Monday, February 23, 2015

Cataloging the crimes of 9/11

Philip Joy Daniel M. Plesse Dan this is a good piece of primary research - was it yours? Please post in 911 All Thories. Why was it not aired before? Have you got your own copy?

Incidentally it confirms that compliant as the mainstream media may be, there are go
od people in there and sifting the real-time coverage of false flag events always reveals useful discrepancies which, though later corrected and ossified into a desired narrative, are very revealling. Never stop listening or watching the mainstream media - just don't swallow it whole!!!

Daniel M. Plesse Philip Joy Just think back to how O.J defense team claimed false evidence. Well that's exactly what most of the 9/11 Truth Movement does NOW with the 9/11 evidence. No plane means white plane parts means nothing. Green fuselage, no problem and same answer. All details out the window. All photographs are all fake, so no need to demand for missing film rolls from the NYPD. Its all false evidence. If you see it, it must be false.

Strange Results

Search for ANY color - You'll Get Zero results

Search for ANY color - You'll Get one hit PAPD PO James Hall  "blue color tail fly by"

Officer James Hall to Sergeant - Montague, NJ  72.04 miles aways from the World Trade Center

James Hall gave no 9/11 Oral History


9/11 Oral History - Side Note -  amazing earthquake story

(that story does not  fly so)

NO NO - (Nope, it wasn't that either.)

A plane impact is not going to rock the whole area.

" Hall, who climbed up to the 19th floor of the north tower and helped carry a disabled man (fat Port Authority employee ) to safety just before the building collapsed. He dove through a window in the Customs house building 6"

Page 31

"Responds from Port Authority Bus Terminal. Team of 4 heads to the 15th floor. North Tower. He carried that fat Port Authority employee he basically saving themselves.  

Who knows thousands of names like this ? 911-awards-police.pdf says he's running around the floors of the North Tower. While  pa-police-reports01.pdf says he's outside the tower looking and up. 

pa-police-reports01.pdf page 5

 Everyone laughs equally at a magic show regardless of intelligence
NTSB seems to be working the 9/11 case in stealth mode. Why  ?

Plausible deniability is the ability for persons (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of and responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others (usually subordinates in an organizational hierarchy) because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act in order to insulate themselves and shift blame onto the agents who carried out the acts. 

Three photos of the same part. Notice the green is much lighter apple green in the first photo. Middle photo show the fuselage flipped over and shows nothing which is better then show a big green monster. Someone might get mad.

Did they cover over any identifying markings of a drone aircraft?

The same fuselage had different flight numbers on different days but what's really messed up  is the Dark GREEN Primer Paint or primary colors notice ALL THOSE COLORs ARE GONE! photo #3 " Its not the normal apple green yellow (photo #1) or the bright yellow color primer found on other 9/11 parts.  I wonder what the other side of the part looks like now and I wonder why they are showing the flip side the to public now? Did they dip it an acid?

Source 9/11 Never Forget Exhibit 
Plane parts goes in a strange bag

NTSB seems to be working the 9/11 case in stealth mode . 

A single Photo Aircraft Dumpster Diving After September 11th Shows white Parts and wrong plane.

Blue Red Silver are the color of Flight 175 and Flight 11

Firefighter Said Black Boxes Were Found at Ground Zero
On page 108 comes the revelation: from Nicholas Demasi

"At one point I was assigned to take Federal Agents around the site to search for the black boxes from the planes. We were getting ready to go out. My ATV was parked at the top of the stairs at the Brooks Brothers entrance area. We loaded up about a million dollars worth of equipment and strapped it into the ATV. When we got into the ATV to take off, the agent accidentally pushed me forward. The ATV was already in reverse, and my foot went down on the gas pedal. We went down the stairs in reverse. Fortunately, everything was okay. There were a total of four black boxes. We found three."  Black boxes are the Cockpit Voice Recorder and flight data recorder (FDR

More like "The National 9/11 Already Forgot Exhibit" 

Seymour Hersh 9-11 WAS A FRAME UP New Yorker

"Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists’ identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase.”

10,000 cash?

"[For six weeks, CIA sought to locate al-Mihdhar in Thailand. It was unsuccessful, however, because, according to a CIA officer’s testimony, “[w]hen they arrived [in Thailand] we were unable to mobilize what we needed to mobilize.” Nonetheless, in February 2000, CIA rejected a request from foreign authorities to become involved because CIA was in the middle of an investigation “to determine what the subject is up to].”

The official autopsy results from Flight 77 failed to identify any remains from any Arabs at all!

Xendrius WTC 9/11 Military Plane Attack Evidence REVIEW

Xendrius WTC 9/11 Military Plane Attack Evidence
+Xendrius Do you have the source file for these clips? Thanks 

+danp5648 They are far too many, probably 30 different sources, and most of them were from 2 9/11 channels that have been taken down 1-2 years ago.

+Xendrius  half the video is explosive evidence, so you have 2 minutes worth and only 8 witnesses. 

Mark burnbach Fox cut off in your video

2. Nicholas Fighter Jet Black Plane
3. CBS women smaller plane
4. Lady in pink talking about first plane
    and not the second plane, so you got that wrong too.
"That was not an American Airlines" lady

"That was not an American Airlines"

5. CNN Dick Oliver  he says  witnesses reported seeing a missile. He also talks about a drone aircraft but only because the host describes a drone or tanker.   

- Fox cuts him off during report of witness seeing a missile btw. .

6. Bob and Bree home. The  video side shows nothing very strange.

7. "I didn't see any windows" guy unknown source
8. roof top scene "looked black" guy 

I count eight witnesses 1, 2,3, 5, 6  and 7 are well know

This leaves Pink shirt Lady "That was not an American Airlines"  and  "I didn't see any windows" man. 

Is #7 9/11 Helicopter Following Plane Witness Tim Main and Mike Ballou

Next Video 2015  9/11 Drone Video coverage 

helicopter trailing it. 

circling around

Charlie Sheen saw the second strike in NY in person, too. He claims it was not a commercial plane either.

Flight Control Systems i.e  Lone Gunman 

FCS-700 flight control system, "currently provided as standard equipment on all versions of the Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft",Flight Management Computer System

People invest a bit of time into research down a particular path and instead of discussing the finer points of those theories, they end up defending it like it's their life at stake and like a cat backed into a corner, start hissing slurs and clawing accusations of "strawman arguments" all the while guilty of being closed minded, and remaining ignorant of any new and more up to date information. Stay open people. None of us are on trial. We all want the same thing, ie., truth and justice, whether your DEW theory, nuke theory, thermitic theory, or some combination of those, or even something even more eclectic, remember, we all want the truth.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Master

  • Noam Chomsky

    Feb 20 (2 days ago)
    to me
    Uncontroversially, they claimed that the majority of the hijackers were Saudi.  Uncontroversially, they would have blamed Iraqis if they were involved.

    From: Dan Plesse
    Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 5:06 PM
    To: Noam Chomsky
    Subject: Uncontroversially, they blamed 9/11 mainly on Saudis, not Iraqis

    Dan Plesse 

    11:40 AM (0 minutes ago)
    to Noam
     The 9/11 Domino effect allowed cultures around the world  to be conditioned to be duped. Continuing frauds and threats which lead to the Iraq war was met with without enough counter measures by the media, governments, investigative or academia because they allowed the first domino to fall.. Other backdoor ringtones like "Support the troops" really sent resistance packing.  The 9/11 Domino effect also allowed for stronger negative reactive cognitive police state within these institutions. The cognitive police state removed threats like the Nazi SS removed people at night, firings, whistleblower arrests were celebrated in the streets. The drumbeat of justifications unquestioned. 9/11 shows how the sophisticated and already duped are vulnerable both cognitively and physically. We can only go downhill from here. If the pen is mightier than the sword, death by the pen has to to be the worst way to go. Control the pen, control the sword. America's Secret Destiny
Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem as an unlikely contradiction:

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry. Once a man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion."
Executive summary :  
Noam Chomsky's pure logic debunks 9/11 insider theory is as follows:

1. The hijackers were not from Iraq its a disjointed story.
2. The risk level of lots of moving parts are too high,
3. Who benefits is not clear
4.The effects of 9/11 could have been done by less risky   means!
5. Someone would have talked or confessed.

"The Master is not Crazy" by Noam Chomsky - They blamed Saudis Not Iraqis

These are all powerful arguments to be made, but do they stand up to the facts? I have his emails and he said "the master" is not crazy. 
Why didn't the press just do a better job and fake the hijackers as Iraqis. Answer: They used the names left behind in the car at Boston Logan airport.   That list matched up the other prefabricated stories about a cartoonish mastermind written by the FBI that summer.. The Phoenix Memo was Osama Bin Laden's prefabricated story connecting him to 9/11.  The media for the last 10 years has been interviewing and broadcasting this boogeyman for no reason. C.I.A the great myth of Osama Bin Laden

Operation Bojinka didn't work out, so 9/11 was "shock and awe".So Why didn't Operation Bojinka work?

William Cooper said "whatever is going to happen next, they're going to blame it on Osama Bin Laden, and don't you even believe it."

So what happened? I guess you didn't get the memo.

In summary: An American group needed a No-holds-barred,
limits, NO rules New World in order to complete
whatever it is they need i.e the "
transformation" of society even if it brings revolutionary change i.e Fascism

September 11th Exposed: Compressed 4 hours Radio on 9/11 into 28 minutes

created the environment  of total  allegiance,
an necessary 
psychological blind spots
to be blind you from the 

Operation Iraqi Freedom 
 was in a holding pattern, circling
aimlessly, until a 
catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor

I did not know
PNAC just started

The PNAC was founded in the spring of 1997 by the well-known
Zionist neo-conservatives Robert Kagan and William Kristol

9/11 was the lens  that focused  
into laser. 9/11 Shaped society
with the
help of the  

Why did we invade Iraq? IT ENDED the 9/11 investigation !!
Basically everyone's married to the scam now, no turning back. 

Iraq was an  escalation NOT a new war. The war in the Middle East was not new,
it was a continuation of 
Operation NORTHERN WATCH . Maybe it was to end "threatens to its neighbors" or stupid Israel. Maybe to end Palestinians getting Saddam funds
which is most likely a bullshit story. 

Saddam's payments
$10,000 per family
$25,000 for family of a suicide bomber
$35m paid since September 2000
PALF figure

So What was the reason for 9/11? 

9/11 was the perfect 
fuel for the new escalation a to get a new world order of death 
for "Terrorist".  You can't have a straight up culture of  death and still have a manageable culture. The NEW WORLD is thus a  culture of death for "Terrorist", which is backdoor for mass murder. The media's  Iraqi War Narrative is one of a giant disappearing act,  that disconnects from itself  each new step forward. the "How did we get here" issue can be answerable because the all scams are continuously being erased. The narrative is about small things like oil was the reason  however the power elites don't care about that. They care about large scale social transformation which is tricked society into believing that murder (whatever else) is justifiable and most of all  - good and necessary just like they do in Israel when they "defend themselves"... Maybe if we are killing, we will be less likely to interfere with Palestinian  murder by Israel.  Maybe that's the reason.A 2002 poem by Amiri Baraka wrote alleging that some Israelis had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks led to widespread outrage.

Somebody Blew Up America (on 9/11) by Amiri Baraka

They say its some terrorist,
some barbaric
A Rab,
in Afghanistan
It wasn't our American terrorists
It wasn't the Klan or the Skin heads
Or the them that blows up nigger
Churches, or reincarnates us on Death Row
It wasn't Trent Lott
Or David Duke or Giuliani
Or Schundler, Helms retiring

Who own them buildings
Who got the money
Who think you funny
Who locked you up
Who own the papers

Who owned the slave ship

Who run the army

Who the fake president
Who the ruler
Who the banker

Who? Who? Who?

Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosion

Amiri Baraka "Somebody Blew Up America" is all over Youtube and somehow I never heard of it before.

Adam Kokesh

American Sniper has warped Americans' fragile little minds

Published on Jan 27, 2015
How does modern propaganda work? How effective is it? Adam blows these issues wide open with an incredible series of man on the street interviews. For the record, this was not a selective group, or even in a particularly conservative or pro-military area.

Also, I read your blog on "Why 9/11 had everything to do with Iraq" and there are a couple of things you should understand:  First, if the Super Secret Government wanted to use 9/11 as the "sole means to get an ESCALATION" in Iraq, then why on earth would you suppose they made their "fake" hijackers Saudis instead of Iraqis? 
  If they are going to go to the trouble of murdering thousands of American civilians and blame it on Iraq, then they would have made the fake hijackers all Iraqis.. this is simple common sense.


+Sane Human
No you don't use "hijackers all Iraqis" because a LARGER target is required which is continuous and global in scope. Iraq just so happens to be in front of the list EXAMPLE Clark said "Seven Countries In Five Years".

General Wesley Clark:

No you can't just fake it before 9/11. Too many people would ask questions. 9/11 terror attack alone justified not asking questions and allowing the fakery to run wild.  

  The Press talked about Iraq with Usama Bin Laden early on 9/11 and often via James Woolsey here

Fake WMD's. None found. Yellow Cake Fraud. Anthrax is hard to do! Only two labs.

" Saddam had WMD's and was prepared to use them... which happens to be EXACTLY what they did" WTF are you talking about ? Are you talking about the ANTHRAX Letters? If so that  was traced back to Fort Meade, so no that was inside job too, sorry.  Yellow Cake was a total joke.

Iraq was seen as GIANT and CURRENT problem according to press because that was the target all along via James Woolsey. You can't attack a country because of a few action of a few bad apples, You need BIG threatening country with who mindlessly manufactures of weapons of mass foolishness and labs on railways scam must be identified as targets for fireworks.  BIG Problems BIG Solutions. Even Osama Bin Laden was seen as TOO SMALL and the issue with hunting him down was long forgotten and dismissed.  
Here is a link to the diagram

+danp5648 hi Dan, I dont understand how you think the existence of GPS devices is evidence of a conspiracy...Can you please explain?  

 Its not the GPS devices themselves per say but the explosive evidence they gathered. via distance, degree and condition of the body parts. Was the GPS devices already ready before during or after 9/11 because video about the devices make
it sound like they made a few days after however FF said they were given these devices right away.
+danp5648 what difference does it make? If you could  prove the devices were waiting around the corner from ground zero in a warehouse and were somehow NEEDED for use in the conspiracy then you would of course have evidence of prior knowledge... Can you prove that?

+Sane Human YES foreknowledge of an explosive event if proven would point back to the people who did 9/11. 9/11 would be solved I agree. Solving 9/11 is what I do...The problem was the bombing was the concept was withdrawn and replace with softer "aviation terror". Why that was done I have no idea.  Then that was too weak so they tried "Anthrax terror" and that worked a little better because more people are involved . Connecting  the causes of a war to a single guy looks silly and weak so someone kept manufacturing evidence to make the case stronger.. The wars helped validate the case of "Terrorists needed killing" look they are defending themselves. help us stupid ones.  

Sane Human

+danp5648 Dan I'm sorry but that is a nonsensical argument.  You said 9/11 was all about Iraq.. You don't believe that the hijackers were real...  So if the New World Order can make their fake hijackers from anywhere they want, there's only one logical place, its the goddamn country you say they did this to invade... If the 19 hijackers are from Iraq, its instant support from the entire world to invade...
Not a single other country in the world would have opposed or even said a word about Bush invading Iraq instantly... But not only did they not make their fake hijackers Iraqi, they made them Saudi for christ sake!   Our biggest ally in the middle east... It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever... What could they possibly stand to gain from making the fake hijackers Saudis?

 The no holds barred, no limits, no rules New World order argument is completely ridiculous.  This is really all you need to understand to know that there is no inside job... Obviously you aren't going to accept that, but it can't be argued.  You cannot put forth a logical argument for an inside job scenario in which it makes sense for the Bad Guy Government to make fake hijackers Saudis instead of Iraqis.. it just can't be done. 

7:51 PM
YES the press could have made the Hijackers Iraqis or whatever they wanted, for some reason they didn't bother and I told you why already,  So ...stop with that crap and move on. Lets review.. 
So far the hijackers have been reported as crying, laughing and doing drugs, their I.D have been stolen. They have been murdered and reported still alive. I covered only the crying 9/11 hijackers so far.

I am looking  for
"DoJ briefing on cell phone calls from AA Flight 
Flight 11, 77, 93 Conducted by Team 7"

Dear Dan,

I have put out another email to our FOIA staff regarding your initial request. I will let you know if I hear a response.

Dear Mr. Plesse:

This is in response to your recent email regarding "DoJ briefing on cell phone calls from AA Flight 11, 77, 93 Conducted by Team 7" from the series "Open Files Relating to the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on the United States, 2001-2004" (National Archives Identifier 7419198:

As you know, the briefings for Flights 93 and 175 are available in the series mentioned above. I searched the files further but did not locate any additional individual or compiled briefings for Flights 77 and 11. 

I also conducted a search on Google and located a briefing for Flight 77 at the following link: 

I understand that Kris Wilhelm, my colleague in the Center for Legislative Archives, also responded to you concerning Team 7 documents in the records of the 9/11 Commission.  The "T7-B12" listed in the link, above, probably refers to Team 7 records in box 12.

I hope this information is helpful.


Special Access and FOIA Staff
National Archives and Records Administration

       Do you know why 
MFR-00216.pdf  MFR-00217.pdf were derived expert technical assistance from GTE engineers while flight 93 and 77 was made without technical assistance? 

The Study made without technical assistance are not found inside but private (flight AA 11 or 77 UA flight 93 UA flight 175 (flight AA 11 or 77) 

 The study made without technical assistance is too brief
Do you know why Flight 11 Study is still missing? 

Please provide us with your mailing/postal/billing/shipping address in order to assist you more effectively.
Your request will be assigned to one of our staff members who will respond to you via letter or email in approximately 2-3 weeks. 

Rebecca L. Collier 
Assistant Chief, Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RDT2) National Archives at College Park, MD
