Monday, February 25, 2019

Early Explosion At World Trade Center 7 Caused WTC7 to Collapse Later

Early Explosion At World Trade Center 7 Caused WTC7 to Collapse

Dear Lisa, Kevin or anyone, 

Is it true that no ink was harmed during the making of this image, right?

Does anyone one know how is this image made? Was it made directly from machine data points from an Excel file with columns and rows or SEED file? 

Early Explosion At World Trade Center 7 Caused WTC7 to Collapse 

Hi Per, 

How far away is the BRNJ (Brunswick, NJ) station from the World Trade
Center?  BRNJ is 29 miles away, a few more miles the PAL station but to the south west.  

The BRNJ Image I don't think was printed out or faxed or anything. The image was made, I think,  directly from data with no ink harmed in the process, but you can check with someone to make sure. 

I emailed the image to  Lynn Sykes, Klaus Jacob, Paul Richards and Arthur Lerner-Lam and nothing from them.The early Building 7 reports of an explosion is " the thing to uncover" and not recorded by PAL is the key to this. There is no explanation for it and only shows up at BRNJ which is denied as a viable station. 

Early Explosion At World Trade Center 7 Caused WTC7 Eileen Lehpamer

Part 2  Eileen Lehpamer again with witness to shock waves 
BBC World TRade center 7 early explosion.

Just like with TWA flight 3 plane swap before takeoff, I believe this is ground zero for 
9/11 Truth research.. 

Eileen Lehpamer believed that WTC 7 was blasted.

Member Stories

Mike Bergman
"when we heard the rumbling from the middle of the South Tower."
 the building was imploding, not toppling"
Bob Crow Added 10/9/2004
Ruth Runyan Added 8/2006
Ewen Wilson
Audio Links
Initial dispatch and operations by both FDNY and NYPD units at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. Caution: Some content may be graphic and disturbing and should be viewed at own discretion.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Pentagon 9/11 High Temperatures

It's funny you bought up Wayne Coste because when I am having a dust-up now on FB with Wayne I post videos of people who reported to be close or at the 
 KJPN - Pentagon Army Heliport, who recall nothing i.e missed at 757 or others who report only a bullet-hole which conflicts with his narrative of a large wide damaged section via photos. Also High Temperatures are unknown to him. Basically Wayne Coste says is he has never seen or heard of any of this.
Case of seeing nothing 

       No Plane Man at The Pentagon, How is this possible

9/11 Blair Bozek Describes the impact Point as a Bullet-Hole

Operation Noble Eagle 
rescue and recovery efforts   Pentagon 9/11 High Temperatures
Pentagon 9/11 Molten steel

Molten Fireproof safes at the Pentagon

Jaworski said.

He added, "When you have fireproof safes that are little piles of molten metal on the ground, that gives you some idea of the magnitude of the destruction that occurred."

9/11 Blair Bozek Describes the Impact Point of Flight 77 was a Bullet Hole
That occurred because the ever-ready Gannett News Service had used an eyewitness quote of Donley’s, published on September 12, 2001:"’It just was amazingly precise,’ Daryl Donley, a commuter, said of the plane's impact. ‘It completely disappeared into the Pentagon.’"

Daniel M. Plesse Wayne Coste Are you asking me to tell you what the "red flags" are.. 

Red Flag #1
First, in your video 
9/11 Pentatgon Evidence Summary

I believe you said the walls were NOT enforced with steel beams and this guy says the idea was to do just that. link Phoenix Project

Red Flag #2 (evidence for explosives or arson or both)
Jaworski said.

He added, "When you have fireproof safes that are little piles of molten metal on the ground, that gives you some idea of the magnitude of the destruction that occurred." 

HTA Fire again at every location on 9/11. High Temperature 

High Temperatures always means something other then a plane crash caused the damage. 

High Temperatures discovery via molten material via fireproof safes witnessed and discovered melted do to 

Red Flag #3 
People not seeing or hearing a 757

Red Flag #4 Bullet-hole Witness i.e conflicts with photographic evidence Blair Bozek | Voices of 9.11

Red Flag #5 Witness to second floor impact. conflicts with photographic evidence
Albert Hemphill - Pentagon Eyewitness -
Real names? I'm glad you asked. I'm pointing the finger at: Dominik Suter Yaron Schmuel Oded Ellner Omer Marmari Sivan Kurzberg Paul Kurzberg L. Paul Bremer Larry Silverstein Benjamin Netanyahu Menachem Begin George W Bush Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld Dov Zakheim Douglas Pfith Richard Perle Paul Wolfowitz Lew Eisenberg George Pataki Ronald Lauder Peter Janson Ralph Eberhart Bandar Bin Sultan Maurice Greenberg Ehud Barak Judith Miller Jeremy Kroll Buzzy Krongard Michael Chertoff Alvin Hellerstein Philip Zelikow Arnon Milchan name a few. The easiest way to tell which theories are disinfo (No Planes, Judy Wood, etc.) is to simply ask, "who specifically does this implicate?" If it leads to nobody real, it's often disinfo to distract from and protect the guilty. So please, tell us, which individuals with real names does your No Planes theory implicate?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

September 11th Military Explosive Demolition

9/11 Military Explosive Demolition
September 11th  Military Explosive Demolition

“So the confessions are irrelevant when looking at what occurred that day?”
No one said insider 9/11 confession was irrelevant!
Why do you keep drawing strange conclusions then you blame me for being incoherent. Stop being incoherent in the first place.
“Where is the evidence for nano thermite being present on the planes?” Confession are evidence. So there you have it.
“such as explosives being planted in a core yet seeing a external column collapse”
NOT SEEING external column damage .. Columns look fine. Inside could have missing elements.
external columns seem to be blown outward.
b) One student on 1010 WINS. Reported a demolition millions heard it
WTC 7 Early Explosion 1010 WINS Witness Daryl to Demolition 6 PM
WTC South Tower Fireball
So your argument is Videos, photo witnesses
“i just can’t find any articles, videos or anything else mentioning them’” What a shock. You can’t find anything?
Try 9/11 “they knew”

Both happened then. A military explosive demolition to clean up and destroy and cover up a building implosion. A military explosive demolition might be better for clean up operation i.e World trade Center’s Operation Phoenix , Less evidence to find and 46% people blown up and gone.

World trade Center’s Operation Phoenix
September Explosive Tower Stories 2018

SIPA ‘fireball’ 221 photo from WTC 2 South Tower was in the core not outer sections.
Your argument has fallen apart. Early explosions report by BBC and Barry Jennings while inside WTC 7 were shown to you and you heard them. immense firing off of explosives was recorded below however the location data is missing i.e cover up.
Early Reports of WTC 7 Demolition Explosions
WTC7 Early explosion sounds for failed demolition
15 minute mark breaks the machine.

His cover up document to his better definition of
World Trade Center Explosion "Military Explosive Demolition"

Implosion World has said that “Controlled Demolition” is not the correct definition and they introduce a new term called “Military Explosive Demolition” which we all agree fits the visual photographic evidence i.e SIPA 221 fireball
Zoom in for the 9/11 fireball
“WTC Military Explosive Demolition” is a much better term and everyone should move to that term for now on.
I find it interesting that you turn a better definition of the still missing people, Firefighter body part distance maps are found on google
and the still missing details which are only found in seismic catalog tables could very well show the size of the explosions and the location which DID happen at WTC 7 earlier in the day and for no reason other then Larry had the Blue Prints for the new WTC 7 in April of 2000  and he needed new buildings
You have enough evidence, so what are going to do with it? Larry confessed to having the blueprints, having it pulled and History Channel Business has him confessing to whole thing. Naturally a copy can’t be found. Do you have a copy of the confession?
Are the still missing people still not enough evidence for explosives? Or is the body distance maps still not enough evidence that forces acted upon thousands of people to send them flying all the way to Battery Park and the Hudson River? Or what about late falling torsos reported in the record. Is that normal too?
Are the people who heard explosives i.e Hans Kunnen not reasonable enough of a person to say what it sounded like and what happened to those sounds by the way? Do we not hear them on videos i.e 911 Eyewitness Hoboken TV and what happened to the seismic location data ? Why are they generalizing? The location data should show the true exact targets of 9/11! So the exact location of these events are very important.
BRNJ Station matches up with PAL Station except for instance, an explosion so great it had to be deleted from the record.

What engineers say is Circular reasoning i.e is when you attempt to make an argument by beginning with an assumption that what you are trying to prove is already true.. They begin without including all the evidence or blocking parts out and then say well it got hot and fell down.

They don’t see or read reports of red powder falling from tower or see that it is running like reddish river out of the tower.