below ground and under the b. Federal Reserv...
    The video above shows the perfectly timed intervals of sound bursts during the collapse sequence and also shows evidence sound editing which is an criminal act.. Please play the video.

    Whatever removed your pancake from existence is also evidence of explosives.

    Draw a circle around where you think a pancake i.e magic "gravitational force" exists in this video using still image via screen shot and submit image below.

    Take the 9/11 "crush down" challenge

    You refused to take that challenge and started NEW threads to avoid that issue.

    Don't forget
    9/11 Emergency Medical Services Non stop reports of explosives.

    • Atahan Ganduu Um, well whatever theory you guys come up with it must account for the towers mostly turning into dust in midair.
    • Dan Plesse Atahan Ganduu that's the point of The 9/11 "crush down" challenge. The "potential gravitational energy" is shifting off center and decreasing to point that it no longer exists and still a major portion of the building remains WITH 16 people who manage to write books about the whole mess from stairwell B or the center at the bottom.

      The challenge kicks in when you ask "them" to identify their beloved pancake. The North Tower has the least amount "potential gravitational energy" to start out with but both towers loose their "potential gravitational energy" too fast to be a factor.

    Dan Plesse created a thread with a heavily edited video and asked me to identify what caused the downward gravitational collapse of the North Tower. I replied on February 9 at 5:59pm PST with the following, accompanied with the following questions. Dan has not yet answered them and thus has about 12 hours left before a final 48 hours before he concedes that he has no answers:

    "Rather than your edited video, he's the full collapse of the North Tower collapse Dan. Not good with screen shots and drawing in lines (have no idea how to draw on a screen shot), but to answer your question:

    The collapse begins at the 1 second mark. Notice the lowest blackened floor. That's where the collapse began. What caused the entire thing to crush down were fires on that floor weakening steel supports and causing all the floors above that point to fall onto the next floor, which could not withstand 10 floors of building falling on top of it and so it collapsed, adding to the mass which then collapsed onto the next floor, and then the next all the way to the ground, and rapidly.

    • Dan Plesse The requirements were
      "Draw a circle around where you think a pancake i.e magic "potential gravitational energy" exists in this video using a still image via screen shot and submit image below."

    • Dan Plesse The late start time in no way effects your ability to identify your magic pancake. Please respond according to the requirements. Text will not be accepted as form of a response.
    • Dan Plesse Your reply on " February 9 at 5:59pm PST " was denied because it did not meet the requirements and your follow up questions are an attempt to avoid my question. This follow questions were also denied until you fully meet all of the requirements of my question.
      2 minutes ago · Like

      • Larry Sera in a nutshell, the perimeter columns below the impact zone did not get crushed but rather got ejected outward by the loss of their connections to the floor slabs and the pull down force of the core. What the slabs experienced is not only 1 g but rather 10 times g and thus the fast collapse
      • Dan Plesse Larry Sera perimeter columns at the bottom remained standing and so did the core of the North tower so no downward force exist at all and therefore no source to cause an earthquake by those means at least. So Ron Morales is incorrect on all accounts. Not only that by his magic pancake was blown up i.e the hat truss was never found.

      • Ron Morales "The late start time in no way effects your ability to identify your magic pancake. Please respond according to the requirements. Text will not be accepted as form of a response."

        I have no obligation to draw pictures for you Dan nor rely on doctored, dishonest video.
        about an hour ago · Like

        • Dan Plesse "You don't get to choose which questions to answer Dan" your question is meant to avoid , sidetrack and obfuscate my question. Your question should have been on a new thread and open to the group and was off topic. So that issue is closed.

          Your new issue of regarding "questions and rules" is defined as more sidetracking and more avoidance.

          You don't go into detail about the "heavy editing" because again, no heavy editing exists and you can not identify this editing using drawing tools.

          The question was then directed to the anti-truth community and no one has returned a valid result.
          So this topic of using drawing tools to prove the existence of Mr. Pancake has been settled with a default win by the Truth Community because no one from the anti-truth community can show Mr. Pancake visually. End of story. End of debate.

          The home video by Mr. Cloud is the unedited version of the events.

          Example of what not to send:

          Example #1

          a few seconds ago · Edited · Like


          4:51 PM (19 minutes ago)

          to me
          you have defined the terms in order to make the opposing argument false.  straw man,  as if you didnt know.

          i could say "show me in this frame the thermite, i.e. fake untested magic method for demolishing buildings, or else i am right by default."  if people dont take these "arguments" seriously you cant really blame them.


          5:03 PM (6 minutes ago)

          to owen
          The terms are only a video from  "Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse " which is a home video of the North Tower.
          Are you saying that "Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse" is an anomaly and thus a "straw man".
          Did you review the video?
          I am not sure if your example applies until you can define the "straw man" as an anomaly or not.


          5:14 PM (28 minutes ago)

          to me

          this phrase:

          Draw a circle around where you think a pancake i.e magic "potential gravitational energy"

          defines pancaking as something magic.  straw man.  your opponents arguments are defined as not real from the beginning.  you are attacking a charicature of the argument, not the argument.  how much clearer a straw man can there be?  do i have to circle the straw man for you to see it?

          • Ron Morales OK, here you go. The mass that's crushing down is in there:


          • Ron Morales Dan has 33 hours to go to answer my questions otherwise he concedes the points.
          • Dan Plesse Your reply of " is in there" sounds like faith and looks like an explosion. Do you confess then the "mass" can not be seen during or after and it pure faith and government propaganda and not science which is guiding your believes?

            You also agree the
            communication tower has drifted to the left therefore Mr. pancake's force (which you can't see or identify) has also drifted to the left which also reduces its effectiveness gravitational forces because it is off center and pulling away from the tower.

            Under the communications tower should still be the core.

          • Ron Morales " Your reply of " is in there" sounds like faith."

            No, it's based on the concept of "object permanence" that most human beings master by the age of one. Just because you can't see something because it has become obscured by something else doesn't mean
            it has disappeared into another dimension. When a thick fog rolls over a city do you actually believe that the city ceases to exist when people can't see it any more and then comes back into existence when the fog lifts? Do you believe your loved ones cease to exist the moment they close a door behind them and magically reappear the moment you see them again?

            " Do you confess then the "mass" can not be seen during or after and it pure faith and not science which is guiding your believes? "

            Obviously not. See above. It is not remotely a scientific notion to think that something ceases to exist the moment a cloud obscures it. In fact, that would be a fundamentally irrational belief.

            Where do you think the hundreds of thousands of tons of mass went when it was obscured by a dust cloud?
          • Ron Morales "You also agree the communication tower has drifted to the left therefore Mr. pancake's force which you can't see has also drifted to the left"

            No, it means that the communication tower has drifted to the left. Did it fall to the side? No.

            " which also reduces its effectiveness because its off center and pulling away from the tower."

            That would only make sense if that mass under the tower fell to the side, yet it didn't. It fell straight down, allowing the mass to crush down as would be expected of 50,000+ tons of mass.
          • Dan Plesse Nothing is obscured, its just not there. Your object or Mr. Pancake is long gone. The dust cloud is not large enough to obscure or hide an invisible object with sufficient mass to cause the right amount of downward force to blow outward as well as down...See More
          • Ron Morales So where did the 50,000 tons plus of mass go Dan?
          • Dan Plesse The person who doing the obscuring is you Ron Morales. Look at the two photo examples. Notice you picked the photo which hides the most details and the communications tower is clearly falling to the left.
          • Ron Morales Since the dust cloud billows outward as the mass falls downwards, obviously the dust cloud is going to be larger than the falling mass, and thus would obscure the falling mass.

            Where did the mass go Dan?
          • Ron Morales I didn't "pick" a photo. You asked me to take a screen shot and I did. I could have screen shot the very beginning which clearly shows a mass of 10 or so floors falling downwards.

            Where did the mass go Dan?
          • Dan Plesse The dust cloud which billowing OUT is YOUR mass decreasing and becoming less effective with every millisecond.

            "Where did the mass go Dan?" Judy Wood title to her book "Where did the towers go" btw. YOUR Mass is decreasing and spreading all over lower Manhattan. YOUR mass is long gone.

            You can see into the dust cloud using the correct home video which I provided which you steadfastly refused to use. Then I said you can use your video and you jumped at the chance. Now we can see why you suddenly had a change of heart.
            a few seconds ago · Like

          • Ron Morales Where did the mass go Dan?
          • Ron Morales Uhm, maybe because the dust cloud is to our left and to the right is the side of the building?

            Where did the mass go Dan?

            Dan seems to be suggesting, since he won't answer directly, that, contrary to fundamental principles of physics, hundreds of thousands of tons of mass just magically disappeared.
            5 minutes ago · Like

            • Philip Joy Why are you still arguing about visual evidence which isn't definitive. What about asking where the mass which hit the ground was when the dust cleared? Ask what the eyewitnesses saw after the dust had cleared. Engage in a discussion about the debris 'pile' and whether there was enough mass left of the 500 000 ton building. Then you will agree where the mass of the building went, whether it fell to the ground or became dust.
            • Dan Plesse Philip Joy I asked Ron Morales to point out the mass this video:
              Cliftin Cloud North Tower Collapse:

              This video also received 90 shares in one day by an organized group of people normally connected with Judy Wood.

              He refused to point at subject matter. So the matter was closed.

              Summary of his replies are collected above

              The visual evidence IS definitive and thus you most likely don't know about or the FOIA NIST releases. Correct? or don't care or don't understand something to with torrent whatever is let me know.

              Most 9/11 Truthers don't know where to look or what to look for and people like Judy Wood is not going to help.

              He pointed at a cloud and is said "it is in there" You can't see it, but trust me and it was never found and no one has ever seen it but its there is pure nonsense.

              People photographed the building by air, rooftops and from every angle and no one sees a giant object falling and crushing anything after three seconds the "block" is long gone, end of story. Plus 16 (not 14) people are still alive who were in the path of this magical object he claims exists. Did the magical object go around these people or pass right over them? What happened, he don't say. So the evidence of a crushing object with groups of hanging around in it path is NOT only thin but should be elevated to pure insanity.

  • Ron Morales Dan asked me to draw a red circle on the photo. Thus he asked for an edited photo. Is it possible the drawing on the photo had some effect? I blew up the photo from my album and saw no green line. Perhaps whatever Dan did to the image put that green line on it.

    Pointless however. Anyone can just watch the video and see a building start from intact, and then the upper section starts falling downward, and then we know in the end that there was over a million tons of debris at Ground zero. The mass of the building had to go somewhere, and the logical direction was down with gravity.

    Dan is suggesting that all that mass somehow disappeared (which is physically impossible) or somehow half a million tons of concrete and steel could magically be suspended in a dust cloud and just float away, which is obviously ridiculous.
  • Dan Plesse Why don't you produce another one of your screen shots and stop talking about it and place it online for everyone to see it Ron Morales? Its intellectual dishonesty to NOT do so otherwise, which you already have done. Popular anti-truther fallacy: don't try to figure anything out or ask questions and never show the results and group and conflate ideas complete with bias conformation.

    " I blew up the photo from my album and saw no green lines" who said anything about "a green line"??? Ron Morales

    "Dan is suggesting that all that mass somehow disappeared "

    No .. I said the dust ball contains the your magical pancake theory i.e the block and disperses the contents away from the towers. like the videos and photos say and will continue to show. Your argument is based on a fraud.

    and I am not suggesting that, that's what really happened. End of story...

    Museums will also show the evidence of what really happened and tell my story and guess what Mr. Pancake can't be found. Why don't email the NY State Museum and ask for your Mr. Pancake man or ask for any evidence at all. NY Police Museum also said the rock formations were from molten lava, not Mr. Pancake.

    Will you be buying some Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities today sir? I am sorry sir, that was well known fraud perpetrated by thousands of people if only you cared to investigate you would have known better.

WCBS NIST Dub #4 - WCBS Helicopter WCBS NIST South Tower 2 Explosion Slow

Tunability of Nanoenergetic Materials

  • Elizabeth Tague Your entire premise fails Matthew, for ALL explosives produce deafening decibel levels . . . and since thermites do NOT produce expanding gases, then they are NOT explosives nor explosive.
  • Matthew Barancho Technically, they are incendiaries... but certain formulations can do pressure-volume work (hence, "explosive") and have customizable features (such as noise level). Sol-gel nanostructured thermitic formulations are "tunable" so that "ignition sensitivity thresholds, reaction rate, and pressure generation can be tailored to have a wide range of values.":

  • Matthew Barancho You seem to have no idea what you are talking about, You (Ron) and Elizabeth both seem to misunderstand and underestimate the capabilities of nanostructured formulations (nanothermites), which are renowned for their "tailorability". Traditional high explosives release a set amount of pressure in an immediate reaction. Nanothermites can be fine-tuned to release almost any amount of pressure, capable of exceeding the 'gas expanding' ability of high explosives while also retaining the benefits of an incendiary. The question is whether or not this kind of technology could have been available in late 2001. The answer is: absolutely, yes! The patent was first issued in 1997, where discussed applications of nanostructured thermitic formulations were already praised for their "explosive" capacity. An article published in early 2002 states that many leading institutions already had "active" programs working with these materials:

    "Academic laboratories have active R&D programs aimed at exploiting the unique properties of nanomaterials that have potential to be used in energetic formulations for advanced explosives."

    Such formulations should have been considered by NIST. But, like so many other possibilities, they were ignored in favor of a much 'friendlier' narrative.

    Let's pretend for a moment that thermite/nanothermite/thermate/etc. has never existed. How could the perpetrators have caused a collapse of WTC7 without using enough conventional explosives on each column to have created 130db+ explosions? There are a number of possibilities that weren't considered by NIST such as partial cuts on columns (rather than total) and shaped charges to reduce noise level.

    No more cherry picking, folks. You guys need to address ALL of the evidence conflicting with the official story, beginning with why NIST omitted key structural features from their WTC7 model and why they have edited out the collapse initiation in all but one piece of leaked footage. You need to explain why the NIST model is so obviously flawed. You need to explain every explosion, individually. You need to do all of this because you are the ones claiming that no further investigation is needed and that the mystery is solved beyond reasonable doubt. Thus, the burden of proof lies with you all. Good luck.

    • Matthew Barancho Ron, it is not disputed that thermitic materials can cut steel and it is not disputed that explosives can cut steel. Nanothermites are capable of a spectrum of anything in-between these two mechanisms. I've provided multiple sources for your review. The over-pressure (hence, noise level) was customizable to whatever volume the perpetrators were willing to accept. More importantly, it really doesn't matter whether or not this type of formulation was used -- it is only presented as a theory much more plausible than the widely-propagated tale. Another possibility is that conventional explosives were used to create only partial cuts on multiple columns in the TT region, contributing to a gradual weakening of the structure. You must refute all possibilities beyond any reasonable doubt to sustain the official narrative that WTC7 was brought down by fires and structural damage, alone. But to do that, you'd also have to provide a plausible sequence of events in which the fires witnessed at WTC7 could have initiated a progressive collapse -- something that even NIST has failed to do... miserably.

      You've repeatedly demonstrated that you cannot even begin to explain the low-frequency "boom" at collapse initiation yet you proceed waving your hand at it. You cannot explain why NIST would edit out this particular segment from the released footage, either.

      You expect me to refer to a controlled demolition that has used thermite in the past (of which there are a handful, let Google be your guide) even though this was barely comparable to a controlled demolition and certainly the first time a demolition was intended to be disguised as a natural collapse.

      Testimony is not necessarily under oath and nothing about your copy-pasted dictionary quote suggests it as such. You may want to read that definition again, Ron.

      We have no way of knowing whether or not "truthers" would be satisfied with a legitimate, official investigation. This is because such an investigation has never existed. NIST's WTC7 collapse model is visibly incorrect (lack of perimeter flexure as a response to collective core failure) and has outstanding omissions of extreme importance (girder stiffeners, lateral support beams). Ron, and others, have dodged these points repeatedly.

      I suspect my response here will be quote-mined (especially by Keoki, who seems to have nothing to offer but childish one-liners), while my most relevant arguments will be dodged once again.

      Any open-minded critic reviewing this entire discussion can plainly see the nature of the "swallowers" in this group. It is one of incredulity and willful ignorance. Ron claims there are "many investigations and studies conducted so far that have supported the consensus explanation" yet he cannot provide a single one that has been sustained as independent research has progressed.
      8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
      • Matthew Barancho Like I said, Liz, you need to look into this a bit more.

        "We also report that the combustion wave speed can be easily tuned from 1 m/s to 2300 m/s for the nanoenergetic composites prepared using mesoporous Fe2O3 gel, nanoparticles of WO3, MoO3, Bi2O3, and CuO mixed with Al-nanoparticles and addition of other chemicals in nanoscale. Tunable combustion speed is found to depend not only on the type of oxidizer but also on the nanostructural arrangement present in the energetic composites."

        "We have also reported the composite of CuO nanorods and Al nanoparticles exhibiting a combustion wave speed of 1500 +/- 100 m/s, which enhances to 2200 m/s for the self-assembled composites. Interestingly, these higher combustion wave speeds are comparable to the lower end values of the detonation velocities (e.g., 2000 m/s for hydrocarbon/alkylene-air mixtures, 1500-2700m/s for metallic azides and fulminates, and about 3000 m/s for ammonium nitrate fuel oil) for explosives."
      • Matthew Barancho Anyway, as I've emphasized repeatedly, this is not the only explanation for explosions slightly lower than the 130db threshold purported by NIST. As I've mentioned before, traditional explosives could have been used to make partial cuts on key columns, possibly using shaped charges, which would also account for lower noise levels. None of this was considered by the "professionals" at NIST, who managed to fabricate an utter failure of a "collapse model" using millions of dollars from American taxpayers.
      • John Judge Tony Szamboti suggests that thermite was used first to cut the columns and then kicker charges used to knock the cut columns out of alignment, leading to the collapse. This would certainly reduce the requirement for large amounts of explosives or the order of the explosive pressures involved. Either way empirical work should carried out by a proper investigation if other proofs can't be found.
        2 hours ago ·
