Friday, February 8, 2013

Sandy Hook Could be Empty

momma bear says Sandy Hook Could be Empty "i agree even though my children have to wait til at least 12 to get a cell phone i get reminded just about daily by my fifth grader (10 yrs old) how everyone else her age has one and blah blah blah! so yes at least the older kids plus every staff member should have had cell phones and should have been calling/texting throughout the crisis. most people do when they think their lives are flashing before their eyes. i never thought about that good point. i am feeling a little better stopped getting sick but still got the body aches. have u heard of the sydney virus going around? pretty sure thats what it was by how bad it was and how quick it went through my family" Homeland Security, Panetta fear mongering Counter Terrorism Nuke Drill NEW York CITY

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