Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash Looks like 9/11 Impacts

  • Tom Brewer Apples to Oranges Daniel?
  • Daniel M. Plesse Not really if you believe witnesses to the first plane which stated it was a white plane small corporate jet with American Eagle written on the side.. 2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash aircraft was slower and smaller then 9/11 plane.. 9/11 Plane was said to be fully loaded with explosives by top people in Reagan Star Wars Project and Sr. Bush Administration insider confession..
    18 mins · Like · 1
  • Tom Brewer I believe in no planes so it's irrelevant to me.
  • Daniel M. Plesse No planes at all leads to a domino effect leading to 90% discounting of all evidence... or greater.. 

    Serial numbers (not found) 
    Black boxes (not found officially not found for First and second plane ) 
    White Plane parts (not matching any of the flights) 
    Witnesses (not matching any of the flights) 
    ELT details. (not disclosed) 
    Tracing Phone calls routing (not completed) 
    Cockpit Keys and crash axes (not found) 
    NYPD Sea and Air Rescue Photos of Second Plane (not disclosed)
    Home Videos (edited)
    Sending 7500 hijack code up to normal flights
    Not sending 7500 codes to hijack planes.. 
    Not verifying planes before labeling on radar.
    Serial numbers (not found) 
    Black boxes (not found officially not found for First and second plane ) 
    White Plane parts (not matching any of the flights) 
    Witnesses (not matching any of the flights) 
    ELT details. (not disclosed) 
    Tracing Phone calls routing (not completed) 
    Cockpit Keys and crash axes (not found) 
    NYPD Sea and Air Rescue Photos of Second Plane (not disclosed)
    Home Videos (edited)
    Sending 7500 hijack code up to normal flights
    Not sending 7500 codes to hijack planes.. 
    Not verifying planes before labeling on radar.
    911Maps http://www.11-septembre.com/GoogleEarth/911maps.kml

    All this happened on 9/11 and more and discounted by No Planers 

  • Tom Brewer Witnesses have claimed large white plane with blue writing, large black or gray plane with no windows, small black or gray plane, missle(s), ball or sphere, no planes at all. You pick one.
  • Daniel M. Plesse Tom Brewer Who said "large white plane with blue writing, small black gray plane and ball and sphere and the missile(s).. Every single eye witness comment was record on 911maps.kml..
    7 mins · Like
  • Daniel M. Plesse Tom Brewer no tom I am not interested in discounting which leads back to the doorstep of White House.. Also Dr. Judy Wood forgot to look at the dust in any meaningful way and normally Wood people and No planers go together and both lead back to the White House..

+danp5648 it's your opinion that I am hurting the truth movement. I believe 100% that No Planes were used. So I will continue to do what I think is right. There is no evidence of a plane in the hole.

+Norma Rae Norma 2002 Pirelli Tower Airplane Crash Looks like 9/11 Impacts.. I.e No plane can be seen anyplace however I have not researched this too much.. The down side of CGI lovers is the NYPD never had to answer questions about the plane.. NIST only asked for building photos from the air.. So FOIA only produced photos of the buildings.. Therefore 9/11 Truth became ineffective from that time on.. Questions about Black Boxes and serial went out the window too.. Witnesses were never followed up on and trashed. The government seem to have won.. http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/08/2002-pirelli-tower-airplane-crash.html
have won this time.. do to ineffective research by the 9/11 truth movement..

2002 Pirelli Tower airplane crash 


"On April 18, 2002 at 17:48 (local time), a Rockwell Commander 112 crashed into the upper floors of the Pirelli Tower in Milan, Italy, for reasons still unclear. The crash killed the pilot and two others in the building. Sixty more people sustained injuries in the building and on the ground.
The crash raised fears of a terrorist attack because of the similarities with theSeptember 11th attacks, which had occurred only a few months earlier. A subsequent investigation ruled out terrorism as a motive."

9/11 First Plane Filmed On Television 2018

9/11 First Plane Film On Television 2018

 via oclc.org 

12:27 PM (31 minutes ago)
to me

Question History:

Patron: Hello I am looking for WNEW FM radio broadcast on 9/11/2001

Patron: Hello I am looking for WNEW FM radio broadcast on 9/11/2001.. Thanks 

Librarian 2: I have searched our collections, but have found no WNEW 
Hello Dan Plesse

I have searched our collections, but have found no WNEW broadcasts after 1992.  Most of the broadcasts in our collections date from the 1930s to the 1960s, although there are certainly exceptions to this rule.

I would encourage you to search our collections yourself.  For hints seehttp://www.loc.gov/rr/record/research.html .

You would probably be more likely to locate a broadcast by contacting WNEW directly.

Let us know if you have further questions.

Bryan Cornell
Reference Librarian

Monday, August 17, 2015

ACE Elevator Company programmed the elevators to fall on 9/11

I think ACE Elevator Company programmed the elevators to fall when the planes hit because Jan Demczur just hit the red button and the elevator stopped (the cable was still connected) between floor 50 and 51. Elevators don't crash and that is impossible do to built-in safety . The other people if they didn't know what to do.. well they were just doomed.. Can you believe these bastards? The crashing elevators cover up lower explosions while plane crashes covered upper level explosions.. It was a slow controlled drop so you wouldn't panic.. I read that elevators have a fallback if the line is cut.. That's elevators safety 101..

WNEW FM radio broadcast themselves watching the first plane attack on 9/11/2001 play by play 

Sean Carter is going after Saudi Arabia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RnzQEx2nMYDuring a July 30 court hearing, lawyers for 9/11 victims’ families and insurers revealed that the staffers’ most serious allegations against the Saudis were stricken from the final draft of the 9/11 Commission report as well.

Mark Basile WTC red/gray chip study back on track. "We hope to give you another update in early October

iATL International found "sub-micron (nano) chromium, aluminum iron matrices "  http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/08/thermite-found-in-dust-again-by-iatl.html 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Thermite Found in the Dust by iATL International

 metal complexes (sub-micron chromium, aluminum/iron matrices)

White House 9/11 Confession states

I wanted a comment of some kind from iATL International or Steven Carman however they both refuse to comment about the papers I sent them and the  sub-micron (nano) chromium, aluminum iron matrices which sounds like the stuff James Millette also found.. I wanted Steven to say they found the material before in other arson cases and they match up well with the current findings but I don't but think Steven Carman has the machines to look into the sub-micron level and below or never bothered to look for nano thermite before and most likely never used a magnet to search the area for evidence of a crime..

Dear Frank, 

        I am interested in the "metal complexes sub-micro chromium aluminum/iron matrices".. Do you think that is the material other people have defined as Nano Thermite by Mark basile 


Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11

Your Study 

2011 9/11 Dust sample study 

Frank did not reply so I am trying info@iatl.com

Dear iatl,

        I am interested in the "metal complexes sub-micro chromium aluminum/iron matrices" from 2011 9/11 Dust sample study .. Do you think that is the material other people have defined as Nano Thermite by Mark basile ?


Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11

Your Study 

2011 9/11 Dust sample study
Did the material look like this?

Did you isolate this material?

James Millette Study

My Emails with Steven Carman of carmanfire.com

Dan Plesse dan.plesse@gmail.com

Aug 11 (4 days ago)
to Steven

   One Ronald Reagan insider said the nano thermite was bought in by the planes..so is a 767's big enough to get the ball rolling?   The sub-micron (nano) chromium, aluminum iron matrices which Frank E. Ehrenfeld found matches up with other scientific papers.. Point #2 Open air fires are not hot enough to reach the melting point of steel which is 2,750 degrees.. Ask any person who works with steel.. The requirements are too high.. Have you seen the body parts map?

Paper #3 on the topic

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11

Steve steve@carmanfire.com

Aug 11 (4 days ago)
to me
I'm telling you this is not true. Believe me or not. Do blacksmiths need nano chromium?

Sent from my iPhone

Steve steve@carmanfire.com

Aug 11 (4 days ago)
to me
First of all, the standard time temperature curve is bogus. It does not represent typical fires. And hidden pockets of fire occur all the time in buildings and can lead to melted steel. Anyone who says it can't is a fraud. 

I do not see anything beyond the possibilities of normal fire. If you want to think otherwise be my guest. You're not admitting the reality of fires though if you do.

Dan Plesse dan.plesse@gmail.com

Aug 11 (4 days ago)
to Steve

        "Can lead to melted steel" Who cares if something "can happen"?  Can happen is still a world away from "did happen" such as the rivers of molten steel reported on and after 9/11. Also On display is multi-ton meteorites  which was defined as compressions until family members wanted to search the meteorites, then they changed the cause to thousands of degrees of heat.. No rivers of steel or meteorites have ever been reported before do heat and you are not reading the reports for some reason..   You are still short 1,490 degrees of the rivers of steel reported on 9/11 form a normal fire..  

Steve steve@carmanfire.com

Aug 11 (4 days ago)
to me
I'm done. Find some other reputable fire scientist to stroke you ego. This is a game and not one worth my time.

Sent from my iPhone

submitted  by WTCMolybdenum4753
