has Flight 175 as Written off
CN 21873/41 N612UA
Did Flight 175 have white wings and a white stripe?
1990s: the CKS Group-designed "Battleship Gray" and dark blue fuselage
" ... Mark Burnback:
"I did not see any windows on the side..the plane was flying low...I was probably..a block away from the sub-way in Brooklyn and that plane came down very low.....and again it was not a normal flight that I have ever seen at an airport was a plane with a blue logo on the front and it just ... looked like it did not belong in this area....
New 9/11 Flight 175 witness Ricki DeSantis
Police removed there video of Flight 175 just like at the Pentagon
Caryn Wolf
Nov 6 (1 day ago)
Hi Dan-
Kindly cease contact us.
Caryn Wolf
5:30 PM (1 hour ago)
This is the last time we are going to ask you to stop trying to contact us. Your future emails are going to be stopped by our spamblocker so we will never see them and you will not hear from us again.
I got please stop these questions or reply from plane spotters..
- Jeffrey Harr 1. I can't speak for Juan, but NOT seeing something is proof of nothing, whether truthers understand this or not.
2. Because the plane was moving quickly.
3. Who says he kept quiet?
Here's my question for you: Why do you only consider information that agreed with you, while tossing out actual evidence?
- Dan Plesse Jeffrey Harr
" 1. I can't speak for Juan, " Juan has been doing lots speaking. He is very visible. He also the body parts flying into the lobby witness, which naudet brothers documentary somehow missed.
If Juan can't verify the other Mr. "undersigned" "blue tail" then that witness has to be removed, right? Google "Witness Verification"
Everyone should be able to Verify and validate each others story.
In a city of millions it boils down one witness who can't even say he saw anything, right? The reference point refers to "undersigned".
As far as I know 100% video taped witness say every color but blue i.e the Flight 175 paint scheme.
Parts shown on display are not even close.
"2. Because the plane was moving quickly." back to bullshit again?
"3. Who says he kept quiet?" Search engines say so Jeff
"tossing out actual evidence?" actually that small blurb agrees with my photographs of the NYPD Drone and the Circling Plane Jeffrey Harr.
In Summary
However most shots of the circling plane has a dark tail and even my NYPD photo has a Dark colored tail. Therefore they could have gotten that part right.
The circling plane
NYPD Drone
Source of Drone photo
Most photos were removed and you can only see this in "FOIA Release of 3 160 Electronic Records" because its the only release which kept the original file numbers. all the sudden I get hit with a blast of heat like I was being burnt in an oven — like a sun’s rays just hitting you