Saturday, December 21, 2019

Radiation World Trade Center Debate 2019

This is not normal demolition steel scrap," said Anantha Padmanabhan, executive director of Greenpeace India. "Just look at the circumstances in which the twin towers came down. High-temperature incineration

Shipments of Scrap and Stress

 Dr. Andre Rousseau is a former researcher in geophysics and geology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) said the earthquakes were do to explosives.
9/11 Free Fall 1/10/13-- Interview with Dr. Andre Rousseau
Daniel M. Plesse I’ve removed you’re post about Nukes at the towers, read the group rules before you post again, and if you’re going to post something don’t slag off this group, like you just did. When you post something give an explanation about the post, rather than random memes, and expect everyone to guess what you’re talking about.

Debate Link

Molten World Trade Center Example
Tarik Alsafi
Tarik Alsafi

“Your own expert doesn’t mention anything about radiation either”

What “expert” what are you talking about?

The point about India was the people were getting sick issue.

WTC Scrap Is Hazardous, Activists Say; Asia: Greenpeace complains that the metal is contaminated and endangering recyclers in India.”

Lets stick to this issues at hand.

911 Radiation Poisoning Ground Zero Indira Singh 2005

Toxicology Exam Shows Radiation Poisoning

Yes the Jet Fuel part was dropped because you can’t incinerate steel with jet fuel. You can’t even soften steel until you hit 1,600 degrees via Dr. Astaneh-Asl a real expert who witnessed incinerated steel. i.e You can see the reporter pushing for softening and undermining his incriminating statement.

Another quote you can look up.
"Dr. Astaneh-Asl also hopes to send samples of steel to Dr. Claudia P. Ostertag, a professor of civil engineering at Berkeley, for metallurgical testing. Above about 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker form."

“Your own expert “?? The executive director of Greenpeace India is NOT an expert. He is more like tree loving hippie.
“There is every possibility that high levels of toxins are in the debris”

I don’t think the toxins were inside the steel on on the steel. Do you think the toxins survived the travel to India outside in the rain traveling across the sea in an open barge.

A visual of a scrape steel barge
Scrap Metal Barge Goes Up in Flames
Tarik Alsafi
Tarik Alsafi

I did not deliberately do anything. I was quoting from my own source which must have subtracted the “Jet fuel” part but all the rest validates 9/11 truth. The quote talks about incineration of steel. A fact hidden by the media.
You have to agree the quote of Jet Fuel Melting steel beams can’t be correct. Therefore your reaction should be that you agree with the edit not that it was a misquote.
Also the fact of molten steel at the World Trade Center has been validated by Greenpeace India.

This comment has been deleted · 21h ago
