+911TruthNOW are they saying that this will be the main video shown to support the proof of a conspiracy? Similar to how the Zapruder film is to the Kennedy conspiracy? For some reason I can't get anything to load on the page after the link comes up. I'll have to view it when I get home. I know that the Zapruder film that we all see today isn't the original. The guy that worked on it before it was edited verified that.
How would it come up missing? An insider job....keeps insiders in ..unfortunately...:-/
Is the 9-11 Zapruder Video Missing? I looked inside 9/11 Maps and I don't see an icon in the water.. Is there a video from a boat someplace between Statue of Liberty and Battery Park? "One man on a National Park Service boat to the Statue of Liberty got what Jordan believes is the most close-up version. That footage, or some like it, will probably become the Sept. 11 parallel to Abraham Zapruder's 8-millimeter film of John F. Kennedy's assassination, or the photo of the firefighter carrying a child out of the wreckage in Oklahoma City." "Carmen Taylor was about to board the Staten Island ferry when the attack began. She immediately started shooting digital still pictures, said her husband, Lynn Taylor, photographing the second plane just before it hit the south tower.
Unable to get in touch with her husband, who was home in Lavaca, Ark., she e-mailed photos to KHBS-TV in nearby Fort Smith, Ark., the TV station he watches, Lynn recalled."
History Recorded by Amateurs; Media: Bystanders toting video cameras capture some of the most viewed footage of the World Trade Center attacks.: [Home Edition]
The Jordan guy being from CNN was my first clue. I don't know where he got the detail about National Parks whatever. But sure enough, the first thing on the Hezarkhani tape is the Statue of Liberty. And he was in fact on a boat, albeit docked.
There were other boats in the bay, but none shooting as far as I know.
Release 29
911datasets.org\International_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA\Release_29\Release 29\42A0327 - G29D13\WTCI-414-STB WTC Photos Roll 3
NO WAY..NO WAY did anyone kick in the doors of those cockpits Even if they had pilots and fo's have crash axes within a arms length..Two words they kept saying which would of been paramount to pull this off..Coordinates & Knowledge of Protocol...We sat and listened to these experts for over 3-4 hours..Alcohol was being served big-time/pig-time..I don't drink and that night only cared about the truth.. I along with many Logan International Airline employees have researched this event since 9/12/01..Between Jan 1st, 2001 & Sept 10th, 2001 how many times did NORAD scramble jet fighters here in the united states? How many times between those dates? What was the average intercept times? It's madness to know american's are impervious to the truth..I"m sorry I'm taking up your time..I have seen first hand rivers of blood from innocent people we thought we were helping in my youth..I've personally talked to over 200 people who lost loved ones at ground zero..WELL me and some other folks who are researching this event..Another soul-stunting monstrous fact is the amount of deaths that has been directly related to this conspiracy..Since 2001 how many children in Iraq and Afghanistan have been murdered by our forces? How many innocent men and women in those two countries have been slaughtered since 2001-2003? How many bombings from the civil war in Iraq has happened since 2001? How many more U.S. Military bases are in the middle east as a result of 9/11? I have family members buried at Arlington National Cemetery..I was only going to spend one day visiting my family buried there last year..I stayed for 11 days interviewing and helping the best we could family members who lost loved ones fighting this fiction called "War on Terror". I've never typed to anyone here on Face Book about this event called 9/11..Next month will be 15 years since this event..The amounts of war profiteering and crimes pulled off against Iraq and Afghanistan will never be known to the average U.S. citizen..The war machines biggest threat their selling now is IT terror..Parasites like Mr.Michael Chertoff are making millions from this supposed new threat against the internet..Chertoff LLC..Bush Sr and his sons make hundreds of millions every year from this global terrorism..I could go on for hours and hours..How about you read the real reason why this was ever pulled off in the first place? All for free! On e-books read any of Mr.Jeff Prager's books about 9/11..ALL FOR FREE...Here are two stunners.( Murdering Liberty Killing Hope ) & { 911 DUST } 19 boogie men with box cutters weren't the only culprits on this day called 9/11..Good Day..Mj
"Violence of Truth" about this conspiracy. The headlines you read today is directly related to the catalyst of 9/11 and the lies about WMD..I was on north cargo ten terminal E at Logan Airport on the morning of 9/11. All Northwest Ground Support Services Agents were asked by Massport-FAA-FBI and the bosses in operations if we would help park planes all over logan..At 11:30pm on 9/11 we couldn't fit a puddle jumper on Logan Airports property..All Northwest ground support staff were all together and all wanted to leave the property together..I and around 32 NW personal had to punch out up in operations aka war room..As we walked through the aircraft hangar we heard people arguing very loud upstairs in operations. In order to punch out one had to go upstairs past the operations center..As we all were walking up this huge stairway my boss stuck his head in the operations center doorway and stated..Is everything OK..Our biggest boss Mr.Harry Pease yelled "All of you come in and take a seat." In that room were around 140-70 people..All were pilots,fo's from airlines all over this planet..Military personal,Air Traffic Controllers,Emergency personal,etc! Standing at the podium as we walked in were pilots from United and American and everyone stated.
Why didn't more people use the Standpipe and Fire Hoses In World Trade Center during 911
I don't recall a single FF fighting a single fire on 9/11 inside Tower 1,2 or 7.. Private citizens took lines from Stairwell A and used the Standpipe fought the fires . Each stairway had a standpipe. I don't know how many lines they had.. Oral Histories has few comments.
Escape from Tower One by Marianne Millnamow
Page 28 "I found two men WITH HOSES (not FF) trying to extinguish the blase,
North Tower Stairway A 77th floor 9:00AM.
The sprinkler systems were going, and everything was wet, the sprinkler systems worked fine, the big systemW. WALSH
The WTC Missing volunteer fire fighting force The Floor Warden
1. Traffic Light Turned Off seconds before WTC 7 blew up
2. Larry did say "pull it" after every news agency said the building 7 was going down after Jennings and Hess reported an explosion..
MSNBC Said "this building is going down next" 3. Larry confessed on another video but that video was pulled..Larry Silverstein goes on record saying that Building 7 of the World Trade Center was indeed a planned controlled demolition. Which begs the question, how did the precise planning of a controlled demolition happen? For a controlled demolition to take place, it takes weeks and weeks of planning. I remember setting up my VCR to record this episode. I have since transferred the VCR recording to a DVD. I have only found 2 other copies of the interview.
4. New building 7 blueprints by April 2000
"We got the designs. And the first design meeting was in April of 2000. And construction began shortly thereafter, in 2002"5. Fairbanks University has already ruled out fire as a causehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcvA-bCSzzw
6. Jeffrey Shapiro said WTC 7 was a Demo https://youtu.be/ZJqrqdvrqfQ
7. Barry Jennings said the building blew up and trapped them.8. Mr. Hess said the building blew blew up and trapped them.9. No review of the diesel tanks known unreported 10. Appendix C FEMA Sisson, Richard D <sisson@wpi.edu>"Sorry, I have no more information on this topic." i.e cover up 11.. Witnesses "building is about to blow up move it back 12. Keep your eye on that building, its about to blow up..
911myths.com "The Silverstein group purchased the lease on the World Trade Center for $3.2 billion."
Actual amount " The Silverstein group lowered its down payment from $800 million to $616 million " and "Port Authority $10 million a month in rent, with insurance proceeds" i.e its free of charge..
The 99-year lease requires Luck Larry to rebuild both Towers and new smaller WTC 7 already in the works in April 2000. Power Downs and Port Authority change over shutdown security completely.
The 99-year lease requires him to rebuild After leasing the complex, Silverstein negotiated with 24 insurance companies for a maximum coverage of $3.55 billion per catastrophic occurrence. However, the agreements had not been finalized before 9/11. Construction was completed in 2006 at a cost of $700 million
The funny part about the SEIB's are those documents are the LEAST redacted and the PDB's are the MOST redacted, but before 9/11 the Government Censors went in reverse and redacted the SEIB's because the risk of someone stopping the attacks increased as more people knew what was happening. They also painted the target way before the date, so people could make the case WITHOUT an investigation. Zacarias Moussaoui News Release across the airwaves would have caused a wave of reporters to investigate flight training schools across the nation and might have mistakenly interviewed Atta live on air.. The key was never let the people know then and now what happened SO the event could happen again if need be.. To that effect it was a successful operation.. The 9/11 Truth Movement has no clue, the general public even less of a clue.. Money, oil means nothing if you can't continue operations as planned.. Government Censors Aviation Warnings Leading up to 9/11 http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB137/ Government Censors Arrests Zacarias Moussaoui Leading up to 9/11 http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2016/07/why-keep-zacarias-moussaoui-arrest.html Government Plans A Shoot Down KAL 085, Orders Hijack Code 7500 Is a Dress Up.. August 6th and August 7th 2001 SEIB http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB137/7-18%20Chap%208%20Endnotes%20Compare.pdf August 6th PDB http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB116/ Government Releases 555 Numbers 1. Betty Ong 904-555-0004 2. Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004 3. Barbara Olson 904-555-0004 The PDF title says "Flight 11 Calls_t7b13.pdf", however it reported on all 23 flight calls so that everything.. Flight 11, 77, 93 and maybe flight 175 all 99% 555 numbers i.e fake as fake can get. Source of 555 numbers https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0pxVbXyB9OLemVqcm9tTHJiMjQ/view?usp=sharing http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/09/911-flight-11-and-flight-77-both.html They Knew 9/11 Film 2017 Movie Trailer Update 7
Putting Zacarias in a cooler and waiting for the fallout is only one small LIHOP step inside the giant 9/11 MIHOP machine.
If 9/11 was designed years before 1. Randy Glass said the State Department knew about planes hitting the WTC and 2. Larry Silverstein said he redesigned WTC 7 a year before 9/11then the goal had to be to keep Zacarias Moussaoui arrest out of the public eye and keep all 9/11 Operations (Wikileaks Operation during 9/11) a secret because if the public was made aware and alarmed of the threat, 9/11 would have become impossible.
So block investigations, delay news and blame the 4th amendment. The holding patterning was necessary to delay any findings or anti-findings which turned out be like WMD that no evidence existed then or now to connect Zacarias Moussaoui to any crime. Zacarias Moussaoui was charged withConspiracy theories i.e Conspiracy to Destroy Property which means no hard evidence is required, only a confession. Early findings would have caused 1. News threat 2. a deportation back to France and 3. a major embarrassment.. If LT. Col Anthony Shaffer leaked the information and NOT count on a single FBI meeting maybe just maybe things would be different. "Director of the FBI Robert Swan Mueller goal was to slowed down-blocked-stop 9/11 investigations." John Peeler http://johnpeeler.blogspot.com/
Arrest of Moussaoui Kept Confidential By Who? Blackout Ends on September 15th 2001
Ranalli, Ralph. Boston Globe [Boston, Mass] 15 Sep 2001: A.5.
The St. Paul Pioneer-Press reported yesterday that Moussaoui then contracted with the Florida-based Pan Am International Flight Academy for lessons in a jet simulator. The Pan Am school contracts with a Northwest Airlines training facility in Eagan, Minn., where several sophisticated jumbo jet simulators are based.
Moussaoui was detained after officials discovered that his Moroccan passport was a fake, law enforcement sources said. The FBI was trying to trace Moussaoui's activities when 19 Middle Eastern terrorists crashed four hijacked Boeing jets into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.
...Habib ZacariasMoussaoui, who originally was detained on immigration charges in ...land, only in jet steering techniques. FBI agents took Moussaoui to New
By Wall Street Journal staff reporters Carrick Mollenkamp in Venice, Fla., Evan Perez in Miami, Dan Golden in Fort Lee, N.J., Rick Wartzman in San Diego and David S. Cloud in Washington. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition [New York, N.Y] 17 Sep 2001: A.1.
1. The Radical Fundamentalist Unit of the FBI thwarted the attempts of the agents in Minnesota to get a warrant to search Zacarias Moussaoui's belongings.
ActorsFBI agent Sam Hall, FBI RFU Chief Dave Francini, Hussein Al-Attas, INS agent Steve Nordmann,FBI agent John Weess, Pan-am trainer Tim Nelson, Pan-am trainer Hugh Sims, CIA agent Chuck Griswold and CIA special agent in charge Aaron Delgado.
"Summer 2001 Detention of Abderraouf Yousef Jdey, a biology major with possible interest in biological and nuclear weapons,35 who traveled with Zacharias Moussaoui from Canada into the United States. Moussaoui is detained with crop duster manuals in his possession;36 Jdey had biology textbooks.37 Earlier, they attended McMaster University in Canada, along with Adnan Shukrijumah.38 Note: There has been unconfirmed speculation that they were slated to be part of a “second wave” of attacks post-9/11.39 Their whereabouts are unknown. "
The presidential daily briefings were 24/7 Bin Ladin Planning while the senior executive intelligence brief contained nothing, like Zacarias Moussaoui arrest the senior executive intelligence brief had a chance to alert the public. Operation Deep Sleep was not a 100% successful... William cooper predicted 911 attack on June 28 2001, LAROUCHE and Alex Jones all had a general idea but didn't know about Zacarias Moussaoui - if they had would they be able to detail the attack more precisely? "Washington, D.C., 12 April 2004 - President Bush on Saturday, 10 April 2004, became the first sitting president ever to release publicly even a portion of his Daily Brief from the CIA. The page-and-a-half section of the President's Daily Brief from 6 August 2001, headlined "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US," had generated the most contentious questioning in last week's testimony by national security adviser Condoleezza Rice"
The real unknown is did senior executive intelligence briefings sound any of these alarms or was the President's Daily Briefings and Zacarias Moussaoui used as manufactured evidence in the world worst crime?
‘Alex Station’ unit, the cover name for the CIA’s Osama bin Laden unit was another manufacturing after the fact.. The clue here is in the "cover name".. War Games also had Osama bin Laden photograph right on the cover. .
"Michael Anne Casey, ordered Rossini’s cohort, Miller, not to alert the FBI about Khalid al-Mihdhar who was living with an FBI informant and the CIA didn't know that?Or why the CIA’s Alec Station bosses failed to alert the FBI—or any other law enforcement agency" The FBI already hadMoussaouiand was keeping him a secret, what would they do with being alerted to al-Mihdhar which FBI claim to have no clue? If you guessed do nothing you win a cigar.
Exclusive: The FBI Informant Who Lived WithKhalid al-Mihdhar - Newsweek
ALLEGED HIJACKERS MAY HAVE TRAINED AT U.S. BASES newsweek "U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that were used in Tuesday's terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s." Guess what, giving the FBI anything will not help.. No follow up etc.
John Farmer stated on page 9 "the goal was reinvent government to adapt to the challenges of the New World Order."
White House announced in May that it would have Vice President Dick Cheney study the potential problem of domestic terrorism -- which the bipartisan group had already spent two and a half years studying -- was PROTOCOLS FOR RESPONDING TO HIJACKINGSchanged because of this study group? A change in standard operating procedures [for fighter intercepts] was introduced on June 1st, 2001..
Ro Dale AngelMoussaoui / Moussaquoi was questioned about the OKC bombing and was roommate to Nick Berg. Nick Berg was one of the first beheading videos from the Iraq war? Nick had also worked with David Boren when Boren was at the CIA. Begs the question of what was truth.
9/11 Truth Research ResultsAre you talking about a different topic.. OKC bombing verses 9/11? Maybe the names are similar.. Do you have a photo of your guy?
Ro Dale AngelNo photo. I am saying that Moussaoui / Moussaqui admitted being a 9/11 hijacker and had been roommate to Berg when both were questioned after the OKC bombing. Berg resembled the 3rd suspect drawing of OKC suspects and Moussaqui worked janitorial at the FAA in OKC for almost a decade before the 9/11 catastrophe. Moussaqui had been downtown at the time of the bombing. Just suspicious coincidence.
Ro Dale AngelI tried to copy and paste an article about these connections, but I keep getting rejected? So, if you go to APFN. org and look through the contents you can find a photo that says Terrorist Motel. There is a picture of Atta, McVeigh,Nichols and Moussaqui. Click there and read some great information.