Monday, October 21, 2019

Flight 93 Sandy Dahl is a Whistleblower

 Article by Gail Sheehy, New York Observer2/26/04:
"Melody Homer is another young widow of a 9/11 pilot. Her husband, LeRoy Homer, a muscular former Air Force pilot, was the first officer of United's Flight 93. The story put out by United-of heroic passengers invading the cockpit and struggling with the terrorists-is not believable to Melody Homer or to Sandy Dahl, widow of the plane's captain, Jason Dahl. Mrs. Dahl was a working flight attendant with United and knew the configuration of that 757 like the back of her hand.
"We can't imagine that passengers were able to get a cart out of its locked berth and push it down the single aisle and jam it into the cockpit with four strong, violent men behind the door," said Ms. Homer. She believes that the victims' family members who broke a confidentiality agreement and gave their interpretation of sounds they'd heard on the cockpit tape misinterpreted the shattering of china. "When a plane goes erratic, china falls."
Interview with Wolf Blitzer, CNN 8/8/03:
Wolf Blitzer: A new report suggests a hijacker may have deliberately crashed United Flight 93 into a Pennsylvania field the morning of September 11, 2001. Officials say an FBI analysis of the cockpit voice recorder indicates the hijackers were trying to end a passenger uprising. Earlier speculation was that the passengers stormed the cockpit and crashed the plane themselves.
I'm joined now by Sandy Dahl. She's the widow of Flight 93's captain, Jason Dahl. She listened to the actual voice recorder.
Sandy, thanks very much for joining us. Welcome.
What you to make of the new information the FBI is putting out?
Sandy Dahl: I don't understand it, Mr. Blitzer.
I heard the tape. I listened to it twice, listened to the transcripts. I didn't hear anything that indicated to me the hijackers were intending to crash the airplane.
Wolf Blitzer: What they're suggesting, that a -- sort of an enhanced audio of that cockpit voice recording suggests that perhaps one of the hijackers ordered the hijacking pilot who managed to get into the cockpit to go ahead and crash the plane, as there was a disturbance among the passengers in the back. You've actually heard, though, the discussion, the cockpit voice recorder. And what did it say deliberately, clearly, to you?
Sandy Dahl: There was no discussion of crashing it right now. They talked about ending their mission earlier.
And they -- and they decided not to do that. So I don't think -- I don't think it was deliberate and it certainly wasn't planned.
Wolf Blitzer: One of the suggestions they've suggested, at least some of the experts who heard the cockpit voice recording, was that, in the Arabic, that there may have been a different translation, there may have been a more precise explanation of what was going on that than in the translation or in the English, whatever you may have heard in English. Is that possible?
Sandy Dahl: I heard the translation that the FBI gave us that day.
And I wanted to say, I would really love for the government to come out and marry the flight data record with the voice recorder. And we would have a very clear picture of what went on. I'm kind of disappointed in reading this report.
Wolf Blitzer: Well, tell us why, Sandy, you are disappointed, because there clearly was resistance aboard the plane, the United flight. The passengers clearly took the matter into their own hands, even if the final order to crash the plane came from the hijackers, as opposed to the passengers, who decided to save, let's say, Washington, D.C., the White House or the Capitol, knowing what happened at the World Trade Center.
Sandy Dahl: I'm disappointed at the FBI report, because I heard something other than what they reported. And I don't understand how they came up with it.
For instance, they talk about passengers indicated that the pilots were dead and laying in the first-class section. I heard evidence to the contrary on this tape. And I don't understand why they would report that.
Wolf Blitzer: Tell us exactly what you heard.
Sandy Dahl: Oh, I can't do that. I have signed papers with the FBI saying that I wouldn't.

Dan Plesse
Dan Plesse

Lets talk about what Sandy Dahl heard on the cvr black box

"For instance, they talk about passengers indicating that the pilots were dead and laying in the "first-class section. I heard evidence to the contrary on this tape. And I don't understand why they would report that." Sandy Dahl

If Sandy is saying the original flight 93 Pilots were in control then they were the ones who typed D-C-A into the flight control management system causing the radar data block to update and also caused the electronic domino effect on 9/11 which leads to the "Landing" issue on FlightAware system and the results are frozen is a JPG image. I not sure if those updates are confirmed by other means or if it assumed to have “landing or going to land” based on the Flight Plan adjustment during the flight 93 flight.

“However, take-off was delayed because of the airport's typically heavy morning traffic.”

This was an updated ticket after takeoff on 9/11, so this information is being made while the flight is in the air on 9/11 and is relative to AFTER take-off, wheel-up. So they can say “on time” because the plane is in the air at 8:43 therefore “on-time”. The shoot down happened soon after this update, but no one sees a shoot down. We have people talking about Stand Down Orders, but no visual evidence as of yet.

“did they have body part map for flight 77?” YES!!!!

“ why would the trail be destroyed” What? When it was not impacted by anything? Dead center of the area of impact is the footpath. If something impacted this area the footpath should be gone too.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

9/11 Commission Report 22nd Floor Elevator Jet Fuel Hoax Debunked With Task Force Interviews and Photos

It does not sound like a Jet Fuel Fireball
Q. In the lobby of Tower 1, did you notice any elevators, anything unusual about the elevators or the elevator doors? Was there fire in the elevator shaft? Were they blown in, the doors?
Anything like that?
A. No. They had asked me that, where the explosion came from that I encountered. The explosion came right from the way I had entered. It came right from in back of me.

9/11 Commission Report 22nd Floor Elevator Jet Fuel Hoax Debunked With Task Force Interviews and Photos

The 9/11 Commission Report said jet fuel fireballs exploded on 77th, 22, B4 basement levels. However no fire or smoke or even a comment was made about any fire on those floors.
No fires = No jet fuel.

and jet fuel would have made a candle out of all 110 floors. Thank God that didn’t happen.
The 9/11 Commission said jet fuel fireballs caused damage to floors 77, 22, and b4, then what happen to the fire? Why didn’t people get sick from smoke inhalation or complain heat, smoke or report fires?

No fire was recorded at these locations 70th, 22nd or the B4 levels i.e possible Port Authority Command Centers. So if no fire existed at these levels, how could a fireball have existed according to the 9/11 Commission Report? Why would anyone believe this crap?
Photos show missing floors. Jet fuel can’t do that.
I would assume if jet fuel caused a fireball at the basement levels then what happened to the ensuing fire in the basement?

Daniel M. Plesse William Rodriguez I need confirmation that these photo are from the World Trade Center
No photo description available.

Clearly I am arguing that BOMBS exploded the 22nd Floor Port Authority Police Department Command Center and the bombs impacted the computer system i.e the very heart of the control center of the North Tower and that “intelligent fire” was a joke.
Photos taken of the center show outside light coming in and a hollowed out WTC 1 core. FF Task Force Interviews only has a total of five respondents to the 22nd floor and one witness detailing the damage. 9/11 commission took one of firefighters' comments “the fire came down the elevator shafts” was by firefighter Craig Dunne and that was the story the world now believes.

2:04 AM (6 minutes ago)
Scott Schrimpe was the only person to both show molten steel from 9/11 and was a witness .

Can you at least tell me what happened to you?

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 9:49 AM Sander Hicks <> wrote:
 No sorry my plate is very full right now 

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 1:40 AM Daniel Plesse <> wrote:
Scott Schrimpe was the only person to show molten steel from 9/11.

Sander can you find the molten sample and have it tested and find out how it was made?

Q. In the lobby of Tower 1, did you notice any elevators, anything unusual about the elevators or the elevator doors? Was there fire in the elevator shaft? Were they blown in, the doors?

Anything like that?
A. No. They had asked me that, where the explosion came from that I encountered. The explosion came right from the way I had entered. It came right from in back of me.

How did the jet fuel stop midair right at 22nd floor turn and burst through the second 
express elevator  shaft door and attack the control center? Only two elevators have access to the lower floors, all the others are local stops. .

Fire and heat have always gone up but on 9/11, the fire went down and intelligently attacked the WTC 1 North Tower command center. The updraft from the impacting fireballs should have created enough of a upward vacuum to suck up all liquids. How is that possible?
