Dear Larry Leeder You have duped and misdirected into focusing on the floors. First its NOT " why a one-acre,." its only 60 feet long and 30 feet long on the sides. The core area was different and DID NOT have this configuration. Only morons don't know about the WTC floor scam.
The main issue is the core columns NOT the stupid floors.
Please explain what happen to the core is the right question? Airplanes could not and evidence has shown that the "planes" attacked enough of the core columns to do anything.
Leslie Robertson "Central core started down first" 2002 Stranford
Jim Gartenberg Core WTC 1 blown out
The inner core connections cover up, Stairwell B missing for NIST 9/11 Truth
Leslie Robertson "Central core started down first" 2002 Stranford 9/11 Widow & l... See More
I'll start you off: Average weight of a cubic foot of concrete is 150 lbs. Each floor was aprroximately one acre (43,560 square feet) and the floor slabs were four inches thick. 43,560 X .3333 = 14,520 cubic feet.
14,520 x 150 = 2,178,000 pounds. or, 1,089 tons. Each floor. Now, obviously, the openings for the elevator shafts, stairwells, etc. must be subtracted, but I'll let you carry on the work of refining the calculations, since it is, after all, your assertion. I just wanted to get it into your brain what a shit-ton of mass that is, on its own, not to mention all the furniture, walls, people etc, AS WELL AS the same mass duplicated from the floors above, falling one storey on to an identical slab secured to both the perimeter and core columns with 5/8" (.625") diameter bolts.
- Larry Leeder Sorry, Dan Plesse. The Towers were about 200' on a side, and you haven't addressed the question.
- Dan Plesse Nope 60 feet. The rest was core columns and inner connections which look like core columns but the inner connections were "T" shape while the core was box shape.
- Larry Leeder So, you're saying the outside footprints of the Towers WEREN'T about two-hundred feet on a side? This is news the world should hear, because even truthers accept the size of the buildings.
- Larry Leeder DID THE TOWERS OR DID THE TOWERS NOT COVER A ONE-ACRE FOOTPRINT, COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY EITHER 43,560 SQUARE FEET, 4,046 SQUARE METRES, 1/640th OF A SQUARE MILE, 4,840 SQUARE YARDS, OR .4 HECTARE? The question is simple, and I typed it slow. Take your pick of measurement and ANSWER THE QUESTION, please:
What was the weight of the mass of concrete of each floor, and how much kinetic energy did it exert on the floor below it as it fell? To make things simple you can even leave out the accumulated mass of the collapsed floors above.
Truthers, the answers to those TWO SIMPLE QUESTIONS are out there in the public domain; it might take you, at most, a half-hour of Google-fu to find them. If you disagree with them, PROVIDE YOUR OWN NUMBERS AND PLEASE EXPLAIN.
And remember to cite your sources, so we can check.
Have a nice day.