Cockpit intrusions Terror Timeline Before 9/11/2001
Air Rage: Crisis in the Skies publish September 1, 2001 (ten days before 9/11)
Today's question: Do airport security check for and prioritize the search for cockpit keys?
Last email reply
Photo #1 NYPD with Photo #2 SIPA~403
Ford Frazier <>
Oct 6 (4 days ago)
to me
Way too grainy to make a positive ID but if i had to guess I’d say Boeing 757. I wouldn’t bet on it though…
Cheers - FordCockpit intrusions were out of control before 9/11 and airlines were going to fix the problem.. FAA Rodney Stich and 9/11 John Farmer stated that "doors should have been locked at all times" Did you read that the airlines were upgrading their cockpit doors before 9/11 because of too many cockpit intrusions? 9/11 Rodney Stich How to stop Terrorist NO Cockpit keys fight Department mmm 767 can't be that big? was created because of the cockpit intrusion problem. Again before 9/11.. Passengers Stop Attempted Cockpit Intrusion - The year 2000 seems to be the year of cockpit intrusions and renewed pledges to solve the problem by pledging to strengthen the cockpit door! (Pilots and flight attendants were trained to adopt the "Common Strategy" tactic, ) that's know.. The element of surprise is universe military and common sense goal for anyone seeking whatever advantage they need, however the hijackers randomly attacked Daniel Lewin and showed boxes and yellow wires to flight attendants while spraying mace puts the whole scam out of reach of common sense. The whole scam was designed to playback on the evening news to approve more spending by the military to combat an infinite enemy. An infinite enemy means infinite problem solving and more government programs. An Infinite enemy. A perfect solution to stop those pesky budget cutters in Washington.. The cockpit key was even an issue for Zacarias Moussaoui Zacarias Moussaoui asked his flight instructor if the cockpit doors would be locked. Ground Truth John Farmer page 63 Newsday retired guy "One key fit every plane in the fleet" John Farmer "One key opened all cockpit doors on Boeing aircraft" Rebekah Roth interview: Cockpit Doors always Locked! "I can't imagine the hijackers could have gotten into the cockpit with such seeming ease without a key, or wearing a uniform, or something like that," says the industry source. ".. The Christian Science Monitor , September 19, 2001 However a drill with fake red team hijackers and replacement hardened decoys was unthinkable before 9/11 and after even with "The lone Gunman" detailing 9/11 remote controls concept months before. hmm I wonder someone was telling us something via unconventional weapons drills of 9/11 and the pentagon was simulating impacts by something. Q: Can you define for us what sort of situations you had simulated, how much of a blast -- A: Evey: What -- Q: A Khobar Towers-type of blast or -- A: Evey: What we've simulated -- Quigley: I don't think I'd like to give a clear answer to that question. (Missile, Plane or Bomb??) 2001-09-1109:42:03Metrocall[1222823]BALPHA I just saw I terrorist plane dive toward to the pentagon and explode. Can't find hear what is happening. Please call if you can. Ted -- (its sounds like they got the planes to explode close enough) Another key issue for me is: Does the black boxes record the locking and unlocking of the cockpit doors? Dennis Cimino said the doors remained untouched throughout the flight which bypasses my concerns completely to say the least. Dennis Cimino cockpit doors remained untouched. source for the material on Locked Cockpit Doors The chairman of the Air Line Pilots Association Security Committee proposals in January 2001 to install reinforced cockpit doors. |
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Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 verses METHODICAL ILLUSION
"We’re the first" seems like a load of crap. via Elias Davidsson
however she's dead on with "He stood upstairs" via Elias Davidsson
Mace or pepper spray seems to be only on two Flights.. 11 and Flight 175 Ong and Peter Hanson
via Elias Davidsson
Why did the passengers have to deal with the locked cockpit door and not the hijackers? So the hijackers were more concerned about the passengers interfering with operations and so locked the doors! brilliant!! However the passengers and crew were caught unawares and unconcerned with locking the cockpit from hijackers, sky raging passengers which apparently was key to caused 9/11. Basically it was those doors which was the window into John Farmer's NWO. However suddenly the cockpit door could withstand the total sum of the passengers and now required a battering ram, in the form of a food cart! The pilots are never heard from or seen again after a few radio communications to provide material support for a ridiculous story. The irony and reversal of what the cockpit door functioned as is hilarious. The NWO could be behind the reason why Rebekah Roth dares not speak of the doors or the cockpit door keys. The goal is make to knows unknowns and the loss common understanding pushed further down the memory hole. Rebekah Roth did her worst, now its time to enlighten.
If you work for airlines you might want to talk about the keys and the updates to cockpit door.
"I retired from a major airline in 1997. In those days, anybody who had things to do in the cockpit -- such as mechanics and flight attendants -- had a cockpit key ["Profile of Germanwings pilot prompts deep unease," News, April 6]. One key fit every plane in the fleet. The door wasn't exactly flimsy, but not crash-proof either."
The impression of the main stream media and Rebekah Roth is that the cockpit doors were swinging in the breeze. This story is just another Illusion
Woodward and the Cockpit Keys
On March 16, 2000 Alaska, American, Delta, Northwest and TWA announced, just one week after an incident, that they are seeking ways to fortify bifold cockpit doors. So a year before 9/11 American Airlines announced were going to solve the issue by fortifying the bi fold cockpit doors.. I wonder if they did fortify the door. We know from Dennis Cimino that the flight data Recorder FDR did not record the doors opening or closing or the rudder pedals. I remember using the rudder pedals on my first flight and normally those pedals are used for brakes and gas.
Dennis Cimino said black box data did not record the doors opening or closing on 9/11! Which means the boxes were fraudulent and manufactured after the fact.. He also said the rudders nor the yoke were touched which would have disengaged the autopilot: either during when the hijackers took over the flight deck or after. There is so much more damning detail in that video as well.
Also FAR 121.586 states that the lockable door separating the crew compartment and passenger compartment on commercial aircraft must be closed and locked during flight.
As far as I know ,It is an F.A.R. for all US certificate holders as well as foreign carriers any time they're operating in or out of any US destination to ensure the cockpit door is locked and access restricted to ALL but flight personnel for the entire period we call "block to block"(from the time the blocks are taken off the a/c wheels before push-back at the departure city until they are put on again by the ground crew at the gate upon arrival) For some reason this does not apply to "charter" flights."Most American airlines lock the door during flights" January 2001
On most U.S. airliners, flight attendants, typically the purser, carry a cockpit door key, often on a chain around their neck. (Some airlines allow it to be stowed in different places in the airplanes)
Cockpit Keys
"Woodward said that prior to 9-11 cockpit keys weren't safeguarded
the way they should have been. With gate agents key security was
You were written up if there was a problem or a lost key.
He said that key security just wasn't taken as
seriously by the Flight Attendants. "
"Woodward confirmed that every flight attendant on board was issued two keys: a jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for
Chicago, and a cockpit key which, prior to 9-11, opened all cockpit doors and also opened the cabinets for emergency equipment and Flight attendants carried the keys on their person. "
"He remembers talking to the gate agent, but doesn't remember why the flight was late departing. The caller said that someone was hurt on Flight 12. She told Woodward she was in the back of the aircraft sitting next to Betty Ong [they] presume that they stabbed the attendants to get the key attendants issued two keys jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for Chicago, and a cockpit key. And seconds later she said "Oh my God we are way too low" and then the phone call ended. "
"attendants had been stabbed, so we can only guess how they did it
(suggesting we may presume that they stabbed the attendants to get the key,
or force them to open the cockpit)."
Example #1 The requirement to get the keys from someone first or the pilots would know and defend themselves is completely gone from 9/11 story. .
Rebekah Roth's book "Methodical Illusion" never talks about the two sets of keys. One set is the Cockpit Keys! Not Including this basic requirement in any of her follow up interviews or talking about this issue inthe book spells doom for the 9/11 Truth Movement.
"These protocols eliminate the use of keys for entering the
1. Flight 11 Calls Ong calls 1-800-433-7300
2. Madeline Sweeney #9 Flight Attendant (that's 9 flight attendants) first attempt at 8:21 a.m
9D, 9G, and 10B. are empty seats and 10B is named as Tom Elsuqani by Ong
5. Passenger 9-B on Flight 11... The CEO of Akamei.
1. Page 239 Ground Truth
NORAD "9:25:13 "arcft that hit wt bldg, not repeat not hijack aa acrft"
The New American Century
Former FAA investigator exposes 9 11 attack and CIA Rodney Stich 2002Rebekah Roth Fraud Methodical Illusion Cockpit Keys Not Included
The planes were taken by remote control, I am never going to believe the cock and bull story of hijackers with box cutters taking over the planes whether the cockpit doors were locked or not, it just feeds into the OFFICIAL ACCOUNT.
Cockpit issue increase the difficult level and does not feed into the official account.
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